A mutli-faceted problem.....

The Never Ending Quest - episode 1701

One of the vixens (in intermediate form and profoundly pregnant) speaks up.

"You must be new," she says. "Of COURSE we are allowed in! It isn't like we are a pack of rabid werewolves! Sure, we have to....tip more to make the norms feel....at ease around us, but it's a small price to pay for a little excitment. Why, they even let in a old style were-bear or two into the city proper to LIVE. Why one of the Folk, old style or a Neo from Minestus' tampering with the Blessing would want to live in a city....exciting as it is instead of out in the wilds is beyond me!

"I can't help but noticing.....but how long have you and you mate been.....Blessed?" the vixen asks.

Fred looks down at the red tinged, foxed eared people below him, who are grinning up at him in a....foxy manner. He then looks back at Astra, and then at a street guard who is just looking at teh whole deal with a bored expression on his face. Playing a hunch, ready to run for it along with Astra, Fred tips back his hood, revealing his his black fox ears that show throw his mop of red/brown hair. The guard doesn't even bat an eye. Astra follow suite, and gets no reaction from the guards (who've seen stranger sights).

"We've been this way for a little over a week," mutters Fred. "And we wanted to go see a mage named Synizn."

"That crazy were-bear mage that got the Town all paranoid about some type of possible invasion from a crazy island that a dragon set up for magical experiments....in improve on perfection?" the male demi-fox asks, waving his hand dismissively. "That only made the gate officials have a new way to shake down suckers for a bit of gold. Everyone knows those islanders are easy to spot."

"I hear that the dragon has made it where they can't dress in any clothing." another male says from the rear.

"I hear that they can only assume a large....man sized version of our intermediate form or large animal forms," another vixen, in human form, says while rolling her eyes. "Imagine! A fox the size of a blundering human! Ridiculous!"

This brings on a chatter of talk between the demi-foxes. Astra and Fred look at each other and then at the chattering crowd. Fred then waves to get their short attention span again.

"Could you tell us where this Synzin is?" Fred asks patiently.

The head male smiles, with a twinkle in his lavender eyes, and then says:

  1. "We were heading there ourselves," he says. "Care to follow?" He points to a narrow, crooked street. 
  2. "Well, I could tell you," he smiles. "For a small....fee." 
  3. "Now, why would you want to go and do that?" the male asks in an innocent voice. Fred and Astra smell a rat.... 


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