Rosalia Lombardo



The catacombs go dating back to 1599 when the local priests first mummified a holy monk for all the public to view and pray to after his demise.
It was soon after this that many people wanted to be located in the same fashion after they died and the place soon became host to hundreds of corpses. The catacombs surely are a fascinating place to visit for tourists and locals alike where you can view the mummified corpses fully clothed of men women and children from times gone by.
The local italian authorities eventually outlawed the practice but not before a small girl aged 3 years was interred there in 1920 being the last corpse to have found permanent residence in the catacombs. The catacombs are located in Palermo, Sicily.
The Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. - 12 noon, and 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. daily.
As you can judge for yourself from the pictures below Rosalia Lombardo is a rare exception to the catacombs as she still remains perfectly preserved thanks to a special embalming process of a one Dr. Solafia who died and took his remarkable process of embalming with him to the grave!
Rosalia Lombardo was believed to have died of flu at the time of her death.

Rosalia Lombardo
Rosalia Lombardo
Rosalia Lombardo
Rosalia Lombardo
Rosalia Lombardo
Rosalia Lombardo
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