Some of the forces that impact our business is more challenging than handling others. The extent to which we can control them differs. We can change how internal and external factors affect our firm.

Economic Industry:

Ø  Our currency continuously is going down.

Ø  Pakistani economic growth is in slow growth because of WTO

Ø  Contract manufacturing is chosen by many athletic shoes company.

Social forces:

Ø  Since 90’s the customers are more brand minded.

Ø  Sports customer preference is changing into more fashion oriented.

Ø  Young customer is believed much in advertising promotion and use internet as the primary source of information.

Ø  Since 90’s women consumer dominated the athletic shoe market because of the changing in life style.

Political forces:

Ø  World is entering global trade climate with NAFTA and GATT

Ø  There is anti-dumping regulation

Technology forces:

Ø  Joxus has integrated technology system to develop their products

Ø  Joxus always adopted latest technology for their products and match with their vision.

Competitive forces:

Ø  Competition is more tight with the coming of Service, Bata and adidas

Ø  Competition is happened around the world, globally not locally.

Ø  Athletic shoe trend is going to be fashion oriented.