05/20/05 - Possible delayed release? The Death Star! Click here for more information.

05/15/05 -
EaW news posted here.  Follow that thread as I will update it as I find out information about the game.  E3 is coming soon and, of course, Revenge of the Sith! Can't wait!

05/03/05 -
In case you missed it, LucasArts put up 15 new screenshots about a week ago.

03/08/05 -
Found a new Empire at War website: Petro Den

03/02/05 -
Found a wallpaper for Empire at War at gamewallpers.com!  It just replaced my KOTOR II wallpaper!

03/01/05 -
The Galactic Battlegrounds section is now turning into an Empire at War section.  Empire at War is a new Star Wars RTS coming in the fall featuring both ground and spaces battles.  It will be kind of like combining Force Commander and Rebellion, except much better.  Most Galactic Battelgrounds fans should like it and I am really looking forward to it.  The GB scenarios page will remain up for now, and i might even add some scenarios i've had sent to me but haven't gotten around to posting.  Keep checking here for updates!
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