The Crystallic and the ex-dragon....

The Never Ending Quest - episode 1712

Synizn looks down at the small people in front of him. At another time, he would have chuckled at how ridiculous the both looked with their feet dangling off of the chairs they'd taken, but right now the were-bear just felt....sick to his stomach. Astra and Fred had finished their story, and a quick spell cast from an ordinary looking ring confirmed that hey at least BELIEVED they were telling the truth! Still, to think that his old friend was dead.....

"Could....I see the Crystallic?" Synizn asks in a husky voice.

A sympathetic looking Fred reached into his pocket and passes it to the mage. Might as well trust the were-bear, sine Malachi had said that he was their only hope at regaining their God-given form. But he and Astra had to wonder just HOW a dragonness and this rough character got to know each other.

As Synizn touched the guady magical item, Astra blinks as for a fleeting second, a possible clue to that question was given.

An strange set of auras flashed briefly around the were-bear. The one of a composite of a man and a bear was present.....but VERY, very faint was another shape. It was ragged, and faded out entirely in some parts. It was almost like a ghost image of a ghost image of a ghost image. However, Astra could almost swear that it was.....a dragon. A beaten, broken dragon, but one none-the-less.

"Okay," mutters Synizn. "I'll take a look at this item. I can see that this is the real article, but we have a problem.

"The problem is you and the kits," says the were-bear. "By the laws of magic, I must first cure her before I can cure Fred. But I must do something about those six kits growing inside her.

"A straight transformation back to human form would kill them....and kill her in the process," sighs Synizn. "Nor can I transform the kits to human, because THAT would kill Astra....and then them. I do know that there's an answer to this problem, but....I need time to cipher it out....and to take care of....other things....."

The last part is said in a breaking voice, and the were-bear hurries and leaves to study in his laboratory (and maybe do some grieving).

  1. "I just hope the guy can do it before our time limit is up." mutters Frederigo, twitching his tail in aggitation. 
  2. Fred and Astra wait... 
  3. Fred needs some fresh air and takes a walk down the street. 


Grimm Reader


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