
LXG Earth (Doctor Who the Eternal Champion)

Allan Quatermain - This happens to be the now youthened (and transmorgified) main character (bios found here from that novel: King Solomon's Mines. This particular version of the man happens to hale from a reality which mirrors the The League of the Extraordinary Gentlemen comicbook (not MOVIE) series.

As it happens, when the Doctor and his Companions stepped into the picture (somewhere early on in what the first novel would place it) things got knocked onto another track entirely than what had happened in the book! In the end, the good guys prevail and all that, but some REALLY strange stuff happened along the way.

Allan (as well as his now mate/wife) had decided on joining up with the Doctor. For Allan to better keep up, they all travelled to Xanth and got their hands on some Fountain of Youth Elixir. Also, that pesky . . . er. . . . drug addiction that we saw depicted in the comicbook series also got erased with a bit of liberal doses of Xanthian healing water, but that's okay and all that.

What was NOT okay was when a rogue cat/godlike entity (named Khaos of the Disney Alladin TV cartoon reality) decided on kidnapping both Mina and Allan with some harebrained scheme to replace Inquirer's parents as Champions after snuffing the golems earlier in time in revenge for "spoiling his fun". The idea was that Allan and Mina would be whisked away to a time right before Probe and Evis 7 (Inquirer's parents) became Champions and place Mina and Allan in their place. Khaos would then go about and track down and kill the golems. Changing history and all that in the process, but then again what FUN it would be for Khaos. Now, there were all sorts of things to prevents this kind of entry into the Champion ranks (after a certain date the only way in was either through being the child of a Champion or falling in love with a Champion), but Khaos was a special case of stupidity.

See, the Agents and Rules were not happy that the barriers and safeguards set up to prevent such stunts even being attempted (and coming anywhere close to success) by mortal means (as well as "outside" Offices like the Demons and such) should be bypassed by one of their own agents (Khaos). They'd passed warnings about and all that, but Khaos had to . . .

Nevermind, it is done and now stuff has been done. Probe and Evis 7 are still Champions and never had their lives endangered, but Mina and Allan had become Champions.

They had also been transformed into Oriental dragons by the mischief prone Khaos.

"Eye meets Eye" happened between Allan and Mina and so they could BARELY wait for . . . things before a quickie wedding.

Allan has signed up to learn the ways of magic from Sigin since that is the birthright he and Mina now have as dragons (even if they are Oriental styled ones).

And while in something of that vein, something else (relatively) recent has taken place: he and Mina have adopted three VERY special young women by the name of Rei, Reika, and Lilith (ala Neon Genesis Evangelion).

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married Mina
Race - Dragon

Mina Murray Quatermain - This happens to be former head of the now disbanded (her world's) League of the Extraorinary Gentlemen.

Now having struck out on her own with Allan and the Doctor as his newest Companion, this young and brave woman (who's now now transmorgified into a female Oriental dragoness AND a Champion to boot), she is a welcome addition indeed!

This main character (bios found here from that novel: Dracula. This particular version of the woman happens to hale from a reality which mirrors the The League of the Extraordinary Gentlemen comicbook (not MOVIE) series.

As it happens, when the Doctor and his Companions stepped into the picture (somewhere early on in what the first novel would place it) things got knocked onto another track entirely than what had happened in the book! In the end, the good guys prevail and all that, but some REALLY strange stuff happened along the way.

Mina (as well as her now mate/husband) had decided on joining up with the Doctor. For Mina, healing water was offered (and whatever else was needed) to heal her scars on her neck from Dracula's attack. While eventually the scarring WAS healed, things got out of hand when . . . Khaos stepped in. Things got into the NOT okay zone.

What was NOT okay was when a rogue cat/godlike entity (named Khaos of the Disney Alladin TV cartoon reality) decided on kidnapping both Mina and Allan with some harebrained scheme to replace Inquirer's parents as Champions after snuffing the golems earlier in time in revenge for "spoiling his fun". The idea was that Allan and Mina would be whisked away to a time right before Probe and Evis 7 (Inquirer's parents) became Champions and place Mina and Allan in their place. Khaos would then go about and track down and kill the golems. Changing history and all that in the process, but then again what FUN it would be for Khaos. Now, there were all sorts of things to prevents this kind of entry into the Champion ranks (after a certain date the only way in was either through being the child of a Champion or falling in love with a Champion), but Khaos was a special case of stupidity.

See, the Agents and Rules were not happy that the barriers and safeguards set up to prevent such stunts even being attempted (and coming anywhere close to success) by mortal means (as well as "outside" Offices like the Demons and such) should be bypassed by one of their own agents (Khaos). They'd passed warnings about and all that, but Khaos had to . . .

Nevermind, it is done and now stuff has been done. Probe and Evis 7 are still Champions and never had their lives endangered, but Mina and Allan had become Champions.

They had also been transformed into Oriental dragons by the mischief prone Khaos.

"Eye meets Eye" happened between Allan and Mina and so they could BARELY wait for . . . things before a quickie wedding.

Mina has signed up to learn the ways of magic from Sigin since that is the birthright she and Allan now have as dragons (even if they are Oriental styled ones).

And while in something of that vein, something else (relatively) recent has taken place: she and Alan have adopted three VERY special young women by the name of Rei, Reika, and Lilith (ala Neon Genesis Evangelion).

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married Allan
Race - Dragon

Children of the Quatermains':Rei, Reika, & Lilith

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