At least we don't have to walk!

The Never Ending Quest - episode 1947

"Of course I'll help an old friend of the Circle!" continues Sigin, smilling at the brightened faces of Synizn and Frederigo. "You may not be your old draconic self, but.....once a Member is always a Member!

"Yeah," the sailor says, leaning back in his leather bound chair. "I'll just have to keep a weather eye out for some of the more randy members of the crew when it comes to your rather busty friend their. However, I can only get so close to the America's. Many of my crew are Anlanders, and after so many failed attempts to establish a colony there.....the place has gotten a reputation!"

Fred smiles a grim smile. The failure of the would be world powers of Angland and the Spain folk was one of the many reasons as to why HIS and the other "low countries" were able to rise to world class powers. His nation had concentrated on the nearer lands of the Dark Continent. The low countries had gone a route of cooperation and friendly annexation to establish their claims to power with the locals. The others hadn't....and the American Indians hadn't reacted too well to such treatment. That ....coupled with the facts that the would be colonists sent over were more prospectors than farmer......was a recipe for disaster! The story kept on playing over and over again until, pride hurt, those nations had permanently retreated with their tails between their legs. In the meantime, Allaria and others had grown in power by mining and exporting the riches of the Dark Continent. Allaria's claim to fame was the ability to make the rare metallic alloy known as Dragonbane, a metal not only good at being able to sicken a dragon with a mere touch....but was a primo ingrediant for other magical applications.

What it boiled down to was this: the America's was viewed as something of a jinx for Anglish sailors. As such, Sigin was asking for a mutiney if he tried to sail within sight of that land.

"What I'll do is land at the island of Havannnan," says Sigin, a twinkle in his eye. "And I'll have my.....dragon "familiar" fly you and your friends into the Triangle where Atlantis used to be. Is that suitable?"

Synizn nods, and the two shake on the deal. Then, puzzled at the lack of surprise on Fred's face at him having a dragon as a familiar, Sigin turns to Fred.

"It's obvious what you really are," Fred states, seeing the question. "Many human's could be a friend of a Dragon Circle. However, their will never be a time where a Circle will become so liberal in it's membership to allow a person not born a become a Member of a Circle. Even the most green of Dragon Slayers....which I no longer count myself as out of respect to the dragons I and my loved one's owe their human existence to.....know that." Fred glances meaningfully at the signet ring on Sigin's hand. It is the same design as Synizn's: a dragon surrounded by astrological symbols.

Sigin coughs and glances at Synizn.

"The boy is right, Sigi." laughs the demi-fox. "But they can keep a secret, and so can I."

  1. Astra finishes feeding the children and then joins the others in discussing just HOW they are going to get to the island of Havannan, what they must do in the meantime, and what to do in case Minestus' Dragon Circle interferes! 



Grimm Reader (who's story is only to illustrate an alternate history element here.....not to yank anyone's chain. There's a method to the madness.)



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