With words or guns, it's all the same for a Gunslinger

The Never Ending Quest - episode 13712

The walls, floor, and ceiling of the Barony Coach flicker to opaque...then invisible as Blaine also does the equivalent of a cybernetic blink of surprise. 

Below, as the train zooms through the grey....poisoned lands between Lud and Topeka, one female elfin lass formerly named Fred looks down at a the nightmarescape created by nuclear bombs, biological and chemical warfare products....and the general spooling errors coming out from the battered Dark Tower via the Beam. 

Frankly, think of something like as you might imagine from J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings or something. Something like the "Cracks of Doom" or something like that. 

The elfin lass' sharp eyes grow wide in horror as she sees a herd of beatles the size of turtles scatter as an elephant sized snake darts out from a cave and drags back a struggling beatle back into it's lair. 

"What in the name of God?" she gasps, and then shakes her head and gathers her wits. 

"What's going on?" a small, frail voice asks from the speaker of the train. 

Little Blaine, the gentler and kinder part of the psychotic, schizophrenic ridden super computer AI back in Lud, is royally bollixed by this strange new occurance. So also is it's meaner, more aggressive side. 

"WHO ARE YOU?" Big Blaine demands, suddenly angered by the sudden appearance of strangers. This was totally ruining it's planned fun before it committed suicide by crashing the train into the depot of Topeka. 

"Ah, glad you asked!" Astra smiled, feeling a calmness overtake her...... 

    Roland, son of Steven, and lord of ancient lands, blinks, recognizing the same look on Astra's face as the same he'd seen on his own.....right before battle. 





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