Terms listed:
Dark Lands ... Death ... Dink Smallwood ... Dink Directory ... Dinkers ... Dinktionary ... DMod ... Drog

(if any)
Dark Lands
The land of the enemy, which can be entered only by 
the teleporter. Once Dink survives the Edge of the World, he will find the teleporter. With the push on the red trigger, Dink gets transported to the Dark Lands.
Submitted by: B.S. Lengton
Source: Original Dink Smallwood game
Term Definition = Death is a hood wearing creature that rows a boat.  See also Charon.
In the original Dink Death rows away at a pool of fire.
After that, many dinkers tried to explain what it was doing (or was trying) to do.(for example: some say that it wanted to go to the toilet...)
In most of DMODS Death is shown very powerful,in some very silly...
Submitted by: RustedSorrow
Source: General
Dink Smallwood 
Dink Smallwood, former pig farmer, first featured in the RPG Dink Smallwood (the name of the original game), plays the main role in most D-mods in which he has to save the world over and over again. Sites are named after him (such as TDN) and even a new verb stems from his name, namely to dink, as well as a noun, namely Dinker.
Submitted by: Binirit
Source: General
Dink Directory (n)
A page which contains a directory of profiles of 
*Dinkers. Only the ones who submitted are on there. The goal is for new and old *Dinkers alike to get to know one another and to make new friends. 
NOTE: Look under the term Dinkers if you don't know what it means. ;) 
Submitted by: DethLord
Source: DethLord is the founder of Dink Directory and made it's debut around early August of 2002. Dink Directory is available at the Lost Souls Network
(1) A dictionary which contains terms relating to the PC RPG Game called Dink Smallwood and also things relating to Dink Network. Basically it's a Dink Dictionary. 
(2) The site you are looking at right now. :)
Submitted by: DethLord
Source: Dinktionary was an original idea created by DethLord and made it's debut at Lost Souls Network on October 30th, 2002. Eventually DethLord decided not to maintain it anymore and learned to let it go. Instead of it dying out, DethLord gave the page to yours truly 
Now I maintain Dinktionary on my site. 
I hope you Dinkers enjoy the new Dinktionary under a new webmaster and host. ;)
Dinkers (n)
(1) Dmod made by Dan Walma which involves two players on one computer to play against each other in a classic game called Checkers.
(2) People who play Dink Smallwood and it's dmods and/or hang out in the Dink community
Submitted by: DethLord
Source: Definition 1 is found in Dink Network in the Dmod downloads page and the Dmod name is Dinkers. Definition 2 is found anywhere including Dink Network where it mentions Dink and things relating to Dink. :)
Known as Dink Modules. It is basically a game made with the Dink-engine. Because Dink has an editor, you can make your own 'games' with it. Dmod is short for Dink Module. prenounce it like this: Daymod.
Submitted by: Cristiaan
Source: General Dink Terminology
When Dinks visits the first village, after his escape from the island he started on, he needs to kill two goblins. Drog is one of them, the other one is Krog.
Submitted by: B.S. Lengton
Source: Prophecy of the Ancients

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