Aundria the Brown (Doctor Who: Eternal Champion)

Aundria the Brown - She lived her entire life before finally getting out recently in Addventure, Game 3. Thanks God that she was only a minor character within. As crazy as it got sometimes in there, at least it wasn't as bad as it could have gotten if she'd been a main character.

This woman (like her analogous doubles) met one of the Betty's in Game 3 (back in 1977 by her world's calender) and found that the malicious Author Scott Chen turned that Betty into an exact double of her.

An actress by trade, this tall red headed (and rather good looking) woman had been hard up for a job. Though she'd graduated college with a degree in acting, her height was an obstacle to getting hired. Had taken a few questionable and risque acting jobs in the past to make ends meet, and had answered an add for an improvisational play directed by a questionable director. The script called for her to wear minimal clothing (lace and little else), but being liberated and without many qualms after a long bout of poor finances, had no objections....

Got whisked away with "her" Betty to a mediaeval setting and got confused by the locals for one of the "Twins of Doom" (figures from a prophecy for impending disaster). Could have gotten nasty if the Doctor (Dr. Which) hadn't dropped on by and picked them up. She and Betty joined with the Doctor in his quest to stop the Master from destroying Earth. Somehow, the Doctor said, the "Twins of Doom" were the key to stopping the evil Time Lord's dark designs.

Turned out that the Doctor had fallen for a trap. They all (along with the Master) got swept to Terra Prime due to something that Author Scott had done to the TARDIS. Once there, however, they all get rescued by this odd female golem called Inquirer.....

Soon took her stage name to differentiate her from her analogs.

Has come to like travelling around with Dr. Which and friends and now is traveling the universe with them in Dr. Which's TARDIS....

Became a Champion of the Rules and Agents in the course of rescuing Fred 8 from Thaobath.....

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Single
Race - Human

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