Terra Shard (From Reality Shard to Reality)

Andrea 2a - Lady Andrea Croix spent most of her life within her father's own fiefdom, cared for by servants, brought up extremely conservatively.

However, as a child, the tales of her nursemaid Fritha filled her with an intense wanderlust. The old woman's folk stories and little white magick charms made an otherwise dreary life bearable.

In time, Andrea grew up and Fritha passed away. The banality of her day to day life got to her, and so when she could stand no more, she slipped away under cover of darkness.

As she fled at a gallop upon her horse, she was discovered by Astra of Aquilaria, who, considering it her duty, brought her back to Croix Keep.

They did not find what they expected.

Seizing an unknown window of opportunity during Andrea's abscence, her father's advisor had betrayed the keep to the dragon's men. She and Astra only narrowly managed to escape.

Following several revelations about Astra's newfound curse and a trip to Mount Cicatrice to find the necromancer Belboz, possibly the only man who could cure her, Andrea discovered she had bewildering magickal powers, above and beyond the simple cantrips taught to her by Fritha. Shortly after this, she was attacked beneath the full moon by Astra, and would contracted the disease of lycanthropy herself.

Soon, she was captured by the Unseelie Court and soon became the trophy to a challenge between the Court and a set of Champions from Terra Prime. The Champions won and not only did they win her freedom, they were able to cure her of her lycanthropy.

Fine and well, but she missed the sense of freedom that it seemed to bring her. She had been stifled and caged her entire life, and that had been the first taste of freedom for her. She wasn't exactly looking forward to returning to her father, but was going to do it out of duty...and love.

However, she was injured in an ambush set by the followers of the Dragon of the Southern Caverns (right after the Champions had killed it and the mage known and Minestus). She'd been horribly burned and had broken her back, and extreme measures were needed to save her life.

So in order to save her life, with her permission, one of the demifox mages bit her and she became a demifox when the lycanthropy from the bite took hold.

She well knew that she'd become a social outcast because of this, but she never thought that her own father would disown her.

Shocked at this and heart broken, she decided to go with the others and became a member of the family (of sorts) as well as a Champion. In her anger, (as something as a gesture against her father) she decided o stay a demifox (and is now forevermore a demifox due to the special nature of being a Champion).

Due to a special request by one of the demifox mages to the Rules, demifoxes are no longer lycanthropes, but an actual species all onto themselves now. No longer products of a magical curse, their bite no longer causes lycanthropy in others.

Demifox lass or not, her magical powers translated over and she now is a mage of worth and her power is still growing as time goes on.

Was invited along with Andrea the female demifox mage in the honeymoon quest to help Fred 5. And on that trip..... via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an aborted reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates of the world they'd been heading for. Joan 2 fell in battle while the others got whisked to safety. Of course, due to her being a Champion that meant she'd revive soon, but during the heat and fear of battle......well.....Jarlath and friends forgot that and morned her death.....

Not soon after, the shard finally collapse, and the Champions and their closely related analogs are swept to the reality of Nantucket Earth (home of the Red Pyaramid and the nameless Atlantian artifact, which we'll call the Book). The group gets things sorted out so no further hostilities are coming and all soon get rescued. Joan 2 arrived alive and healed.....

Later, she and those who weren't exhausted by the magical battle to get OUT of the Red Pyramid (and defeat the Book) are looking for those who got teleported away by the Book and cursed by a powerful transformative spell that is changing the non-Champions of their group (all but the children) into unseelie creatures. She and her group are back on Nantucket Earth, looking for those who only got teleported to various points around Nantucket Earth while Astra 9's group look for those who got teleported to other realities.

Was invited along with Andrea the female demifox mage in the honeymoon quest to help Fred 5. And on that trip..... via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an aborted reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates of the world they'd been heading for. Hostilities broke out due to them being mistaken for some type of magical evil help summoned perhaps by Fred 5a (who'd been under suspicion of being some type of monster mimicking the supposedly dead D'Honaire). She and Jarlath magically fought the hostiles and Andrea would still have continued on if Jarlath hadn't dragged her away in a magical retreat. She called those who'd attacked them barbarians and very much wanted to finish the battle....to the death. Also, before it finally became clear exactly what had happened to them, she wanted Dr. Vincent's head on a stake for having (apparently) lead them all into such a deadly encounter.

Not soon after, the shard finally collapse, and the Champions and their closely related analogs are swept to the reality of Nantucket Earth (home of the Red Pyaramid and the nameless Atlantian artifact, which we'll call the Book). The group gets things sorted out so no further hostilities are coming and all soon get rescued.

For awhile she and Jarlath are recovering from exhaustion from that magical battle to get out of the Red Pyramid and defeat that Book.....


Went on a quest to aid a certain gunslinger on Midworld (home of the Dark Tower) called Roland to finish up some unfinished business there. There, she and the other met several other folks from Roland's past.

Had begun to date an Edward Solomon a bit before that quest. Now, sometime afterwards that relationship blossomed and now both are wed to each other.

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Edward Solomon )
Race - Demifox

Annafrid 2 D'Honaire - Think of Hannah, but instead of Belboz being able to complete the apparent erasure of Fred from her mind, she killed him before it could be completed. Instead, she was left with two sets of memories. One of a peasant girl named Hannah. The other of a male knight called Lord Fred. IN reality, she is neither. She was created in whole by magical means. A woman created out of a macabre method left unsaid. Belboz couldn't help himself, though. He'd been leading a tortured life due to a gease pleased upon him by Prang and had to do terrible things! So, doing the best he could do under the circumstances, he used dark methods forced upon him for a means of escape and revenge! Nobody, including Prang, knows this. Belboz knew, but he's dead, now.

Soon, these two personalities fuse into a third personality. One with Fred's bravery and confidence but with Hannah's feminity and spunk. The new person was Annafrid. She was given by Belboz in parting the gift of magic, but fell prey to a evil mage and was trapped within a NEW body without a drop of magical ability at all.

The new body, a very buxom and young blonde woman who'd been called Helena (a scullery maid), was then magically controlled by Prang, that evil mage (and master of the Dragon of the Souther Caverns) and forced Annafrid to forget all of what happened in the last 24 hours permanently. That done, Prang then Banished her to another world entirely.

But as luck would have it, she found a way back.

Currently, she is on a quest to save the lives of some elfin children and travels with her companions from Terra Prime (Jarlath, Ti'mma, Joan, and friends). Has fallen in love with Jarlath and Astra due to Ti'mma psionically revealing what each was actually feeling for Jarlath at a critical moment in time.

Is very strong and swift due to certain magical side effects by the spell that Prang used to banish her and such.....

Married her love Jarlath (who also is married to Astra). Makes for an interesting threesome....

Then, during a honeymoon trip via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an abortied reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates of the world they'd been heading for. Was able to fight off many fighters and protect her wounded husband and most of her friends before Jarlath 2 was able to get them away magically.....

Not soon after, the shard finally collapse, and the Champions and their closely related analogs are swept to the reality of Nantucket Earth (home of the Red Pyaramid and the nameless Atlantian artifact, which we'll call the Book). The group gets things sorted out so no further hostilities are coming and all soon get rescued.

Then, she and those who weren't exhausted by the magical battle to get OUT of the Red Pyramid (and defeat the Book) are looking for those who got teleported away by the Book and cursed by a powerful transformative spell that is changing the non-Champions of their group (all but the children) into unseelie creatures. She and her group are back on Nantucket Earth, looking for those who only got teleported to various points around Nantucket Earth while Astra 9's group look for those who got teleported to other realities.

That done, she and the others went on a quest to aid a certain gunslinger on Midworld (home of the Dark Tower) called Roland to finish up some unfinished business there. There, she and the other met several other folks from Roland's past.

Currently living on Terra Prime with her husband and such...

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Jarlath 2 , Astra 9a )
Race - Human

Astra 5b Thessamer - Princess Astra is a royal daughter of the lands of Aqualaria. She is a young, tall, athletic and full-breasted redhead (because red hair is a rarity within Aqualaria she stands out as a beauty among beauties). Being an Amazon princess brings advantage and peril. One benefit is that she was trained early on in the soldier's art. She not only understands the necessities of life at Court, she too is a commander of skilful warriors. Though she knows the ways of death, her greatest desire is the protection of life. She finds the killing of innocents -from the child in the womb to the aged in their huts-repugnant but sees no wrong in eliminating those who spread evil.

Astra was captured by Velus, the Dragon of the Southern Caves, and imprisoned by him to serve as an amusement. It was Lord Fred who rescued her. After the death of the Dragon the beast's Master, Minestus, magically transported Astra and Fred to the Calamari Desert. After an encounter with the kind if befuddled scientist/mage Dr Vincent she was transported by the Dragonmage Minestus to a strange place. There she unwittingly stepped through a magical portal which sent her to a room with no doors or windows. She then metamorphosed into a werewolf. The dragon Minestus appeared and remade her into something else, something resembling a were-fox, and he placed her in the woods by his lair. She was reunited with Fred and had sexual relations with him. This had strange and unforseen consequences. Though the magic that affected Astra is not fully understood, she definitely became something more than just a were-fox and Fred took on similar characteristics. The pair was met by the dragon Malachi who helped them enter Minestus' lair in order for Malachi to take revenge upon the evil dragon and to find the instrument of their possible cure, the Crystallic. The two dragons fought to the death, but in her last dying breathes, Malachi instructed Astra and Fred to journey to Walants with the Crystallic in search of the one called Synizn.

Walants proved trickier than they had originally thought and the two were imprisoned the first day. They were then released under the care of their defense ttorney Master Rift who forced them to take him and his companion Tarin-Gazin to Minestus' lair. Half-way there the two accidentally used the Crystallic and regained their human form, yet still they remained the prisoners of Master Rift. One day later, however, they were taken captive by the Paine Gang and became the 'property' of said gang. They were returned to Walants -with the intention of auctioning them as slaves- when, unexpectedly, Master Rift returned and rescued them with the aid of the fighting dwarf Tarin. Astra was being blackmailed by the lawyer who knew that knowledge of her pregnancy would be detrimental to Astra's honor and bearing back in Aqualaria. Because of this she obeyed him in his quest to get the Minestus' treasure horde. Along the way, however, the barrister thought it wise to conceal her identity so as not to attract undue attention. He chose to do this by using the crystallic. The magic of the gem transformed the well-tanned red-head into an ebony-skinned woman with jet black hair!

Astra went a bit mad (arguably) at being transformed into a black woman. Her madness, though, gave her inspirations of freedom. She continued to aid the lawyer and the dwarf get to the lair of Minestus yet once there the foursome were met up with by an army of dwarves. And then an army of orcs soon followed ready to do battle! As a warrior princess the whole scenario was one of baffling simplicity, and though she knew the odds were against her, she found herself a weapon and went at the orcs with a vengeance. In the ensuing battle she was severely wounded, and because the dwarves did win, she was immediately treated with dwarven medicines. These medicines put her into a catatonic state and so when Lord Fred reappeared and when the dwarves told him she was dead, he believed them and so left her body in the company of the dwarves.

The dwarves would use Astra as a tool for greater power and wealth later on, but things go awry before anything like that takes place.

A group was in transit. During a honeymoon trip via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an aborted reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

By the time the collapse had occurred, Astra 5b, still in a drug induced sleep, had been whisked away to a remote dwarven stronghold for safekeeping. Astra had a vision of her goddess telling her that if she wished redemption for herself and the "sin that grew in her belly" then her future lay with the man she'd laid with (albeit unknowingly) in another world and with that of Jarlath 2's group. That and her name was now Astra 5b Thessamer.

She awoke whole and restored (cured of the meddling by Rifts done to her body and the rotting of her muscles during all the days she'd been unconscious) in the Red Pyramid. That, and her pregnancy had been accelerated by the Book (so the unborn children wouldn't interfer with it's purposes later). She gave birth to three lovely infants and was united with her love and followed the few others who took up the choice of Championship.

Was soon rescued by Jarlath's group from the Red Pyramid and the Book.

She was soon recuperating from her ordeals in Nantucket with her children and her love.

Now lives on Terra Prime with the rest of her new family.

Religious Affiliation- Greek Pantheon
Marital Status- Single
Race - Human

Astra 9a D'Honaire - This is what HAD been the younger version of the same person, Astra 10, before a rather vindictive Infernal twisted time and space, and alstered Astra 10's past.....

The young girl, at age ten, watched as her mother and family was killed in an attack by giants. Fleeing the sight of the attack at the dyeing command of her mother, the frightened girl soon came across her old mentor, Annina.

After a terrible trial, she soon was adopted by the only living person she had left close to her, Annina. But soon grows to love the other Annia of Terra Prime, her other mother under the law of the land.

Astra is brave, kind-hearted, determined, quickwitted and resourceful. She is outspoken, and occasionally acts rashly. A beautiful yet athletic woman in her early twenties, her outstanding features are her height and her flaming red hair.

She soon became a Champion (like the others) and now at age twenty...but looking eighteen (due to her status as Champion) fell in love with Jarlath (and Annafrid) while on a quest to save some elfin children. She, Jarlath, and Astra 9 joined together and now are very happy indeed.

Then, during a honeymoon trip via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an abortied reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates of the world they'd been heading for. Astra 9a gets knocked out and seperated in a fight that breaks out betwen her group and those of the forces of the House of Hindsight. Fred 5a mistakes her for Astra 5a and carries her off.

Not soon after, the shard finally collapse, and the Champions and their closely related analogs are swept to the reality of Nantucket Earth (home of the Red Pyaramid and the nameless Atlantian artifact, which we'll call the Book). The group gets things sorted out so no further hostilities are coming and all soon get rescued.

Soon, she and those who weren't exhausted by the magical battle to get OUT of the Red Pyramid (and defeat the Book) are looking for those who got teleported away by the Book and cursed by a powerful transformative spell that is changing the non-Champions of their group (all but the children) into unseelie creatures. She and her group were back on Nantucket Earth, looking for those who only got teleported to various points around Nantucket Earth while Astra 9's group look for those who got teleported to other realities.

After that quest, she then went on a quest to aid a certain gunslinger on Midworld (home of the Dark Tower) called Roland to finish up some unfinished business there. There, she and the other met several other folks from Roland's past.

Is now living with the rest of her family and friends on Terra Prime.

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Jarlath 2 , Annafrid 2 )
Race - Human

Fred 5b D'Honaire - Lord Frederigo D'Honaire aka Fred Lord Fred is the son of one of the great dukes of the Kingdom, and he is also the most heroic warrior. On a personal note, his lucky direction is left. He is a young knight, intimate with the etiquette of royal circles and a gentleman. He is a very thoughtful man who in times of difficulty uses his sense of reason to guide his actions. His first instinct in any circumstance is to tell the truth, yet he is not foolish enough to give away information if it would endanger his life or the lives of others. He knows some basic magic, for within the Kingdom all schoolchildren are taught simple incantations, including a spell to distinguish the real from the unreal. He is prepared to survive in even the harshest of conditions, and he has undergone the training for keen sight that is necessary for all the King's forces.

Lord Fred was commissioned by the King to vanquish the most terrible Dragon of the Southern Caves. While in the caves he encountered and freed the Aqualarian princess, Astra. After being duped by the shape-shifting dragon-beast he succeeded in his quest by hurling his sword into the very heart of the dragon/hellhound. Instead of bringing closure to his journey, this event brought on many new and strange travels which had numerous consequences; the most devastating of which was the complete shredding of his body by some ape-creature called Bobo. A second traumatic event was his transformation into a demi-fox. This led Fred upon a journey of self-recovery that saw his meeting with a rogue dragon, the death of both the rogue and an evil dragonmage, and his accidental cure of the magical malady. Yet though cured his circumstances saw him the prisoner of a greedy lawyer by the name of Master Rift, and then of the Paine Gang. Finally he found freedom at the hands of a small army of dwarves.

Though free he was disheartened for he believed that his companion and friend, the Princess Astra, was killed by an army of orcs.

Fred began his journey home guided by three dwarves: Baren and Dokken, and Lem. What should have been a short trek through Fox's Forest turned into a nightmare of death as the foursome met upon ghastly birds, a glade of buried corpses, a clearing with hanging corpses, wild monsters, ghosts and demons. Finally it was Fred who found a way out of the possessed forest with the aid of a stranger. He returned to the aid of the dwarves in time to witness the death of Baren. Using a sword he found in the lair of Minestus, Nelheth-Mord, he killed the 'Demon of the Underbrush' and guided the surviving dwarves to relative safety. Fred was far from comfortable having the magical sword but on attempting to discard it he found he could not. The sword, somehow, would not allow Fred that liberty!

They resumed their northward journey and soon came upon a damsel in distress, a damsel who turned out to be Fred's sister Rowena. She had come south ooking for him and now that she had found him...or was found by him, they would return home together. She did have some disturbing news, however. There were rumours that the Queen of Aqualaria was dead and that some nobles of Allaria wished to enlarge their lands by taking Aqualarian territory. Fred knew he must return to Caemlyn as soon as possible to report to the King about all that had passed, all that he had learned...about dragons, Aqualarians, and the men of the southlands.

They were intercepted, however, by the guards of the House D'Honaire in route. One would think that this would have aided matters, but one would be wrong. At first, not wanting to announce his continued survival to the world at large least to give away an advantage granted him by his apparent death (old enemies wouldn't seek to stop him), Fred called himself Denom and hid his identity. It actually was effective, but it soon came out who he was and that's when trouble started. See, the guards thought him some type of creature who'd assumed Fred's appearance and was trying to get close to the Duke in for some dark purposes. The guards thought that Rowena had been either fooled or put under some type of spell to make her believe that this man was who he claimed to be. Not wanting to unilaterally decide on blocking Fred (and thus bringing the wrath of those of higher station down upon their heads) the guards enlisted the aid of a mage at the House of Hindsight to show that this creature wasn't really Fred returned from the dead. Results were inconclusive due to the magical repair jobs that Dr. Vincent of Fred's world had done to him. Unsatisfied but unable to do anything, the guards reluctantly started to head for the D'Honaire's, Fred a virtue prisoner....when Jarlath's group shows up in their midst due to their magical teleport having been fiddled with by a nameless Atlantian artifact....

Then, during a honeymoon trip via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an aborted reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates of the world they'd been heading for. Astra 9a gets knocked out and separated in a fight that breaks out between her group and those of the forces of the House of Hindsight. Fred 5a mistakes her for Astra 5a and carries her off.

Not soon after, the shard finally collapse, and the Champions and their closely related analogs are swept to the reality of Nantucket Earth (home of the Red Pyaramid and the nameless Atlantian artifact, which we'll call the Book). The group gets things sorted out so no further hostilities are coming and all soon get rescued. However, not before they find out the dark plans the Book had had for them and not before the Rules and Agents, with Orders from on High, greet him and the other abductees and give these people the chance to become Champions. Fred 5b accepts as well as Astra 5b.

Soon he and the others who weren't exhausted by the magical battle to get OUT of the Red Pyramid (and defeat the Book) are looking for those who got teleported away by the Book and cursed by a powerful transformative spell that is changing the non-Champions of their group (all but the children) into unseelie creatures. She and her group are back on Nantucket Earth, looking for those who only got teleported to various points around Nantucket Earth while Astra 9's group look for those who got teleported to other realities.

Currently living on Terra Prime with his love and the rest of his new family.

Religious Affiliation- Church of Rham and Rhom
Marital Status- Single
Race - Human

Jarlath 2 D'Honaire - The seventh son of Charles D'Honaire, he went against his father's wishes and went off to the Tower of Ilxior to study magic. From then until his death, Charles D'Honaire refused to acknowledge his youngest son, apparently due to an inherent mistrust of magic. After his father's death, Frederigo attempted to contact Jarlath only to find the Tower of Ilxior had been razed, his brother apparently taken with it.

Jarlath was present at the razing of the Tower, and he was burned very badly as well as blinded. However, this explosion unhinged something in him, both mentally and metaphysically. Jarlath may presently be the most powerful wizard on the planet, even though his own magic is eating him alive from the inside out. Another peculiarity bestowed on him by the explosion, Jarlath is blind, yet has perfect precognition of all the upcoming events in his life, serving as a second sight in spite of his deadened eyes. A frightening aspect of this sight, though, is the fact that all the visions he has end at the point at which he reaches the Grove of the Seven Sisters.

Whether he would have die at that point is uncertain, but what he had known was that when the time comes, he would be well and truly blind once more.


Due to the disruptive nature of the odd nature of the insertion of the Champions of Order and Chaos into the equation of things.....fates changed and Jaralth was struck blind earlier than expected. That was unexpect and frightening to the fated young wizard. Bus soon he found himself welcoming it when his normal sight was restored....getting adopted by the Elder D'Honairs (the analogs of his parents)... and then accepted into the ranks of the Champions. No longer stuck to one course of action, the young mage is happy to be part of the D'Honaire family of Terra Prime.

Under the tutelage of several of the dragon mages, the young mage is better able to harness his powerful magical gift to where it doesn't try to consume him within. Oh, with his new found immortality, he could have kept doing it the old fashioned manner....but why court pain?

Also is now more stable, but still a bit eccentric.

Has married his loves Astra 9 AND Annafrid.

He invited along Joan and Andrea the female demifox mage in the honeymoon quest to help Fred 5. And on that trip..... via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an aborted reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates of the world they'd been heading for. During an unfortunate misunderstanding with some castle guards, Jarlath took an arrow to the eye and temporary lost use of one eye. Got healed soon enough, though....

Not soon after, the shard finally collapse, and the Champions and their closely related analogs are swept to the reality of Nantucket Earth (home of the Red Pyaramid and the nameless Atlantian artifact, which we'll call the Book). The group gets things sorted out so no further hostilities are coming and all soon get rescued. Jarlath 2 arrived healed.....

He was exhausted by the magical battle to escape the Red Pyramid. He recovered over at Nantucket and soon went on a quest to aid a certain gunslinger on Midworld (home of the Dark Tower) called Roland to finish up some unfinished business there. There, she and the other met several other folks from Roland's past.

Currently living on Terra Prime.

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Astra 9a , Annafrid 2 )
Race - Human

Joan 2 Allgood - This is a Fred who'd been transformed by a Belboz into a buxon, dark skinned beauty with a jewel in her navel, dressed in a harem dancer's outfit, and given a compulsion to dance! This was done to keep Fred from killing the Dragon of the Southern Caverns and keep Belboz from getting slapped with a lawsuit for failing in his duties by contract. Fred was whisked off to a far away land to dance forevermore in front of drunken, leering men. However, a demon took interest in her and altered her transformation, making it permanent (i.e. altered her Matrix). The demon, RF, sent the still dancing woman to Terra Prime (as a statue) for later fun.

But we know that RF was killed, so sick games never came about.

Instead, she soon was cured of her dancing compulsion by Urnath...got adjusted and liking her new form (had to adjust and accept it....else madness would happen).

She became a Champion like those of her new family and enjoys it very much now. She doesn't age and she likes it! She likes to dance still and likes to date. She's very much adjusted to being a woman. She's still a brave person and can fight with much skill. She still has a core of "Freddyness" to her....but it's expressed in a most female way, now.

Go figure.

Was invited along with Andrea the female demifox mage in the honeymoon quest to help Fred 5. And on that trip..... via a magical/scientific contraption created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission. This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually. In this case, an aborted reality was created. A shard of reality instead of an entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total. Such a thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates of the world they'd been heading for. Joan 2 fell in battle while the others got whisked to safety. Of course, due to her being a Champion that meant she'd revive soon, but during the heat and fear of battle......well.....Jarlath and friends forgot that and morned her death.....

Not soon after, the shard finally collapse, and the Champions and their closely related analogs are swept to the reality of Nantucket Earth (home of the Red Pyaramid and the nameless Atlantian artifact, which we'll call the Book). The group gets things sorted out so no further hostilities are coming and all soon get rescued. Joan 2 arrived alive and healed.....

Right now she and those who weren't exhausted by the magical battle to get OUT of the Red Pyramid (and defeat the Book) are looking for those who got teleported away by the Book and cursed by a powerful transformative spell that is changing the non-Champions of their group (all but the children) into unseelie creatures. She and her group are back on Nantucket Earth, looking for those who only got teleported to various points around Nantucket Earth while Astra 9's group look for those who got teleported to other realities.

Went on a quest to aid a certain gunslinger on Midworld (home of the Dark Tower) called Roland to finish up some unfinished business there. There, she and the other met several other folks from Roland's past. One person in particular was captivated by Joan 2's beauty and charm. This relationship blossomed and just recently he (Cuthbert) and Joan have wed!

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Cuthbert Allgood )
Race - Human

Rowena 3 - Fred 5b's sister. Is an intelligent and brave young woman who can be a bit headstrong at times. Believing correctly that her brother was still alive and well, had her family mage use magic to locate him. Then she went out and tracked Fred down (after a slight misadventure with some bandits who only tied her to a tree after fearing that she was a plague carrier).

Got kill by being trampled by panicky horses when Jarlath 2's group and the scared guards of the House of Hindsight went at each other. However, a nameless magical Altantian artifact (the Book, it's nicknamed) brought her back from the dead.

Followed Fred into Championship. Aided in rescuing those within the Red Pyramid.

soon she recuperated from her ordeals in Nantucket.

Currently living on Terra Prime with the rest of her new family and friends.

Religious Affiliation- Church of Rham and Rhom
Marital Status- Single
Race - Human

Thelma 2 - Once there was a princess who'd been cursed by an evil mage and turned into a man. The transformed princess thought she was a knight named Fred who was on a quest to kill a dragon. The mage had done one thing further by erasing all records and memories of the princess from the land she came from. A necromancer named Belboz found the transformed princess and restored her to her rightful form..... Sir Fred gapd at the mirror. Once, he had been a hulking young man, well over six feet tall, with a short brown hair, a trim beard, broad shoulders and powerful muscles. Now, thanks to Belboz, she was a dimunitive young girl, no more than 20 or so. A cascade of long blonde curls spilled down her back. Her armor been replaced with a pink silk dress which bulged in all the places one would expect a healthy young girl to bulge.

Soon, the restored princess' rightful memories came back. However, Belboz did this because the guy needed to find an available princess for a prince in search of a bride (and would pay a large sum of gold for anyone who brought a suitable princess to him)....and this woman fit the bill perfectly. The princess wasn't thrilled with this, but got turned into a stone statue to keep her from running. Belboz, under a time limit, decided the fastest method of delivery of the bride and himself to the prince was to teleport there. Belboz's spell malfunctioned.

What arrived was a set of two identical statues, both who'd prove to not have any memories of being anything but women....but would have no memories prior to waking up in this new place when turned back to flesh and blood. This last part was due to the fact that these were new people....the old washed away and gone on to wherever mortals go when they pass on. The mage who tried to reverse the stone spell also flubbed his spell, and was also turned into a young identical blonde....with no memories of being anything but what she appeared....and also no prior memories before this. In other words, this mage's spirit had also been replaced with a new spirit as well.

They were all Minervians. That is, they had come into being fully formed into the world, adults upon their inception. Basically.

The three girls found the prince to be quiet a jerk, and knocked him out and left him. The girls, sisters, named themselves Thelma, Louise and Sigourney.

All were similar, but Thelma is the one with the oddest luck. This is revealed when she happens to get drawn into the midst of Jarlath 2's group on a reality shard copy of Fred 5's world right when they'd appeared in the midst of some rather trigger happy castle guards.....

She and the others soon find that this vampire is not the monster found in legend, but friendly and charming.

Soon, however, her sister get's separated and she appears naked amongst Jarlath2's group.... Got killed by a guard's arrow before she could even get a question out at what the heck was going on here. The guards mistook her for a succubus since she was naked and had appeared out of thin air. However, she was whisked away to the Red Pyramid and restored to life.

Joined with the others in becoming Champions so to aid them in their Quest AND to find her sisters and Count Yorga (who she somehow knew had also become Champions). This was their best chance at finding and reuniting with them.

Soon that was done. Is now living on Terra Prime with her new friends.

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Single
Race - Human

Children D'Honaire (Fred 5b and Astra 5b) - Ryan, Andrew, and Ashley

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