Earth Prime
(The Quest for the Dark Tower)

Dragon Synizn 2 - This is a version of the dragon mage with the same name who
hales from a world called Earth Prime (a very close version of Terra Prime).
Dragon Synizn had been described thusly:

He's an ex-lycanthropic dragon who used to change into a werebear every
time the moon was full. He's been pissed off ever since. On his off-time he
swears like a sailor, drinks like a fish and wonders why God created in the
first place.

That had pretty much been true (except he'd wondered why Tiamat, the goddess
of dragons, and not God had ever created humans in the first place) up until

See, his dislike of human beings stems from the fact that he had discovered,
despite his best efforts to hold the mental transformation away, how "human" in
thought and mind he'd become. Despite being able, through his meditations, being
able to hold back the murderous impulses that his lycanthropy had, he'd changed.
Despite being able to hold back the final degradation of his Matrix into that of a
human being to the point of no return, he'd changed.

That frightened him, and he reacted violently against such a truth by attempting to
become so much the dracnic ideal he.....really became a real pain in the ass.

Also, in as far as drinking like a fish....that only happened that one night of the
"Name Game." When he awoke the next morning (after swearing to Probe upon
seeing a Vision of what a jerk he'd been....amongst the visions of the future), he
had a four alarm headache.

Before, while living a life as a monk, he'd longed to be able to let lose and do a
little sinning. He'd been indulging in drink afterwards when cured of his curse, but
this dreaded hangover....will....mean...he....will.....never.......DRINK..

He also had sworn, on his Hoard, to change for the better....and thus he'd begun
the process. He wasn't the same when he awoke the next morning......

That aside, his glimpse into the future warned of the danger that Zular (who was
still within an ebony griffin) would be. Ways were thought of how to free Trilling
Blackfeather from Zular, but nothing could be found.

Until Dragon Synizn fell upon a desperate plan.....

Oh, simply put Dragon Synizn sacrificed his entire (that which he didn't give
Earth Prime's Probe) Hoard through an arcane ritual that only he and the now
departed Sato knew in exchange for the Angels/Agents/Rules for saving Trilling.
Since the Hoard of a Dragon IS their lifeforce, he basically was sacrificing his life.
He didn't tell the others that, for he knew what kind of response THAT would


On a side note, one last thing I about what Dragon Synzin of Earth Prime did.
When he made that sacrifice, putting his life at risk....there had been a small
chance that....according to the notes of Sato....that the Rules and Agents would
take pity on him and remake him into a Servant (i.e. a Champion). With that in
mind, Synizn was hoping....and received that one small chance.

Thus, after being told basically he'd be sent to elsewhere to aid in an important
quest....headed by a flame haired woman called Astra LaPost of Terra
Prime, the dragon mage suddenly found himself here on a stage in front of an elven audience.

Had aided Queen Astra of Terra Prime in a quest to get a Gunslinger to the Dark Tower.... Now is aiding his new found love, Dragoness Andrea, with her Validation Quest.

Religious Affiliation- Church of Tiamat
Marital Status- Engaged Dragoness Andrea
Race - Dragon

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