And as for the "team leader"?

The Never Ending Quest - episode 13647

Queen Astra LaPost - Captured by the Dragon Minestus, she was saved by Fred's cousin Willian LaPost and the two fell in love. Aqualaria was invaded by the evil Duke Dred and the Queen Mother was slain. But after Dred's defeat Astra became the new Queen and Will became her King. 

She also the mother of three lovely children and has been extremely happy with the state of affairs of State and family. 

However, she is an adventurer at heart, and the siren song of excitement called to her when Rule 1 offered this quest to her. Being promised by Rule 1 that she'd be returned the moment of departure when this quest was finished (and being told by Willian that she needed this quest anyway as he'd known for a long time her desire for such had been growing and growing), Astra La Post found herself here, to gather the other new Champions (for that is what they were) and go on a quest with them. 

    And what is the Quest? 





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