Terra 36

(The Tail of Lord Frederigo D'Honaire: As the Fur Flies)

Aaron - This is the Prince of Zendara, son of son of Hengist, and brother to the woman who had founded and led a group of women named the New Amazons.

Here's a quote from Cuthbert who'd explained what was going on here in Zendara (and neighboring Dara).

"Hengist has been putting down an uprising by a group of women calling themselves the New Amazons, who have been trying to get women in Zendara more rights. There was a fair-sized battle between Hengist's army and the rebels. Almost all the rebels were killed and Hengist's own daughter, who was leading them, was amongst the fatalities. Samuel is also very anti the New Amazon cause. The other main player is Prince Aaron, son of Hengist, who is believed to be sympathetic to the New Amazons."

Well, due to outbreaks of Chaos energy, the dead Amazons (and Illura) came back from the dead and things got really interesting from there!

Soon fell in with Cuthbert's group (who's group been sent by the Rules and Agents to settle a Challenge that would decide the fate of Aaron's world) and soon after that fell for the exotic beauty of Joan D'Honaire. Pledge his love for her and even pledged to give up his claim on the throne of his kingdom so as to be able to go with her back to Terra Prime to live with her.

Soon became a Champion thereafter and now is aiding the others in their quest to keep the object of this Challenge/Quest safe and sound. If the object (a woman named Rebecca) should die, then Aaron's world will pay the penalty: a living hell known as Game 3.

Noble and handsome, Aaron is engaged to marry Joan D'Honaire upon arrival to Terra Prime.

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Joan)
Race - Human

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