Am I ready for Pointe?
Are you twleve years of age or older?

Are your feet at least 75% ossified?

Do you take regular ballet classes (2-3 times a week)?

Are you physically strong and flexible?

Do you have a good strong knowlege of ballet basics and ballet vocablary?

Can you hold your balance?

Are you of normal or less weight for your age/height? (Remember, the tips of your toes need to be able to support your entire body)

Are you good at remembering simple combinations?

Can you do at least one piroutette in the center?

Are your knees straight? For instance, if you sit in a stradlle, there should be no or next to no space between your knees and the floor.

Do you have strong/flexible ankles and the ability to stretch your foot to a full point?

Can you fully stretch your feet during jumps (ie, fully stretched, pointe feet in a jete-temps leve)?

If you answered yes to all of these, then you are very possibly ready. If not...keep working! You'll get there someday. Either way, you should ask your teacher about going on pointe, see if she thinks you're ready, and if not, ask what you can do to get there. Best of luck!

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