Long-Distance Slaying

The Never Ending Quest - episode 5122

"Listen," Sir Fred began, "I don't know if this is even possible, but could you whip up some kind of spell that would kill the dragon from here? And that could provide me with some kind of proof that it was well and truly dead?"

 For a moment, it appeared as if Belboz hadn't heard a word Fred had said. Then he looked at Fred and...

  1. Smiled and said, "Absolutely. Nothing could be easier!" 
  2. Said, "It can be done. But it would be difficult. And the cost would be high." 
  3. Looked confused. "I don't know if that could be done. I'll have to consult some friends." 
  4. Shook his head. "I'm sorry," he said, "My power has limits. Killing a dragon like that is just beyond me." 
  5. Scowled angrily. "Why should I help you slay a noble creature like a dragon?" 
  6. Grinned. Fred couldn't be sure, but Belboz's grin looked exceedingly - evil! 
  7. Passed out stone cold on the floor. 
  8. Absolutely not 



Bill L.



10/22/99 4:14:46 PM

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