The Bare Bone Basics of the Quests

And with that, we have the stage set for this newest adventure. . . Confusing, isn't it! I agree, it is confusing. So to ease your mind (and mine), I'll just retell the basics of what happened next. The Hell crew had wanted it to happen different. Wanted the small group who'd freed the enspelled elves to keep away from Jarlath's group, in the fears that Jarlath's group was yet another set of evil hunters (a fear brought on by one of their minions, a group of tall elves that'd been seduced) looking to punch their ticket.

If at a critical moment, a sense of duty and morals hadn't outweighed what might have been a more . . . . logical course of action, then the Demons might have gotten their wish. It hadn't so let's leave it at that.

Instead of running away from what could have been an ambush, the elves had rushed forward to help Jarlath's group, inadvertantly completing Jarlath's group's Quest. Jarlath's group could have left off then and there, their job done, and let Artizza 4's and Fertal 4's group to their own device. Could have left them behind to take care of their Quest on their own.

But that's not Jarlath's group's way. They had come to see Artizza 4 and Fertal 4 as family and they do NOT going to turn their back on family!

So, with Jarlath's group they're able to sneak into Angar's castle and kill the man, but not before running into two things. The second thing was trouble (Angar was able to give off a shout of alarm before he died). Castle forces were alerted and now were hunting them. The first thing they met was one of those big elves who'd been hunting them!

Her name was Dreamwalker and had been tricked (like so many of her friends) into signing a contract in blood to a Demon (they'd mistakenly believed that the payment, their souls, weren't a factor because their beliefs said that they had no souls....a thing they were wrong about). Under Under another's control, she had done her master's bidding. But things had proven to be a bad deal for the demon who'd done the tricking, situations had gone badly for him. . . she and the other big elves were causing things that kept on getting the Demon further and further knocked back in rank! It released them from their contracts with the help of Angar (who had his own plans with these big elves), leaving them in Angar's non-existent mercy. Angar had killed them all except for Dreamwalker (who's exotic looks caught his eye). He had Dreamwalker enspelled to be a compliant love slave for his later. . . . attention. Jarlath's group freed her but situations for her were still grim. She was, when Rules and Agents arrived to welcome Artizza 4 and Fertal 4 into the Champions ranks, faced with three choices. She could be returned to her homeworld, to face her peirs (who'd silence her over this matter of her having a soul....long story). She could elect to do a "blind" reincarnation, leaving a chance that she'd come back something she didn't like to be (like a dwarf). Or she could elect to be reincarnated as a Terra Prime elfin babe, parents to be chosen by chances of who her heart chose.

She elected the last option and Artizza 4 and Fertal 4 were tasked with bringing the eflin babe away from Aylse to safety as their Validation Quest with theri induction into the Champion's ranks. With ill grace, they accepted and looked into the babe's eyes....and fell instantly in love with Dreamwalker (and Dreamwalker with them). The elves were to be her parents.

Well, it wasn't an easy journey back to safety, but Jarlath's group managed it. Dreamwalker the baby was adopted by Artizza 4 and Fertal 4.

Well, that's fine and well, but there was still another set of problems to take care of here!

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