Terra 31
(Denom, Better Known as Fred)

Fred 5a D'Honaire - Lord Frederigo D'Honaire aka Fred Lord Fred is the son
of one of the great dukes of the Kingdom, and he is also the most heroic
warrior.  On a personal note, his lucky direction is left.  He is a young knight,
intimate with the etiquette of royal circles and a gentleman.  He is a very
thoughtful man who in times of difficulty uses his sense of reason to guide his
actions.  His first instinct in any circumstance is to tell the truth, yet he is not
foolish enough to give away information if it would endanger his life or the lives of
others.  He knows some basic magic, for within the Kingdom all schoolchildren
are taught simple incantations, including a spell to distinguish the real from the
unreal.  He is prepared to survive in even the harshest of conditions, and he has
undergone the training for keen sight that is necessary for all the King's forces.

Lord Fred was commissioned by the King to vanquish the most terrible Dragon
of the Southern Caves.  While in the caves he encountered and freed the
Aqualarian princess, Astra.  After being duped by the shape-shifting
dragon-beast he succeeded in his quest by hurling his sword into the very heart of
the dragon/hellhound.  Instead of bringing closure to his journey, this event
brought on many new and strange travels which had numerous consequences; the
most devastating of which was the complete shredding of his body by some
ape-creature called Bobo.  A second traumatic event was his transformation into
a demi-fox.  This led Fred upon a journey of self-recovery that saw his meeting
with a rogue dragon, the death of both the rogue and an evil dragonmage, and his
accidental cure of the magical malady.  Yet though cured his circumstances saw
him the prisoner of a greedy lawyer by the name of Master Rift, and then of the
Paine Gang.  Finally he found freedom at the hands of a small army of dwarves.

Though free he was disheartened for he believed that his companion and friend,
the Princess Astra, was killed by an army of orcs.

Fred began his journey home guided by three dwarves: Baren and Dokken, and
Lem.  What should have been a short trek through Fox's Forest turned into a
nightmare of death as the foursome met upon ghastly birds, a glade of buried
corpses, a clearing with hanging corpses, wild monsters, ghosts and demons.
Finally it was Fred who found a way out of the possessed forest with the aid of a
stranger.  He returned to the aid of the dwarves in time to witness the death of
Baren.  Using a sword he found in the lair of Minestus, Nelheth-Mord, he killed
the 'Demon of the Underbrush' and guided the surviving dwarves to relative
safety.  Fred was far from comfortable having the magical sword but on
attempting to discard it he found he could not.  The sword, somehow, would not
allow Fred that liberty!

They resumed their northward journey and soon came upon a damsel in distress,
a damsel who turned out to be Fred's sister Rowena.  She had come south
ooking for him and now that she had found him...or was found by him, they
would return home together.  She did have some disturbing news, however.
There were rumours that the Queen of Aqualaria was dead and that some nobles
of Allaria wished to enlarge their lands by taking Aqualarian territory.  Fred knew
he must return to Caemlyn as soon as possible to report to the King about all that
had passed, all that he had learned...about dragons, Aqualarians, and the men of
the southlands.

They were intercepted, however, by the guards of the House D'Honaire in route.
One would think that this would have aided matters, but one would be wrong.  At first,
not wanting to announce his continued survival to the world at large least to give away
an advantage granted him by his apparent death (old enemies wouldn't seek to stop him),
Fred called himself Denom and hid his identity.  It actually was effective, but it soon
came out who he was and that's when trouble started.  See, the guards thought him some type of
creature who'd assumed Fred's appearence and was trying to get close to the Duke in for some
dark purposes.  The guards thought that Rowena had been either fooled or put under some type of
spell to make her believe that this man was who he claimed to be.  Not wanting to unilaterally decide
on blocking Fred (and thus bringing the wrath of those of higher station down upon their heads) the
guards enlisted theaid of a mage at the House of Hindsight to show that this creature wasn't
really Fred returned from the dead.  Results were inconclusive due to the magical repair jobs that
Dr. Vincent of Fred's world had done to him.  Unsatisfied but unable to do anything, the guards
reluctantly started to head for the D'Honaire's, Fred a virtue prisoner....when Jarlath's group shows up in
their midst due to their magical teleport having been fiddled with by a nameless Atlantian artifact....

Then, during a honeymoon trip via a magical/scientific contraption
created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on
a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a
powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

There, the quantum duplicates of Astra 9's group met the quantum duplicates
of the world they'd been heading for.  He and a few others get
whisked away from the guards before a battle can break out.

They soon arrive again on Fred 5a's world, within  ten miles of Fred 5a's home.
In the course of events, Jarlath is able to free Fred from the accursed sword he
is stuck with and tells Fred in no uncertain terms that he's here to help him, if
he wishes it.  Jarlath even goes so far as to offer to stay behind with his group
so that he and Rowena can meet with Fred's father alone and warn him against
letting Allaria dishonor itself by invading Aqualaria while it's queenless.

Impress beyond words and stunned at all that has happened, Fred did the only
things he saw was honorable.  He not only insisted in letting Jarlath come along, he
swore himself to Jarlath's hand if he'd only help him find his love, Astra 5a.  Jarlath, seeing
that Fred couldn't be talked out of it, accepted.

Soon gets recruited by the Rules and Agents and now he's a Champion.  Aided in the
quest to free those trapped within the Red Pyramid on Nantucket Earth after he was
rejoined by his love, Astra 5a, and their three newborn children!

Right now she and those who weren't exhausted by the magical battle
to get OUT of the Red Pyramid (and defeat the Book) are looking
for those who got teleported away by the Book and cursed by a
powerful transformative spell that is changing the non-Champions of
their group (all but the children) into unseelie creatures.  She and her
group are back on Nantucket Earth, looking for those who only got teleported
to various points around Nantucket Earth while Astra 9's group look for
those who got teleported to other realities.

Religious Affiliation- Church of Rham and Rhom
Marital Status- Married (Astra 5a)
Race - Human

Astra 5a Thessamer - Princess Astra is a royal
daughter of the lands of Aqualaria.  She is a young, tall, athletic and full-breasted
redhead (because red hair is a rarity within Aqualaria she stands out as a beauty
among beauties).  Being an Amazon princess brings advantage and peril.  One
benefit is that she was trained early on in the soldier's art.  She not only
understands the necessities of life at Court, she too is a commander of skilful
warriors.  Though she knows the ways of death, her greatest desire is the
protection of life.  She finds the killing of innocents -from the child in the womb to
the aged in their huts-repugnant but sees no wrong in eliminating those who
spread evil.

Astra was captured by Velus, the Dragon of the Southern Caves, and imprisoned
by him to serve as an amusement.  It was Lord Fred who rescued her.  After the
death of the Dragon the beast's Master, Minestus, magically transported Astra
and Fred to the Calamari Desert.  After an encounter with the kind if befuddled
scientist/mage Dr Vincent  she was transported by the Dragonmage Minestus to a
strange place.  There she unwittingly stepped through a magical portal which sent
her to a room with no doors or windows.  She then metamorphosed into a
werewolf.  The dragon Minestus appeared and remade her into something else,
something resembling a were-fox, and he placed  her in the woods by his lair.
She was reunited with Fred and had sexual relations with  him.  This had strange
and unforseen consequences.  Though the magic that affected  Astra is not fully
understood, she definitely became something more than just a were-fox  and Fred
took on similar characteristics.  The pair was met by the dragon Malachi who
helped them enter Minestus' lair in order for Malachi to take revenge upon the
evil dragon and to find the instrument of their possible cure, the Crystallic.  The
two dragons fought to the death, but in her last dying breathes, Malachi instructed
Astra and Fred to journey to Walants with the Crystallic in search of the one
called Synizn.

Walants proved trickier than they had originally thought and the two were
imprisoned the  first day.  They were then released under the care of their defense
ttorney Master Rift  who forced them to take him and his companion
Tarin-Gazin to Minestus' lair.  Half-way  there the two accidentally used the
Crystallic and regained their human form, yet still they remained the prisoners of
Master Rift.  One day later, however, they were taken captive by the Paine Gang
and became the 'property' of said gang.  They were returned to Walants -with the
intention of auctioning them as slaves- when, unexpectedly, Master Rift returned
and rescued them with the aid of the fighting dwarf Tarin.  Astra was being
blackmailed by the lawyer who knew that knowledge of her pregnancy would be
detrimental to Astra's honor and bearing back in Aqualaria.  Because of this she
obeyed him in his quest to get the Minestus' treasure horde.  Along the way,
however, the barrister thought it wise to conceal her identity so as not to attract
undue attention.  He chose to do this by using the crystallic.  The magic of the
gem transformed the well-tanned red-head into an ebony-skinned woman with
jet black hair!

Astra went a bit mad (arguably) at being transformed into a black woman.  Her
madness, though, gave her inspirations of freedom.  She continued to aid the
lawyer and the dwarf get to the lair of Minestus yet once there the foursome were
met up with by an army of dwarves.  And then an army of orcs soon followed
ready to do battle!  As a warrior princess the whole scenario was one of baffling
simplicity, and though she knew the odds were against her, she found herself a
weapon and went at the orcs with a vengeance.  In the ensuing battle she was
severely wounded, and because the dwarves  did win, she was immediately
treated with dwarven medicines.  These medicines put her into a catatonic state
and so when Lord Fred reappeared and when the dwarves told him she was
dead, he believed them and so left her body in the company of the dwarves.

The dwarves would use Astra as a tool for greater power and wealth later on, but things
go awry before anything like that takes place.

A group was in transit.  During a honeymoon trip via a magical/scientific contraption
created by Dr. Vincent so the newlyweds could enjoy a quest on
a world similar to Fred 5's world, their teleport got intercepted by a
powerful magical Atlantian artifact and all hell broke loose!

Champions and the universes they touch upon don't quantum fission.
This is due in part to the supernatural nature of Champions
and their Celestrial that prevents that natural process, usually.
In this case, an abortied reality was created.  A shard of reality instead of an
entire universe that was only a few hundred miles across, total.  Such a
thing could only happen in part due to the Higher ups letting it....but
that's a different tale that....probably will never be told.....

By the time the collapse had occured, back on the world that this reality shard had
copied, Astra 5a, still in a drug induced sleep, had been
whisked away to a remote dwarven stronghold for safekeeping.  Astra had a vision of
her goddess telling her that if she wished redemption for herself and the "sin that grew in her
belly" then her future lay with the man she'd laid with (albeit unknowingly) in another world and with
that of Jarlath 2's group.  That and her name was now Astra 5a Thessamer.

Soon gets recruited by the Rules and Agents and now he's a Champion.  Aided in the
quest to free those trapped within the Red Pyramid on Nantucket Earth after he was
rejoined by his love, Astra 5a, and their three newborn children!

She awoke whole and restored (cured of the meddling by Rifts done to her body and the rotting of her muscles during all the days she'd been unconscious) in the company of Malachi 2's group.  That, and her pregnacy had been accelerated by the Crystallic, and now her three infants were asleep nearby.  She feel almost instantly in love with her children  and was united with her love and followed the few others who took up the choice of Championship.

Soon gets recruited by the Rules and Agents and now she's a Champion.  Aided in the
quest to free those trapped within the Red Pyramid on Nantucket Earth after she was
rejoined by his love, Fred 5a, and their three newborn children!

Right now is recouperating from her ordeals in Nantucket with her children and her love.

Religious Affiliation- Greek Pantheon
Marital Status- Married (Fred 5a)
Race - Human

Children D'Honaire (Fred 5a and Astra 5a) - Jared, Franklin, and Marion

Rowena 2 - Fred 5a's sister.  Is an intelligent and brave young woman who can be
a bit headstrong at times.  Believing correctly that her brother was still alive and
well, had her family mage use magic to locate him.  Then she went out and tracked
Fred down (after a slight misadventure with some bandits who only tied her to a tree after
fearing that she was a plague carrier).

Followed Fred into Championship.  Aided in rescuing those within the Red Pyramid.

Right now is recuperating from her ordeals in Nantucket

Religious Affiliation- Church of Rham and Rhom
Marital Status- Single
Race - Human

Duke Dredrick 2 D'Honaire - Fred 5a's (and b's) daddy. Bears an uncanny resemblance
to Sean Connery (and thus Dredrick, his analogous brother).  This is due to birth, not
magical alteration.  Seeing the Rules and Agents as agents to the gods and
Championship as a way to directly serve divine will (the honor!), he and his wife
jumped at the chance at becoming Champions (though....orignially that offer
had been intended for Fred 5a....)

Was teleported to the city of Walants onTerra Prime due to stripulations that
they could never set foot on their homeworld again.  There, he and his wife met
ther analogous doubles....and they struck it off pretty good.

Dred's brother is getting him adjusted to his new life.....here on Terra Prime.

Religious Affiliation- Church of Rham and Rhom
Marital Status- Married (Champlaine 2)
Race - Human

Duchess Champlaine 2 D'Honaire - She's Fred5a's and Fred 5b's momma and Dred's classy wife.

Seeing the Rules and Agents as agents to the gods and
Championship as a way to directly serve divine will (the honor!), she and her husband
jumped at the chance at becoming Champions (though....orignially that offer
had been intended for Fred 5a....)

Was teleported to the city of Walants onTerra Prime due to stripulations that
they could never set foot on their homeworld again.  There, she and her husband met
ther analogous doubles....and they struck it off pretty good.

Champlaine's sister is getting her adjusted to his new life.....here on Terra Prime.

Religious Affiliation- Church of Rham and Rhom
Marital Status- Married (Dredrick 2)
Race - Human

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