My City - Bangalore

I live in Bangalore(Bengalooru), the Capital City of Karnataka State in southern India. Bangalore is located about 3,000 feet above the Mean Sea Level and has a comfortable climate throughout the year. Bangalore is known as the "Silicon Valley of Asia" and the "Garden City of India". It is the fastest growing city of Asia and the "Information Technology Capital of Asia". Its cosmopolitan image and the growing Software and other Industries have made it the "City of the Future" in the new Millennium. Bangalore is blessed with beautiful Parks and Lakes, which provide shelter for many Birds. Bangalore is close to many Bird and Wildlife Sanctuaries like Kokkare Bellur, Ranganathittu, Bandipur and Nagarahole apart from many lesser-known ones. Bangalore receives many winter visiting Birds many of whom nest. Bangalore is home to many World-renowned Wildlife and Nature Photographers like E.Hanumantha Rao, T.N.A.Perumal, M.Y.Ghorpade, B.Srinivasa and many more. It is the guidance from these Photographers and the exposure to their pictures that has made many budding Photographers of Bangalore successful.

My Country - India

Indian National Flag

India is the vast subcontinent of Asia - two-thirds of Europe in superficial area - with its diversified geographical and climatic conditions provides suitable living conditions to a great variety of Birds. Covering about 40 degrees of latitude and about the same of longitude, it encloses within its boundaries a vast diversity of climate and physical features. These range from dry, scorching sandy deserts of Rajasthan and the humid evergreen rain forests of Assam and the southern Western Ghats, to the region of Glaciers and eternal snow in the mighty Himalayas. Smooth wide spaces of depressed river basins lie along the base of the northern ramparts. The great central India and Deccan plateau succeed the fertile Gangetic Plain and are flanked on the west by broken crags and castellated outlines of the ridges of the Western Ghats which overlook the Arabian Sea and continue southward in gentle, smoothly rounded slopes of green uplands-the Nilgiris and other hills of southern India. The Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal flank the southern peninsular India.

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