The Doctor
(Doctor Who: Eternal Champion)

The Doctor (Dr. What) - This Time Lord who's life was mirrored by one actor named Jon Pertwee who portrayed the Doctor from 1969-73 in Doctor Who, a British SciFi TV show. He has gotten the nickname of "Doctor Who" to distinguish him from his "analog" brothers back on Terra Prime. A full bio of his can be found at:

However, this Doctor in the course of things while on Terra Prime he met two other analogs of himself and got rescued from his nemisis, the Master, by the unexpected female golem who calls herself Inquirer.

After dropping off "his" version of Betty and Ragan at the Earth that had gotten transported to the Terra Prime Earth he soon became a Champion of the Rules and Agents (in exchange for aiding in a quest to save Fred 8 AND to get Mulder's sister free of the Smoking Man from an X-file universe), he soon picked up yet another version of Betty Ragan.

He and she are presently on a quest of their own to stop a bunch of psionic spiders from taking over Dr. What's Earth (and perhaps freeing the planet these spiders come from from their vile rule).

Religious Affiliation- Galifryan
Marital Status- Single
Race - Human/Galifryan

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