GedHTree HomepageIndex
1908 Ford produces Model T
1913 Edison invents movies w/sound
1914 - 1918 World War I
1929 The Great Depression begins
1939 - 1945 World War II
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
 Evelyn Shepard
 J W Sheppard
 Ida Martha Shepard
 John Shepard
 Malachi Groover
 b.1807 Bulloch, GA
 d.1858 Brooks, GA
 Mary Shepard
 Solomon Malachi Groover
 b.1851 Brooks, GA
 d.1932 Grooverville, Brooks, GA
 Sarah Ann Hagin
 b.1810 Bulloch, GA
 d.1894 Grooverville, Brooks, GA
 Sam Shepard
 Rena Groover
 Alice Sheppard
 Ida Jane Groover
 b.1855 GA

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