Endless Perspectives: XANTH! [episode 54306]


Endless Perspectives - episode 54306

Scott noticed that there was something very odd about that tree behind him. First of all, there seemed to be...music? coming from it. Soft, soothing, pleasant music that almost lulled him right off into la-la land. But not before he noticed that the tree had TENTACLES, that were waving around without any breeze! In fact, they were reaching right for him! Scott panicked and tried to lurch out of the way, but it was too late. The tree snagged him with three tentacles to start with, one around his waist, pinning his arms, one around his feet, and one around his neck. Scott desperately tried to reach his Emerald Sword but then remembered that he didn't HAVE it in this version of the story line. His vision was starting to go blurry and black out, and the last thing he was was a gaping maw in the trunk of the tree, with wooden knots in the semblance of teeth and sap taking the form of saliva. This cruel tree was actually drooling over the idea of getting to eat him! Then...


 Scott would have whipped his head around but he understandably couldn't, but he did hear the tree whimper suddenly in pain. Sap began to trickle out of the tentacle holding his neck.


 Another whimper, and now that tentacle had let loose of him. He was still trapped but could now breathe and move his head. He turned around and there was... a Centaur!

 Well, why not, this thing is already weird enough. Actually, it was a lovely teenaged filly centaur, naked in the way of her kind, with large silvery-blue WINGS (?) and eyes to match. Her hide and hair/mane were a lovely red-brown.


 She expertly fired another arrow at the tree, and another, and another. Finally the tree realised she wasn't just bluffing and let go.

 Scott quickly ducked out of range of the tentacles and turned to greet his rescuer.

  1. "So, who are you and where the heck am I THIS time?"


 Thu May 28 00:43:58 1998

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