Neon Genesis Evangelion Earth (Doctor Who the Eternal Champion)

Rei Qautermain Takahashi - This blue haired young woman came from a world which is reflected in the Japanese anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Information on Rei here can be found at this place:

http://en. wikipedia .org/wiki /Rei_ Ayanami

There were some elements of the manga version thrown into the mix, but by and large the information in the link pretty much is true UP until she'd been in battle with the 16th Angel: Armisael. However, things started to vary from the script when first Unit 01 couldn't launch due to technical difficulties. THEN the the Doctor and his Companions show up and all HELL broke lose.

The Angel had been in the process of assimilating Unit 00 (Rei's Eva unit) as well as the blue haired woman. Rei was going to cause her Eva to self destruct to destroy her opponent AND prevent the assimilation, even IF it would have killed her. Then, aid came in the unexpected form of magical lightning bolts. The AT field of both EVA and Angel proved to be useless against the magic attack and the Angel WAS destroyed, but there were some unforeseen side effects.

Things like causing memories and experiences of the soul which dwelled within Units 00 and 01 to flood into her, overwhelming the hapless young woman and would eventually lead to vast changes within her personality. In the way she acts and reacts to other people she would be changed. No longer would her personality be stoic and distant, apparently without emotion. Yes, things changed but it took a bit of time and meditation provided by a quasi-divine intervention by a Rule to help sort herself out.

There were also physical changes to Rei as well. Due to some kind of cosmic whimsy, the young half human/Angel woman sprouted a pair of blue feathered wings (akin to the kind seen on angel statues seen in Christian churches). The glow slightly due to their mystical nature. The not only were rather stylish and charming, but functional: she could FLY with them (and rather quickly). It also activated the dormant S2 organ within her body; located where the appendix would have been on a normal human. For a while she was something of the 18th Angel (who had NO desire at all to initiate 3rd Impact) but that was only for a WHILE. Upon becoming a Champion due to some loophole, her (Neon Genesis) Angelic nature was removed: no more S2 organ and all that jazz. No more danger of being able to initiate 3rd Impact.

She had a lot of issues to work out and DID work them out while in that quiet zone between realities the Rule let her reside in order to sort herself out. Yes, a lot of issues needed sorting out. First there was the sudden issue of discovering Gendo Akari's actual purpose for her, which was a bit different than what she'd been taught. While she had been told that she was replaceable and basically a created . . . thing, Gendo had stated her purpose was to fight the Angels and save humanity from extinction from Third Impact. The real reason was to help fight the Angels, alright. Fight them until none were left so Gendo's mad plans for initiating 3rd Impact/Instrumentality could come to pass through HER (she was Gendo's key). All that in order to bring back his dead wife, you see. He never really cared for her but only saw her as only a tool and nothing more. Let us just say that a lot of anger still resides in Rei's heart towards "her" Gendo Akari over that. "Her" Yui Akari had seen to her creation as well with somewhat similar disregards towards considering Rei as anything but a puppet and tool (surprisingly enough) for HER version of Instrumentality. Rei has little love for "her" Yui Akari as well. She won't let it consume her, but she'll never forget (or quiet forgive) Yui and Gendo for that insult. Then there were her feelings and relationship she had with Shinji Akari. Whatever it had been before she would eventually decide it had changed in nature to something . . . . maternal. Hey, she had memories (through "her" Yui) of actually giving birth to the boy as well as raising him and all that motherly stuff. A lot less . . . messy than a lover's relationship, being that by genetics she was his half-sister.... Then there was the fact that for the longest time she had been without good reference for most emotions, and now the floodgate had opened and she was awash with them. . . by her OLD standards. She's now gotten that part of herself sorted out and is a very vibrant woman

However, of the three sisters she is probably the one to be the most judgmental of others.

Alan and Mina Quatermain took her in as their own daughter during a time when she so desperately needed some kind of anchor. That said, the Quatermains, the Doctor and the rest of the Companions went about to be the family that Rei here never had before (thus all the "uncle", "aunt", and the like). Know what, she does consider them family (and vice versa).

Hates to have the blood of innocents on her hands but can feel little to no regret in bringing grief to those who harm her and her's.

Most recently, after a 200 year hiatus due to a longer than planned space voyage and cryo-sleep, has finally managed to land her long time love: one Fred Takahashi.

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Fred Takahashi)
Race - Human

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