About Me
Hi, I am currently In London been here for the last two weeks.  Currently attending Steiner College that will able me to work on a 5 star cruise ship as Beauty Therapist.  I will be back in Malta next year as I have an 8 month contract on the Cruise Ship.

Take Care,
22nd July 2001
Hiya Folks! Hope everyone is ok! Anyways yesterday I left London and today I am in Greece...I will be joining my ship today...Costa Atlantica.

Thanks for the support.
3rd August 2001
Hallo, it's almost a month since i've joined the wonderfull Costa Atlantica! Wow time flies! At the moment we are cruising the mediteranean, on Sunday we depart from Venice,
Monday we are at Bari,
Tuesday  - Katakalon
Wednesday - Kusadasi
Thursday - Istanbul
Friday - Piraeus
Saturday we are @ sea.
Next week we are going to change for some time we will be going to Islands near Croatia like Cotton Bay etc etc and In November we will be doing the crossing to the carribean but first we will come a day to Malta! So till November we will do the same route and afterwards we will be doing east and west carribean (Jamaica, Bahamas etc etc)
I am very happy....having the time of my life.  Ship Life is quite hard..working 12 hours a day but I do get time off to see the ports....2 days off a week...
My time is up...Need to do some shopping In Piraeus (Greece)

31st August 2001
Hello folks how is everyone doing? Thanks people for your emails I really appreciate you thinking about me whilst I am between sea and sky! ANyways ion the 7th of November the Costa Atlantica will arrive at La Valletta for 5 hours. I am looking forward to see the Maltese islands again! Afterwards I am coming on vacation for a week as the ship will be in drydock! I love being here and I am having a wonderfull time!!! Updates later on as I do not have much time!
take care
5th October 2001
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