To Taylor, Love Zachary

note: dedicated to Kait for being a friend when I needed one. Love you.

Dear Taylor,

You�re married now. That sounds so weird to say. Does it feel any different?

Mom�s still crying. She�s been crying since the reception ended and you and the guests left a little over two hours ago. You know that thing she always does so we don�t know she�s crying? She�s doing that now. I think she�s crying because she hates change, not because of the wedding. All she�ll say is she misses the way things used to be. I do, too. I think you broke her heart, Tay.

The house is pretty quiet except for Mom�s sobbing. The girls are in their room and Mac is at a friend�s house. I miss the noise. At least with the noise it seemed more like we were a family. Now that Isaac�s gone and you�re moving out, I�m not so sure that�s true anymore.

I know why you did it. I know why you proposed to her in the first place. She�s pregnant, isn�t she? Don�t ask how I know. It doesn�t matter. Aren�t you the one that told me late one night when everyone else was asleep that you didn�t believe in premarital sex? I�m not sure anymore. I�m not sure of anything anymore. It�s strange to think you�re going to be a father, or that I�m going to be an uncle. Don�t worry, Tay. I won�t tell Mom.

I guess this means you�ll be moving out of our room and into your new house soon. You�ll be packing your things in the brown cardboard boxes Dad saved for you. You�ll move away, and you�ll forget all about me. I�ve always wanted my own room, but now I�m not so sure. I guess this means you won�t be singing to Zo� when she cries, or playing trucks with Mac, or sitting up late and talking about life with me. I guess this means goodbye.

Come visit me sometime, Tay, when you�ve got nothing better to do. I�ll still be here. I�ll still be your little brother.



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