Terra 36
(Elf Determination)

Artizza D'Honaire - Things for this elfin woman (former human formerly named Astra) where much like what happened with E'eysha up until just something like seconds after her transformation. It appears that she had been less knowledgeable about the magic used upon her and Fred (now Fertal), so believed that another mage could reverse the transformation. Thing was, the transition from human to elf happened much more rapidly (and forcedly) for her. This swift shifting (which even enforced her new name upon her) was due to the TYPE of elf she'd become. She was now a Fey Elf called a Dark Elf (a species of elf found in German mythology similar to the Unseelie). She looks just like E'eysha, except her eyes (signature of Dark Elves) were pools of inky blackness. She seems to be much more prone to rushing into things and acting on intuition than she had been a human being. That and things are now....more alive and wondrous for this new elfin woman! And unlike E'eysha, she was immortal right off the bat!

Now, there was a problem here. See, since the Unseelie belong to the Hell Crew (i.e. Office of Darkness), they don't just hand out immortality with no strings attached. The still intoxicated elves would have been collected by apparently fellow friendly elves, and tortured until they agreed to anything to stop the pain. That done, the final seal upon them would happen and something akin to what happened with Fred 8 (the Thoabath stuff) would happen here. Something like a cancer would have been injected into her soul, twisting it and assimilating (and destroying) all that was good within it, turning her into a dark parody of her former self. She and Fertal would have become yet another pawn in some kind of developing conflict (a Shadow War) on some distant reality, far away.

Got rescued from that fate due to being swept up in things during a raid by a friends and members of Eternity Inc. that was to rescue some kidnapped elfin children.

Through some hard bargaining done by the Rules and Agents, all claims the Office of Darkness had upon her and Fred's bodies were dropped. She and Fertal, instead, became Champions through a lateral transfer (very rare and unexpected thing from the Office of Evil, let me tell you).

Has married her love, Fertal.

Currently upon another world (in a land called Daria), on a Validation Quest to save it from falling into Game 3 (a reality that would be a living Hell). However, due to stipulations from the negotiation, she and Fertal have a LOT of strikes against them. They're suffering from memory blocks (don't remember anything after just prior to being rescued by Eternity Inc). They have....feelings that the Dark Elves were now not to be trusted and they'd been rescued from some horrible fate, but no idea just how and who was responsible. Also, they know that they are....different....but do not know that they are Champions! Know, instinctively, about this world needing to be saved, but are at a loss on just how!

The mysterious mages that had summoned them here say that the key to this worlds salvation lay with killing a young woman named Rebecca.....but she and Fertal just don't know enough right now to be sure of that being the right course of action!!

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Fertal)
Race - Elf

Fertal D'Honaire - Things for this elfin man (former human formerly named Fred) where much like what happened with Gilmuriel up until just something like seconds after his transformation. It appears that he had been less knowledgeable about the magic used upon him and Astra (now Artizza), so believed that another mage could reverse the transformation. Thing was, the transition from human to elf happened much more rapidly (and forcedly) for him. This swift shifting (which even enforced his new name upon him) was due to the TYPE of elf he'd become. He was now a Fey Elf called a Dark Elf (a species of elf found in German mythology similar to the Unseelie), or more like a proto-Dark Elf (more on that in a bit). He looks just like Gilmuriel, except his eyes (signature of Dark Elves) were pools of inky blackness. He seems to be much more prone to rushing into things and acting on intuition than he had been a human being. That and things are now....more alive and wondrous for this new elfin man! And unlike Gilmuriel, he was immortal right off the bat!

Now, there was a problem here. See, since the Unseelie belong to the Hell Crew (i.e. Office of Darkness), they don't just hand out immortality with no strings attached. The still intoxicated elves would have been collected by apparently fellow friendly elves, and tortured until they agreed to anything to stop the pain. That done, the final seal upon them would happen and something akin to what happened with Fred 8 (the Thoabath stuff) would happen here (thus they'd change fully into Dark Elves, as it were). Something like a cancer would have been injected into her soul, twisting it and assimilating (and destroying) all that was good within it, turning him into a dark parody of his former self. He and Artizza would have become yet another pawn in some kind of developing conflict (a Shadow War) on some distant reality, far away.

Got rescued from that fate due to being swept up in things during a raid by a friends and members of Eternity Inc. that was to rescue some kidnapped elfin children.

Through some hard bargaining done by the Rules and Agents, all claims the Office of Darkness had upon his and Artizza's bodies were dropped. He and Artizza, instead, became Champions through a lateral transfer (very rare and unexpected thing from the Office of Evil, let me tell you).

Has married his love, Artizza.

Currently upon another world (in a land called Daria), on a Validation Quest to save it from falling into Game 3 (a reality that would be a living Hell). However, due to stipulations from the negotiation, he and Artizza have a LOT of strikes against them. They're suffering from memory blocks (don't remember anything after just prior to being rescued by Eternity Inc). They have....feelings that the Dark Elves were now not to be trusted and they'd been rescued from some horrible fate, but no idea just how and who was responsible. Also, they know that they are....different....but do not know that they are Champions! Know, instinctively, about this world needing to be saved, but are at a loss on just how!

The mysterious mages that had summoned them here say that the key to this worlds salvation lay with killing a young woman named Rebecca.....but he and Artizza just don't know enough right now to be sure of that being the right course of action!!

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Artizza)
Race - Elf

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