Wedge Antilles
     By the time Wedge was sixteen, he was already one of the best pilots of the Rebel Alliance, and was one of the few survivors of the attack of the first Death Star.  Wedge flew as Red Two.  After the Battle of Yavin, Wedge spent the next several years as part of Rogue Squadron, which consists fo the Alliance's best pilots. 
      The Rebels relocated to the ice planet Hoth following the Battle of Yavin.  While there, the Rogues were led by Luke Skywalker and became experienced with T-47 snowspeeders.  The Galactic Empire attacked the Rebel Base and the Rebels were forced to retreat.
       After the Battle of Hoth, Wedge assumed control of Rogue Squadron and was promoted to Commander.  Wedge dubbed his squadron "Red Group" and led them into the assault on the second Death Star above the moon of Endor.  Rogue Squadron fought vigorously until they were able to make their attack runs when the Death Star's shield was taken down.  Wedge and Lando Calrissian, in the Millenium Falcon, destroyed the power generator and the main reactor in the Death Star's reactor core.  They destroyed the second Death Star and became heroes of the Rebel Alliance.
       Wedge turned down promotion after promotion and continued to lead Rogue Squadron for many years after the Battle of Endor.
Species:  Human

Sex:  Male

Hair Color:  Brown

Eye Color:  Green

Height:  1.7 meters

Homeworld:  Corellia

Political Affiliation:  Rebel Alliance

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