The Truth Is Out There?

The Never Ending Quest - episode 11787

The two people flashed their badges at Stacy and introduced themselves as Special Agents Scully and Mulder. The thought drifted through Stacy's brain that somehow those names sounded vaguely familiar, but after a second she shrugged it off. Nah... 

"We have some questions we'd like to ask, if you don't mind," said the woman, with an air that suggested maybe she'd ask, anyway, even if Stacy did mind. 

"Uh, OK," said Stacy. "What is this about?" 

The woman responded:

  1. "Am I correct in understanding that you've suffered some recent memory loss?" 
  2. "We've been investigating some... unusual occurences... out at the VLA..." 
  3. "Do you know a woman named Betty Ragan?" 

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ragan (who can never resist a crossover...)



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