Species:  Wookiee

Sex:  Male

Hair Color:  Brown

Eye Color:  Blue

Height:  2.28 meters

Homeworld:  Kashyyyk

Political Affiliation:  Rebel Alliance
     Chewbacca was born 200 years before the Battle of Yavin on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk.  At an early age Chewie left Kashyyyk to explore and travel the galaxy.  During the empire's anti-alien campaign Chewie was captured by slavers and sold to the Imperials.
      During his career in the Imperial navy, Han Solo saved the life of Chewbacca and had him freed.  Chewie established a life debt to Han Solo and became his partner.  Han and Chewie took up smuggling and became associated with those such as Roa, Shug Ninx, and Lando Calrissian.  Han won the modified freighter Millenium Falcon from Lando in a sabacc game.
      Chewie later went back to Kashyyyk and married a female named Mallatobuck and had a child named Lumpawarrump.  Han and Chewie also spent time smuggling in the Corporate Sector and for Jabba the Hutt.  Han and Chewie botched up a job and owed Jabba big.  They hooked up a job with Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to earn enough money to pay off Jabba.  Han and Chewie became involved in the Alliance because of their adventures with Luke and continued to be active with the Rebel Alliance throughout the course of the trilogy.
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