The Tail of Lord Frederigo D'Honaire: As the Fur Flies..... (Book 1, part 3)

Seems that there was this legend common to all of Terra Prime culture about the Twins of Doom.  Two identical twin redheads who'd spell the doom to a nation's leader (and in some legend the nation as well).  Turned out to be a lie planted by a vengeful powerful Author by the name of Scott Chen....long story, in an overly complex plot of revenge on those he felt who'd wronged him.  The TARDIS which the Twins arrived in was destroyed and another dragged along with the Twins to Terra Prime, but this mess got sorted out before innocent blood was shed.  Some good even came of it when an evil presence bent on revenge (Zular of all things) that did happen to be within one of the leaders (Trilling Blackfeather, a griffin of the newly forged Griffin Nation) was discovered and driven out before he could do any damage.   The aid of the Doctor (a Time Lord who'd enlisted the "Twins of Doom" in an effort to defeat the Master) was needed for this, and it lead to a rather....close friendship between him and the others here on Terra Prime.

After that, it should have been easy going, but the Master (who'd been mauled by a pain enraged Trilling when the evil Time Lord shot him with a neural disruptor) managed to somehow steal one of his guard's body for his own and kill the others in his escape attempt.  Diana Walker, a Doctor Who fanatic and well familiar with the villain's ways, is able to intercept and kill the guy before he got back to his TARDIS (the only way back to the still endanger universe of Betty Ragan.....long story). 

This cleared the way for the Doctor to get into the Master's TARDIS.  A newcomer who called herself Melissa (and an elfin twin of the Melissa that was one of the Twins of Doom) said it would be a VERY good idea to get in there ASAP, because two special people inside wanted to speak.  The full story of what happened here can be found in the Doctor Who summary....

After the Doctor and his friends left off on their mission, we soon find out that Orcs are invading Aqualaria...aided in part by a clan of what could only be called hardliner Dwarves who were using the Orcs to get back land from the humans.  The dwarves were able to arm the Orcs with better and better armor and equipment (even with comparable firearms to match those of Aqualaria).  The Orcs seemed to be stymied for a bit, only to gain more and more ground.  Seemed that the court mage of Astra betrayed her by magically putting her into a trance to tell of what she'd seen and heard in the defense conferences with her generals and gave that information to the Orcs.  We soon find, though, that the mage is discovered.  We also see that some higher power has struck down the dwarves by turning them into Orcs themselves soon after a failed attempt on kidnaping of one of the analogous Astras and her children.  The new Orcs were now the lowest caste in Orcdom.  Soon the new Orcs strike off on their own, tired of being treated like dirt by their former allies (now their masters), and attempt to gain an upper hand by using recently captured analogs of Astra, Fred (and their friends).  These people had been in a suspended state (i.e. literally petrified by spells) in the remote area that the Orcs were hiding and had the bad luck of coming out of it when an Orcen patrol came by....

The prisoners were able to escape and even stop an Orcen ambush of an Aqualarian calvary. 

Probe and his family help in capturing these new Orcs, but when Probe uses a line from Star Trek (the line that the Borg use in casual conversation) it triggers a magical reaction accidentally within the Orcs that turns their mind into something similar to cheese dip.  They no longer remembered being anything than Orcs.  They barely had enough brains to get out of the rain, much less working metal.  In other words, they were now perfect examples of Orcs.....

The other Orcs, soon facing defeat (their source within the Aqualarian court had been captured and their weapon suppliers gone), committed mass suicide instead of face defeat like this...

Strange, but it happened.  The only Orcs left now on Terra Prime are those dwarves turned Orcs.  Without any females, when the last one dies so to does that green skinned race.

Also, during this period of time we see that the Military (engaged in a civil war with the Company) finds out of a second Alliance/Enemy war through a former AI turned elf named Gilmuriel.  This civil war was put on hold (and then put to rest by treaty) so this new Enemy could be destroyed as well.  Who knows what would be coming their way during this foolishness with this civil war.  Defense was in order, not fighting each other.  See, this new Enemy had been able to gain control of the manufacturing facility of that Voyager's universe and would have used it to club this other Alliance to death with.  The Military used a second wave of death ships to smash the Enemy where it could and then join with the remaining military forces of this Star Trek universe in defeating the last of the Enemy.....

While meeting the newest members of the family, Astra 8 hears tales of how another Fred who'd almost succumbed to the same fate as Thaobath, was saved by the timely aid of his Astra.  She realizes that "her" Fred back on her world was still savable.  That, and....despite everything she still had feeling for him.  She realized that the guy was now a prisoner in his own body as a demon orchestrated his actions and had only agreed to betraying her due to not being quiet in his right mind (had still been recovering from the pain of hellfire and all that).

So, contacting the Rule and Agents through what should have been the inoperative telephones on another Doctor's TARDIS, she and the others soon became Champions of the Rules and Agents for a chance at saving Fred 8.  So they arrive and do just that.  Thing is....the new Champions just can't very well leave it at that when they find out that there was an Astra 8a as well as an Andrea 2 out there in the throws of lycanthropy (i.e. they were werewolves).  A rescue of them was set up...that soon grew into a major evolution.  This world's version of Charles D'Honaire (Jarlath) was found by the Elder D'Honaires....his blindness cured.....and adopted into the family.  The person who was posing as the Dragon of the Southern Cavern, Minestus, was slain by a group of Champions and the real dragon killed before he could be awaken by the Unseelie Court (a race had been on to reach the dragon between the Champions and the Unseelie, with the captured Andrea 2 as the prize).  Astra 8a is rescued and cured.  It is found that Andrea's father was able to make an escape and that should have been good....but it would lead up to a sad scene later on here.

See, the group that had slain the dragon had gained Andrea 2 and managed to cure her, but got ambushed by the remains of Minestus' forces.  They Champions won the battle, but Andrea got horribly burned and her back broken by an explosive fireball.  Only by one of the demifox mages biting her (changing her into a demifox) was her life saved.  However, this was a mark of shame....having a daughter or son with "tainted blood" as what Andrea 2 now had.  Her father disowned her and only the protests given by Fred 8a AND that worlds Zular (a honorable version of the villian of Terra Prime) prevented the King from having Andrea killed on the spot (or the attempted killing....the Champions would fight the crowds against that).

Heartbroken, Andrea 2 decided to join with the others from this world who were going back to Terra Prime and become Champions.  She also remains a demifox upon becoming a Champion....and rather likes it now.....

  1. Thus ends Book 1

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