<BGSOUND SRC="Acido.mid">


Today's weather

My mood

March,11, 2000

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Dear Diary,

I love Saturday mornings.......even though I work! Usually after a night out I go to work still asleep...So I need caffeine most of times! Today as every Saturday I try to relax a bit.....and prepare myself for the BIG Night out that is usually with my buddy Doyda.  The weather affects my moods a lot.........I hate rain and usually when it rains I never go out cause I don't  like walkin in Paceville with wet hair! U know women kinda stuff!

Re: Tonite, the plan........first the panic to get dressed......clothes everywhere.....than we do some warming up at Torri Club that is  we have some drinks from there.......than we head to my favourite Club The Alley......cool music and if u are lucky u can meet some nice ppl there :-)
Tonite I am going to meet this guy I met from IRC his name is Keith from the pic he looks cute.......dunno face to face I will let u know.
Sorry for being so straight forward, I am just being me...no bullshit no nothing.
Love me or hate me :-)

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