Elf Inflicted Pain

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25187

Fertal found himself standing in a peaceful meadow that was still clinging to the morning dew. A pleasant, autumnal scene met his shadowy eyes. A low ridge of woodsy hills lined the horizon, set ablaze with the many fiery colors of the autumn season; the spirited clear red of the maples, the rusty-yellow of the elms, the vibrant orange of the oaks, offset and relieved by verdant cedars and various evergreens. Something in his heart compelled him to walk toward the forested slopes, and slowly, like a zombie, he began to walk toward the hills.

He heard laughter in the distance. But the laughter was...creepy... a horrible, icy chill danced down his spine just then, followed by a feeling of terror. Something wasn't right. He felt a horrible pain in his gut. The pain became so intense that he was completely overwhelmed and soon blacked out.

He awoke in a pit of fire and smoke, on an altar etched out of razor-edged rock, it's many uneven angles slicing him wide open in many places. His arms and legs were immobile somehow, though he couldn't feel anything binding him. He struggled, the surgically sharp edges of the altar only tearing into him further. Blood began to gush out from the wounds, spilling from the altar to the ground where it was vaporized. His eyes stung and his vision was obscured by the fumes in the hellish pit, he tried to cry out in agony but found he couldn't draw even the slightest breath of poisoned air. Then, to his horror, he found that his hands were moving of their own accord. He hadn't realized it until just now, but in each hand he firmly clasped a twisted dagger, each dripping with an acid that burnt his skin when a droplet struck him. With one quick involuntary thrust, one of the daggers was firmly implanted in his gut. It was the deepest, sharpest pain he had ever known...

  1. How not to successfully cause elf damnation!


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