This episode was submitted by Emperor Cartagia.

The Never Ending Quest - episode 14354

"Okay", says Londo reluctantly. "I'll set up an appointment with the liason to... well... let's just say that they have technology that is MILLIONS of years ahead of ours. If ANYONE in this universe can help you, they can."

He goes into the other room for a moment, then comes back out. "It's arranged, he'll be coming to see you shortly. But they will exact a TERRIBLE price... don't say I didn't warn you..." He shakes his crested head sadly and walks out of the room.

You suddenly notice that the beach you were on before is now totally gone, that you are now in an ornately furnished room with weird curvy abstract furniture, tapestries on the walls, a gold filigree door and fancy wine glasses scattered about. Hmmn. Alien, but not bad, really. Still, you wonder how the HECK you got here.

Your thoughts are interrupted as a man draped almost completely in a long dull brown robe with a hood over his head walks in. You GASP in shock at what you CAN see of him, however. He is horribly burned and disfigured all over his face and his hands are visibly dropping dried-up flakes of flesh on the carpet even as you look. (This was actually ON THE SHOW, so don't blame me for grossing you out, blame J. Michael Straczyinski).

You shudder. The man sees your reaction and smiles a wry grin. He shrugs. "A small accident with a nuclear reactor... it's not important. What IS important is this:" He sits down across the heavy red wooden table from you and leans forwards into your personal space. "My name is Mr. Morden. And I have just one question: What do YOU want?"

"Um... well, to be turned back into a human would be nice..." you stammer.

"Consider it done." Mr. Morden says with a creepy grin. "My... associates... tell me it would be rather easy to do that. All you have to do is get a Minbari Triluminary. They can change people's form, and if it's good enough for Delenn, it should be good enough for you. And it even cured her hair loss!" He puts a strange item on the table near you. "That should do it. As for payment... don't worry about that. We'll let you know when the time is right." He does that creepy smile again and then leaves the room.

Now, in the actual Babylon 5 storyline, the triluminary took months to work and Delenn had to go into a chrysalis, etc. But for the purposes of THIS story, it works really fast. You pick up the strange object, the triluminary and suddenly, you are YOU again! But naked. Embarrassed, you go through the Ambassador's closet (for this must be HIS room, you realise) and put together a vest, pants, and boots ensemble that doesn't look TOO bad. Everything here is so FANCY!

Ambassador Mollari walks back in. "Ah, I see you have managed to change back! That is good. I am off to see the Emperor now about something, would you like to come along? Or, you can just wait here."

You ponder your options.

  1. You've never met royalty before, sounds interesting!
  2. Nah, you'd rather snoop around this intersting room a little more first...

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