Terra 27
(Betrayal at Bookpoint)

Sarah D'Honaire - This is the Fred D'Honaire that encountered the Necromancer Belboz of his world within the Southern
Caverns in his quest to slay the Dragon of the Southern Caverns. However, the dragon was only a ruse to get the king to send out his best man (Fred) to come out to the caverns. The ruse was created by Belboz for the mage needed Fred to help fulfill a
prophecy to prevent a bunch of evil Amazons from sweeping the land. The prophecy said that in order to prevent this evil from
befalling Allaria, the Great Kingdom, Fred must become a warrior lass and Belboz also a young girl in order to somehow infiltrate and topple the invasion before it really got underway. But due to the betrayal done by a disgruntled apprentice (Elaine), Belboz and Fred were first trapped and then got transformed them into what first only appeared to be more winsome and buxomy versions of the girls they'd become. It would prove later on that Fred was now a Hamadryad. This allowed more leeway in travel (a few hundred miles or such), but still this meant that Fred was still pretty much rooted to Terra Prime from that day forth upon her arrival! That is how it looks right now, anyway.

Unlike the others, this Fred did not get teleported via a Transform Door. Instead, Elaine teleported he and Belboz to Terra Prime directly! The reason why he was teleported there was because that by dropping her on this other world, Elaine was basically puting her in a place where she could not (shouln't be able) to return from.  While a hamadryad has a wider range to roam in, and they can tie their life force to different trees all over the land.....once their "roots" have been initially set within the world's dirt.....they are connected in such a way that if they ever LEAVE that world (such as by reality hopping).....it is instant death.

But with her becoming a Champion of the Rules and Agents, she is no longer tied down to one reality.  Yet.....the thing of it is that she has no means of returning to her homeworld and thus now calls Terra Prime home.

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Single
Race - Hamadryad

Belinda Thessamer - This is the Belboz that  Fred met within the Southern Caverns and transformed him into a lass of 15. Tricked by his treacherous pupil, Elaine, he was himself transformed into a girl WITHOUT a trace of magical power (his spell to transform into a lass with magical might was superceded by Elaine). Transformed first into a girl without an ounce of magic to her name, then into a nymph (a beautiful creature that can not go beyond a dozen steps beyond her host tree without fading and dying). Teleported to Terra Prime, it appears that she's in a smaller "cage" than Fred.

Unlike the others, this Belboz did not get teleported via a Transform Door. Instead, Elaine teleported Belboz to Terra Prime directly! The reason why he was teleported there was because that by dropping her on this other world, Elaine was basically puting her in a place where she could not (shouln't be able) to return from.  Once on Terra Prime, Belinda (what she calls herself now) had to connect herself to a tree, and  once their "roots" have been initially set within the world's dirt.....they are connected in such a way that if they ever LEAVE that world (such as by reality hopping).....it is instant death.  That, and they are stuck within a few paces from their trees for life.

But with her becoming a Champion of the Rules and Agents, she is no longer tied down to one reality.  Yet.....the thing of it is that she has no means of returning to her homeworld and thus now calls Terra Prime home.

Was soon adopted by Anina into the Thessamer clan, much to her surprise (and delight).....

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Single
Race - Nymph

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