Helping a new member of the family with some problems....

The Never Ending Quest - episode 18312

Well, the thing of it is that soon after King had answered Jarlath's questions about Thunderclap (re: 17838) he'd gotten the mages to look after his lingering injuries from a van that had hit him. That done, Roland had finally been able to work up himself to be able to ask for aid for those duplicates of himself and his ka-tet back on Midworld. 

That of course would involve a party going there to give that aid. Aid that Jarlath 2 and his group were more than willing to give! See, despite that rather disastrous first attempt (re: 14962), they still found them willing to dive into it again. They'd done a bit of it with helping with tracking down the Unseelie afflicted here on Nantucket Earth, and now helping with Roland (and his duplicates and such) was something up their alley. 

But the stumbling block here was just how to get safely to Midworld. 

 It was entirely too far away to use Dr. Vincent's teleporation system. It was even too far to use any of the TARDISes' modified for inter-reality travel. 

 No, it would involve using the same method that Queen Astra used earlier. 

  1. The best person to help with that would hopefully be those two mysterious elfin Champions, Morgana and Rugen (who Doctor Four was slated to pick up right now).... 




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