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m.r - 12/28/00 17:46:07
My Email:[email protected]

the best film ever made

karen - 12/25/00 20:48:03
My Email:[email protected]

cool flick cool site

JESSICA RENIOS - 12/25/00 05:16:02
My Email:****************************


JESSICA RENIOS - 12/25/00 05:15:47
My Email:****************************


CASSANDRA - 12/25/00 05:10:23
My Email:-----------------------------------


Alexander - 12/22/00 19:29:08
My URL:-=none=-
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is a really good film! And I liked this site very much. (Well, one "disadvantage" - pictures could be better quality and larger size. Everything else is perfect! I especially liked additional script for version integerale)

Michaela Popikova - 12/21/00 13:03:57
My Email:[email protected]

When I saw this movie first time, I was excited. It`s great film, I think. I love Luc Besson`s films. Thank you for experience. Thank, thank, thank.

Steve - 12/21/00 09:03:05
My Email:[email protected]

I loved the movie Le�n! I think Natalie Portman is one of the most gorgeous actresses to walk the earth and Jean Reno is an amazing actor!

Sayydah Garrett - 12/20/00 16:28:48
My Email:[email protected]

Cher Luc Besson, Incredible film - my husband and I LOVE this movie and watch it often on video. Thanks soooo much!!! Merci beaucoup et felicitations sur un film genial!! Sincerement, Sayydah Garrett (femme de Kenny Garrett - jazz saxophoniste extraordinaire)

moon - 12/20/00 00:46:46
My Email:[email protected]

LEON�� ���� ������ �ٷ��̾����� �͈��ƿ� �̰����� �ٽú��� �� ������ �����մϴ� ^!^

moon - 12/20/00 00:40:06
My Email:[email protected]


Nick - 12/17/00 13:48:42
My URL:http://```````--------
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is the best film!Jane Renau and Natalie Portman are Goog!

Natalia - 12/14/00 20:03:09
My Email:[email protected]

Nathalie Portman & Matilda are the best in the film. They really made me want to shout, cry, kiss, and smile... at the same time. She�s absolutely delicious.

- 12/14/00 10:26:13


Rachel - 12/13/00 09:41:44

Nuff respek LEON!!!! Your film is BO! Well done! keep rollin rollin rollin rollin!!!! still as disturbing as ever!!! jean reno ROCKS!!!!

Goldstein - 12/11/00 12:33:52

Leon is a brilliant film, Luc Besson is a genius, Jean Reno is a great actor, Natalie Portman is superb. One of the best qoutes has got to be "I havnt got time for this Mickey Mouse bull shit" Gary Oldman. Ronin which stars Jean Reno is also good some goo car chases but Leon still rules. I cant beleive it never even got nominated for an oscar and Titanic goes and gets nine of them!

Katy and Lucy - 12/09/00 20:54:21
My Email:[email protected]

We thought that the film was brilliant and that the websites great!!

Spanky Frenzy - 12/08/00 17:54:04
My Email:[email protected]

Yes. If i had to chose my all time favorite film it would be leon! I especially like the very cool part played by Luc Besson. He's cool! Only a kind of a sad end. Don't like that but....aahh what the heck.....i just like this movie very much. Greetz, Ruud

Adam - 12/06/00 11:09:21
My Email:[email protected]

Does any one know how to get hold of a copy of Version Intergrale in England if you know how please E mail me [email protected]

Adam - 12/05/00 13:21:24
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is by far the best film i have seen Natalie Portman is a fine young actress

Stef P - 12/04/00 05:54:31
My Email:n/a

I bought the director's cut of The Professional about a week ago, I have to say that I'm really dissapointed...dissapointed that all those great scenes were cut out of the original when I first saw it here in Toronto. Anyway, this has to be my favourite ovies of all time, even beating out Braveheart (which I saw about 9 times in the theatre). I really think Jean Reno should be cast in more movies, what an actor, and Natalie Portman... well I guess I'm not the only one who thinks she's a great actress... ow I have to go see Besson's other films, hopefully they're just as great...

Matt - 12/02/00 11:03:09
My Email:[email protected]

Big hand to luc, jean and nat. Unforgetable movie and great web site (version integrale) At last I can sleep peacefully now .

Stu Bell - 11/30/00 14:52:04
My Email:[email protected]

This is a very good site - thanks and congratulations! I think one of the many reasons Leon is such a great film is that everyone reacts to it differently - a rarity these days. Excellent work from the comically subversive Besson...

Micky Lintott - 11/27/00 14:16:49
My URL:http://whatsupdogs.8m.com
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is simply amazing! It is my favourite film of all time - Luc Besson you are a genius!

Paddy - 11/27/00 03:37:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Padmeiste2002/home.html
My Email:[email protected]

It's good to see someone who has such a great appreciation for this stupendous film. I only saw it recently but it has become one of my favourites. Nice site and keep up the good work. 'I was John Wayne.'

Alan Scholefield - 11/25/00 19:42:50
My URL:http://www.bestofut.homestead.com
My Email:[email protected]

I'm so glad you've made this site. There is such a lack of good Leon sites out there. I'm also very pleased by the amount of entries in this guestbook which surely proves how passionate people are about this great film. Leon is my favourite film and I an't wait to see more from Luc Besson.

Miv - 11/22/00 14:40:11
My Email:[email protected]

One of the best movies ever...but wouldn�t had been the same whitout Reno and Nathalie... Luc Besson..the greatest!

Nehelamite - 11/21/00 03:40:56
My Email:[email protected]

Well done!Your try was beautiful...like the film..Maybe one of the best 5 movies at 90's....

claudia - 11/15/00 17:47:02
My Email:[email protected]

Reno is such a great actor! He is the best! Leon without Reno would not be that great. THANK GOD FOR THIS GREAT FILM!

Carsten Carlsen Boll - 11/14/00 20:08:22
My Email:[email protected]

Leon...Nikita...Le Big Blue...Jeanne D'Arc. Needles to say that Luc Besson is one of the greatest instructors I have ever heard of. Together with Quentin Tarantino and Thomas Vinterberg, he has made it worth watching films. Feel free to E-mail me, if you have any comments

Nick H. - 11/14/00 00:51:54
My Email:[email protected]

I think that Jean Reno is an exelent actor and The Professional was put together well.

dodger - 11/12/00 22:15:01
My Email:[email protected]

just saw this movie on 11/11 /2000 / it's fantastic!!!!! way better than i expected. totally underrated and underwatched. i'm out to spread the word on this movie. and thanks for making such a cool webpage. if not us new leon fans would have no where to o!!

maya - 11/11/00 22:40:15
My Email:[email protected]

i saw this movie last night on tv. i think it was the best movie ever. it was such a touching story. i loved it. in school we have to chose a film to study and i'm gonna chose this film.

C Bugot - 11/11/00 22:04:13
My Email:[email protected]

Leon restera l'oeuvre principale de Besson. Maintenant, je n'attend qu'une seule chose : Que la version integrale sorte en DVD! � Fans de ce film, Continuons � aduler le plus gentil des tueurs. Et qui sait, c'est peut �tre nous un jour qui lui apporterons une bouteille de lait... Christopher, GENE

Tony - 11/09/00 23:21:04
My Email:[email protected]

Gazz, you can get a copy of "L�on Version Integrale" on DVD at your local cult video store. It is titled "Leon the Professional". If you don't have a DVD player, order it from MusicStation (www.musicstation.org). I have the DVD, but I ordered the VHS S cam version from MusicStation anyway. It is excellent quality, in widescreen without subtitles. I can't get their site to work, but try mailing them at "[email protected]", and you should be able to get information about how to order etc. All trans ctions are in US dollars. I live in Australia, and I ordered it during the Olympics, so it took a while, but it got here. Say hi to Gary and all the folks at MusicStation if you decide to order it!

jac - 11/03/00 22:48:50
My Email:[email protected]

"No women, no kids..." Seedy New York is shown in a new light, exposing as only Luc Besson can, a masterpiece. No one has ever brought the bitterness of life to a screen before in such a truely beautiful way. Love and hatred are conveyed in such a beliveable fashion, and et still bring one's emotional awareness to the height of being. "I love these little moments of calm before the storm..." Life and death prove to be so closely intertwined that they become inseperable. As in his other productions, Luc Besson brings a real meaning of the acts perpetrated to us. We feel evey moment of pain, anquish, and love - as Leon perishes part of us goes with him, and we rejoice at his finale act of vengeance for Mathilda. "...for Mathilda..." As disturbing the film may be, it is a fantastic voyage...

RAVI BIANT - 11/02/00 15:38:26
My Email:[email protected]


Gazz - 11/01/00 21:21:09
My Email:[email protected]

I'm a big Besson fan + would love to get hold of a copy of Leon version integrale. Any ideas how I can?

mustafa kemal yener - 11/01/00 13:43:11
My Email:[email protected]

thank you a lot for your success in preparing this webpage. the photo archives may be developed.

tommy - 10/31/00 00:49:42
My Email:kungfuboy1982

WOW, its just amazing how this movie came out almost 7 years ago; that people still watch &talk about it to this very day. I hve to agree wit everyone else that leon is the best movie ever. A perfect movie with perfect characthers. jean reno is the man, a d im in love with natalie portman. When I first saw this movie 5 months ago, i immedeatly became attached to natalie;and a big fan. Her and her relationship with leon touched me. but now Im in love with just the whole movie. Ive seen this movie 56 times(h nest).

garet - 10/30/00 00:33:56
My Email:[email protected]

a fantastic site for a fantastic movie!

cloudmeat - 10/29/00 15:33:47
My URL:http://meat.wo.to
My Email:[email protected]

i like Leon, this story and like actor is Jean Reno and natalie portmanmatilda, gerry oldmarn. i live repulic of korea. i took "Loon Desktop Calendar for Windows 95" File. have good time.. bye~ See u Next... L.O.V.E �� L.E.O.N ^^;;

cloudmeat - 10/29/00 15:33:33
My URL:http://meat.wo.to
My Email:[email protected]

i like Leon, this story and like actor is Jean Reno and natalie portmanmatilda, gerry oldmarn. i live repulic of korea. i took "Loon Desktop Calendar for Windows 95" File. have good time.. bye~ See u Next... L.O.V.E �� L.E.O.N ^^;;

Paul - 10/28/00 22:23:02
My URL:http://dunno_bu_i)have_one.com
My Email:[email protected]


James Raynor - 10/28/00 18:55:43
My URL:http://go.to/samraimi
My Email:[email protected]

I just bought the film on DVD and I have come to the conclusion that no-one coughs into a glass of milk like Jean Reno. Great site, as well.

Brian Davey - 10/28/00 16:49:19
My Email:[email protected]

I love this film and i try to watch it once a month.My copy of it on video is worn down so i taped it off the TV.If anyone else loves it as much as I do please e-mail me (especially if u r from Ireland)

Dave Evans - 10/28/00 09:59:34
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, I'm looking for some more Leon fans to talk to, cos I haven't met a single person EVER who has seen it. So, anyone (preferably female/teen) who has seen it and likes/loves it, email me at: [email protected]

Richard Barker - 10/27/00 20:09:44
My Email:[email protected]

Leon really touched me. It is the greatest film ever made. THANKS TO ALL WHO WERE INVOLVED WITH IT

Richard Barker - 10/27/00 20:09:41
My Email:[email protected]

Leon really touched me. It is the greatest film ever made. THANKS TO ALL WHO WERE INVOLVED WITH IT

ektor tsatsoulis - 10/25/00 15:45:58
My Email:[email protected]

The best movie ever seen!!! my only complane is that here in Greece the version integrale never came.

ektor tsatsoulis - 10/25/00 15:44:44
My Email:[email protected]

The best movie ever seen!!! my only complane is that here in Greece the version integrale never came.

laura symonds - 10/25/00 12:17:39
My Email:[email protected]

i think leon is really good it is great well done from laura x

Shaun Rawding - 10/24/00 17:38:18

Just to compliment you on this excellent little site. I found it most enjoyable. Some of the grammar needs checking over though!

LoveBird - 10/24/00 15:23:15
My Email:[email protected]

"LEON" is my favorite moive.I'm just want to thank God that i found this lovely page .But may the God do me a favore? Plz ,let me buy this moive home~!!!

Jeanne - 10/23/00 17:59:26
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of the best films I have ever seen. It was really moving, and I sobbed my eyes out at the end. Jean Reno was brilliant in it.

Vince - 10/23/00 13:26:41
My URL:http://shadowvince.homestead.com/dark.html
My Email:[email protected]

I think that The Professional (Leon) is the greatest movie of all time. I've seen it about 5 times (I know, that's not much) but I'm trying to buy the movie. I guess I'm lucky too because I saw the "Version Integrale". Recently I've been playing "The Sims Alot and I'm trying to reproduce Leon's appartement, but its pretty hard, I have to look at movie clips and make a map of the entire appartement. If anyone can send me a well made, exact map of his appartement (including all the furniture, colors, and al , I'd really appreciate. Also if someone can send just a pic showing any part of his appartement to me, I would really be happy. Vince :]

Colin - 10/22/00 23:10:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co3/lifeasweknowit
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is an amazing film. This site goes well with it

Ian Fleeton - 10/22/00 13:59:02
My URL:http://www.hardcoreheroes.com/
My Email:[email protected]

Lovely site, thanks for the calendar! I just read the original script. Is that really how it's supposed to end? Is that ending on Version Integrale - it seems so much better, beautifully tragic. Also, don't forget UK fans - 10pm Channel 4 tonight.

Bud - 10/21/00 14:41:14

Good luck

Bud - 10/21/00 14:40:40

Goor luck

Ruben - 10/19/00 08:31:16
My Email:[email protected]

i wonderful and powerful film that i feel is un scored and in my book of favorites will be number one for years to come. an amazing film, of all that can be of life and it woes. a creative masterpiece, and explosive thought that sparks tears. ... should i go on?

Executor - 10/17/00 10:23:42
My Email:[email protected]

Well Leon is the Best film i've evers seen. Site is well made and with lots of materials!

Alex Perpetuo - 10/15/00 21:06:42
My Email:[email protected]

I love this Film and also the O.S.T. Jean Reno is one of the best actors I�ve ever seen in my short life. But I also want to remember the great work of Luc Besson.I hope to see another film like this of him soon. Love Alex (from Germany)

A Hitman - 10/10/00 06:35:32
My Email:[email protected]

I just saw Leon (US version) for the first time 3 days ago, and since then I've watched it another 2 times! I just love this movie. It's all I can think about now - it was that impactful. A great story about love.. although the ending was quite sad, i was perfect. Go see this movie!

Lewis&Gareth Rees - 10/08/00 18:38:16
My Email:[email protected]

I would just like to say that Leon is DAMN FANTASTIC! After the 1st time I saw it, I showed it to all my year in school and they ALL agree it is on of the best films in the world. It would be so cool to bring out of a sequel
Canna - 10/07/00 17:45:47
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is 1 of my favourite movie. even after 3 times watching it, i still found it amazing and touching and skillful( in its way of shooting 7 the arrangement of scenes) as ever, if not better :) back to this site, it's great but it's even better if there's script provided :)

chavez_ding - 10/05/00 16:36:19

this is one damn great film. probably the best i have ever watched. not a action film. a great drama.

Chaser - 10/02/00 12:50:10
My Email:[email protected]

Leon-the best movie ever made. Congratulation to your page!!! Chaser, Germany.

Ujammi - 09/28/00 13:31:40
My Email:[email protected]

It's the best movie I've ever seen!!!

David Bowes - 09/27/00 20:17:57
My Email:[email protected]

Leon...this has to be one of my all time favorite films, and for a reason i can't quite put my finger on. Besson has a unique style and the casting was perfect.

tom - 09/26/00 10:35:50

best film ever made!

Youim - 09/20/00 12:24:01

Hello! My name is Im (you can call me youim) I LOVE LEON!! Mathlida is a real girl power! Love from NORWAY!!!!

Tomasz - 09/18/00 08:51:11
My Email:[email protected]

Well even in such country as Poland (U know in the middle of Europe) Leon is one of the best films ever. For me there is nothing more.

Tony - 09/15/00 02:53:17
My Email:[email protected]

"Jesus-fucking-Christ Benny!" This is a great site, dedicated to the greatest film ever made. I think that the film has been unjustly treated, in the editing and at those damned film awards. I also understand why people still abuse children; they haven t seen 'L�on'! Who will even dare thinking about abusing a child after they've seen poor Mathilda getting beaten by her family? Who didn't have heart flutters the first time when they saw her, in effect, pleading for her life outside Leon's door? I can't understand why they cut twenty minutes of character building out of the American version. It is nowhere near as controversial as 'Lolita', and the story is not shockingly obscene. Instead, Mathilda is portrayed as a street-smart, emotional, mani and confused little girl, who has only loved two people, as far as we know. The tragedy of the story is that she has trouble expressing her feelings, the absence of normality, and everything she has loved has been taken away. Unlike most action films, you care about the characters involved. You might even have a tear or two at the end. Jean Reno, Gary Oldman and Natalie Portman should have won something. The critics can go fuck themselves. There is one certainty that I'm t king out of this beautiful movie; I will never sing "Happy Birthday" properly again!

Hank Isaac - 09/13/00 17:40:50
My URL:http://authors.home.mindspring.com/
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site, thank you! I found the following links on your links page to be dead ends: 1.) DVD-2000 - (Version Integrale review) -- http://www.dvd-2000.clara.net 2.) Angie's Leon web page -- http://www.baginc.com/amk_leon.html 3.) Rebecca's Luc Besson site -- http://endor.freeservers.com/luc/ Again, thanks for providing the site. Hank

Ro - 09/06/00 22:42:41
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site! I enjoyed the movie and this site is just as equally as good!!!

Bora - 09/02/00 21:55:18
My Email:[email protected]

The film 'Leon' is the best film I have ever seen! Heartfelt. The poster of the film is so amazing that I don't think I will stop loving it. I am telling the truth. Luc Besson is my favourite director! --Bora

Jul Vilpiton - 08/30/00 16:13:01

Great work, a very fine site to visit! Lots of interesting stuff!

stacie - 08/29/00 05:46:40
My Email:[email protected]

you can't try to describe what this movie does to draw so many people to it. it's only fair to say,...you can't condemn perfection, which is what this is.

Chirvasuta Costin - 08/28/00 11:39:36
My Email:[email protected]

I'm a big fan of Leon and this page is the best i've seen yet. I downloaded many images and sounds, completed all the games and got the calendar. I like the quiz idea a lot. Costin.

eden - 08/27/00 10:23:01

Interesting web site about L�on... Mais dommage qu'il ne soit pas � jour!

John - 08/26/00 09:33:08
My Email:[email protected]

I loved the movie. I have all Besson's films. Not much else to say. It's my favorite...

Eric Hayes - 08/25/00 08:18:47
My Email:[email protected]


clint - 08/23/00 19:27:01
My Email:[email protected]

great site...........one of the best i've seen dedicated to such a good movie. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN PURCHASING LEON:VERSION INTEGRALE (DIRECTOR"S CUT-VHS + DVD), E-MAIL ME [email protected] THANKS.

Dietmar Hinz - 08/23/00 02:55:03


Mohsen Azimi - 08/20/00 19:04:42
My Email:[email protected]

hi I want 2 know about the different views & critics on the Professional(Leon) That would B nice of U regards momo

Ben - 08/19/00 22:26:35
My Email:[email protected]

I'm really impressed by the site. I saw Leon about two years ago and have been a big fan of Besson ever since. I'm not quite sure how the e-mail icon works to order the 'version integrale', so if some one could tell me, that would be cool! Ben

Fatih - 08/12/00 23:01:30
My URL:http://mfyonline.com
My Email:[email protected]

This is the best movie i have ever watched and will watch.Leon2...i am waiting and i give everything to play in it

- 08/12/00 22:20:59

hey! I like Mathilda very much but she is too young. Btw: this web site is very "do dupy" (games are good idea)

Vin - 08/10/00 05:41:15
My Email:[email protected]

I am the #1 Leon/The Professional fan. It is the best movie i have ever seen. i first saw The Professional years ago and fell in love with the movie. i have just recently acquired the soon to be released uncut international version of Leon/The Professi nal, and i must say that the 24 minutes of extra footage completes the movie. it fills in the gaps and just makes the movie so much better. i am now looking at the movie in a whole different way and i'm loving it even more.

Emmie - 08/06/00 22:47:17
My Email:[email protected]

How ever many times I watch 'Leon' it always has the same impact on me...I always cry. It's the most fantastic film I have ever seen and Sting's song at the end 'Shape Of My Heart' will always be my favorite.

les zawrzykraj - 08/05/00 22:21:42
My Email:[email protected]

one of the best films ever made! and a great site as well, also see the other great LB film .the big blue., long version, great film as well,. cheers

Angel Maestre - 08/04/00 18:58:15
My Email:[email protected]

La mejor pelicula.

Marshall Stambovsky,MD - 07/31/00 19:01:24
My Email:[email protected]

Great cast!Great movie!thanks to casand crew.

- 07/30/00 16:20:33


Sage - 07/30/00 16:20:18
My Email:[email protected]

this movie gets inside your heart and make you wish you could find true love. this movie is what the world is. sad. but still beautiful..; im listening to front line assembly digital dementia ....

lka - 07/25/00 08:20:26
My Email:[email protected]

few death links, sorry. i breath love!!!

lka - 07/25/00 07:58:26

i Love the film and this site, but i want more!!!!

basia maciag - 07/24/00 16:26:37
My Email:[email protected]

see LEON and die. nothing more is needed for happiness.

Chris - 07/23/00 03:59:36
My Email:[email protected]

The Movie was great one of the best emotional action flicks i have seen in a while i laughed and cried . verry good movie

patrice tardieu - 07/22/00 17:08:41

un film culte, �mouvant,touchant, �poustouflant.

Katja - 07/19/00 09:57:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/erkit_marjajakatja
My Email:[email protected]

I have only seen it once, but I think it is the best movie ever... I didn�t see the violence, like some , I saw the great story, great acting. The reason I firstly wanted to see it was that Natalie Portman was in it, but when I watched that, I didn�t thin that was Natalie, she was Mathilda. Leon is also only movie that made me almost cry. I have to not to cry, becose then I wouln�t see the movie. And "shape of my heart" that surprised me! Becose in Finland here are "rap- singer" called Seremoniamestari (eng.master of ceremony or something) And he uses "Shape of my heart, Leon tune, in his song called Viesti(message)!!!

scaeen play - 07/18/00 06:37:16


- 07/18/00 06:36:05


elizabeth - 07/16/00 23:21:48
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I'm Ely & I'd like to know more information 'bout L�on's arrangement of scenes. I live in Latina, a very small city in Italy ( it's called "ghost town"), and here it's so difficult to look for interesting books. i have bought an incompleted text of L�on in Paris , I want to read all the arrangement of my film.It's the best for me !! Please, send me another information about it! and...I hope to see Jean Reno into a new film of Luc Besson soon. xxx'Elizabeth

Dan cole - 07/16/00 16:10:37

This is by far the best movie ever made. The cast is amazing, espeically Jean Reno and Natalie Portman. Gary Oldman is one of the most bellievable badguys, and played the part with extream precission. I watch this movie 4 times a day, and still get angry t the ending every time. The film is done with such artistic perspective only Luc Besson can create.

Thibault Caspar - 07/14/00 19:26:40
My URL:http://www.multimania.com/scr4am
My Email:[email protected]

Hey I'm french and I would like to thank u for your site!It's the best L�on's page I've ever seen with great pictures of the movie. I love Nthalie Portmann and Jean Reno!

Klump - 07/13/00 18:00:15
My Email:none!


A D Roberts - 07/13/00 14:57:24
My Email:[email protected]

A great film, two lonely people who find a kind of love. Truly great actors who still grow today. Leon knew that the moment he opened the door to her he would die for Matilda.

Katja - 07/10/00 19:24:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/erkit_marjajakatja
My Email:[email protected]

finally someone who loves Leon....

Sam Wells - 07/09/00 06:24:47
My Email:[email protected]

There is alot of really cool information here,and thanks to you Mara,I know much more about Luc Besson.Actually,I've yet to see one of his film's,but I shall try to do so ,next week .I'm still looking for that picture I mentioned.

MEEKO - 07/05/00 00:40:28
My Email:[email protected]


malky - 07/04/00 12:02:40
My Email:[email protected]

fuck off, i hate your fucking film

ilmari rajala - 07/02/00 20:44:14
My Email:[email protected]

leon is great movie.i love lu bessons movies.

IMF2000 - 07/02/00 15:53:23
My URL:http://www.the-works.fsnet.co.uk
My Email:[email protected]

This site is absolutely essential!!! LEON is the best film I have ever seen and this site is a fitting tribute to it. Well done! :-)

jimmy - 06/29/00 09:02:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/masterofpast/
My Email:[email protected]

i've signed your guestbook, so you should sign mine anyhow, i've watched this movie like 20 times over in the last 4 days. b4 that, hadnt seen it in like 5 yrs. otherwise, this movie is one of my all time favourite awesome movies. you should check out one of my other favourites, six string samurai. oth rwise, natalie portman is a hottie. & i beg to differ about the father daughter analysis. why not father figure & lover both? heh heh...i'm a pedophile at heart

Justin - 06/29/00 02:31:53
My Email:[email protected]

The Professional is my absolute favourite movie. I'm happy that I found such a good web site on it.

Tom Moloney - 06/27/00 15:07:37

a truly superb site. I was delighted to see the truth about the cut parts of the film. I can't see a better way to pay homage to such amoving film.

Akita - 06/26/00 21:21:39
My URL:http://leon.valveworld.com
My Email:[email protected]

I loved the film so much that I have decided to make a game that mirrors the film in every detail, if u are interested in helping mail me.

Liz - 06/24/00 04:01:26
My URL:http://www.gilroyware.com
My Email:[email protected]

i'm a big fan. i love Jean Reno. :-)

monica neddi - 06/18/00 22:21:47
My Email:[email protected]

It's the greatest page on the best film ever!

Denise - 06/16/00 20:44:18
My Email:i'[email protected]

hey , i just want to say LEON is the best movie i ever saw and jean reno is a really good actor.he plays this hard unbreakable typ , but actually i think he's very cute... also compliments to nathalie portman!! greetz Denise , 14

Ste. H. - 06/10/00 08:48:43
My Email:[email protected]

It is a piece of art work. I am a big sci-fi fan but this is my number two fav film of all time and to say it is not sci-fi it must be good.

chris kiely - 06/09/00 22:02:44

i love leon!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the best fuckin film i ever saw period!!

Jenny - 06/09/00 19:18:40
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is perfection.But let's start a movement to bring back Version Integrale!!! I cannot stand it any longer, when only the cut version of Leon is shown!!! I hate it!!! The whole film is ruined! Never ever ever ruin a beautiful film like that again!!!!!! !!!!!!

Rob - 06/09/00 17:16:58
My URL:http://www.beer-barrel.20m.com
My Email:[email protected]

Leon Rules!!!!!!!Greatest Film Eva!!!!Love the Site!!!

mikrogen - 06/08/00 13:21:49
My URL:http://www.mujweb.cz/www/mikrogen
My Email:[email protected]

Perfect piece of work. Both film and page. But Leon is legend.

P.Diddy - 06/07/00 21:53:11
My Email:[email protected]

This is a very cool site for a very cool film

+mlook - 06/07/00 19:05:24
My Email:[email protected]

Jean Reno rox! Natalie Portman rox! Gary Oldman rox! Luc Besson rox! L�on rox!

Chris Garraway - 06/06/00 08:42:36
My Email:[email protected]

I just recently watched the movie on TV and I must say that it is one of the best movies I have ever seen! It moved me like no other movie has. By the end of it I was in tears. Everything from the tragic storyline to the music was terrific! It is a shame hat the version I saw was not the 'Version Integrale' because the cut material really adds to the depth of the story. I'm gonna try and get 'Version Integrale' on DVD. Wonderful!!!

Ed - 06/05/00 16:58:30

Some dvd dealers are listing the International cut of Leon--retitled for release in the States as "Leon--The Professional"--as becoming available on August 15th. Looks encouraging. Amazon.com has even posted a jpeg of the advance cover art for the dvd; it would also seem the longer cut--purported to have and additional 24 minutes of footage--will be made available on VHS. So, if you're thinking about springing for the Japanese disc, it might be worth waiting for the domestic release. The Big Blue--director s cut--is also slated for release on the same day.

DAN - 06/04/00 01:25:11
My Email:[email protected]

Interested in any onfo you have on this film

Adi - 06/04/00 01:12:47

My favorite movie as well, about a perfect, unconditional love. Thanks for the version integrale scenes! I think it will be coming out in the States soon.

Chris Buchanan - 05/31/00 15:49:47

Great web site. I love the movie. Cant wait to see if I can find the director's cut. That's all. Bye.

DAN - 05/28/00 20:12:00
My Email:[email protected]

Interested in any and all things related to this film. I can't get enough of it!

john rivera - 05/23/00 15:25:42
My Email:[email protected]

leon is a masterpiece

Chrisovitsiotis Yannis - 05/23/00 10:43:05
My Email:[email protected]

I watched the movie three times within two days. Does this explain my feelings about it? Jean Reno became my favourite since Deep Blue, and now, Natalie! Natalie made me fall in love with a girl that's looks pretty much like her. I love watching her so "OK" all the time! :)

karl Toth - 05/22/00 22:16:45
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Im a 16 year old wanna be filmmaker from cleveland, this is my favorite movie/ I'm currently writing something with a similar premise but it is by no means unoriginal, if any body cares I'll send it to you its about 50 pages long

Tom Cruise - 05/22/00 03:55:14
My Email:[email protected]

Get your hands on the Intergral Version. The extra footage is worth it.

Sander Adams - 05/19/00 19:03:01
My URL:http://go.to/jos.verstappen
My Email:[email protected]

This is really the best LEON site I've ever seen. The best site ever about the best movie ever !

Leon Hunt - 05/18/00 14:01:22


Leon Hunt - 05/18/00 13:59:10


Mariusz - 05/17/00 20:09:00
My URL:http://www.film.leon.prv.pl
My Email:[email protected]

I have to say, this is the biggest Leon page which I've ever seen. And it has extreme big guestbook! If I wouldn't see this film I could say, that the author of this page had written all this enthusiastic messages himself. I've seen Leon about 50 times fo now, and thanks to it I found great Luc Besson, who is now my one and only favourite film director, or better - film maker. Leon is the most moving love story I've ever seen and probably I'll ever see. I even created my own Leon webpage. If you love this film as much as I do, please, write to me!

Masquerade - 05/16/00 05:04:38
My URL:http://leon.le.on
My Email:[email protected]

Your page is wonderful......

DMC - 05/15/00 20:48:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dunk_mc
My Email:[email protected]

Leon's an excellent Film, and this site does it justice(Shit I'm starting to talk like him, well that's it - DMC.

ANASTASIOS - 05/15/00 09:30:34
My Email:[email protected]

If i have something to say about this movie is that this is the best movie i've ever seen.The actors were great and professionally expertised with the meaning of their roles.It also has a very nice and realistic script that makes the movie different and w th better quality than other Hollywood style movies!!That's how I find this movie and that's my opinion!!

carolina - 05/15/00 03:55:04
My Email:[email protected]

i think this is an amazing movie. leon is wonderful and jean reno is the best actor i've ever seen. nobody else coud have played that character. this web site is excellent because it gave me the chance to have the most beautiful pics of this movie and of ourse of jean.

- 05/10/00 13:41:39
My Email:[email protected]

It's too bad that in America french movies are not seen... (I am french)

masatoshi ooba - 05/06/00 08:04:01
My Email:[email protected]


Dylan - 05/06/00 00:05:37

I liked this movie.

orlin - 05/04/00 11:04:37
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:orlin_leo

the best

- 05/04/00 11:02:38


joel garner - 05/03/00 22:35:05
My URL:http://leon.xrs.net
My Email:[email protected]

"Is life always this hard or is it just when your a kid?"

Mark Henman - 05/02/00 05:36:54
My Email:[email protected]

I LOVE THIS PAGE!!!! I've been searching for years for people who feel the same way about the film as I do. No film has made an impact on me as Leon has which I saw 4 years ago. I lay in bed with headphones on listening to Eric Serra's soundtrack picturing the visuals/dialoge that the music cues seem to match perfectly. The critics can think what they want, I'm just wrapted up in this amazing piece

- 05/02/00 03:01:38


MetallicA999 - 04/30/00 22:11:35
My URL:http://metallica999.50megs.com/Phreaking.html
My Email:[email protected]

Kewl site dude, excellent job and good movie. L8r man

Mathilda(funny, huh) - 04/27/00 17:09:10
My URL:http://um, forgot
My Email:^o^

this is the bestest ever "leon" page but i have a suggestion; since u have so many pictures splashed all over the page with very good quality, why don't u try making a picture gallery? but otherwise wonderful page-keep it up! Mathilda

mikio - 04/25/00 18:31:24
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for your works. Show must go on.

John J C - 04/23/00 09:48:33
My Email:[email protected]

Great site you made for a great movie!

Nivantha Gunaherath - 04/21/00 10:52:02
My Email:[email protected]

A very good film. The best I've ever watched. Very interesting and emotional too. Well done.

adriana - 04/21/00 03:49:21
My Email:[email protected]

necesito conocer el nombre del tema musical cantado por sting gracias

- 04/21/00 03:46:46


Eldar - 04/20/00 10:52:02
My Email:[email protected]

Hi. I making musik videos. I think, Leon one of the best film, what I see. I like this site. In Russia, Leon go on DVD, but not in version integrale. :) from Moscow.

Michael - 04/20/00 02:36:05

The Proffesional has a style like no other film i have ever seen. The friendship between Leon and Mathilda looks so genuine. Definetely one of my favourites.

m harger - 04/17/00 19:40:46
My Email:harger52@hotmail

In my humble oppinion, i believe this to be one of the best displays of cinematic greatness and with the quailty of the photography/filming it is hard not to know why!

gohei - 04/17/00 05:27:59
My Email:[email protected].

This movie is my favorite movie! When I watch thisone ,I remember my junior high school days.

- 04/17/00 05:19:30


Jacki Cooper - 04/16/00 19:04:21
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of the bes films that I have ever watched. The first time I saw it I almoset cried, it was so sad! I always try to catch any film which features either Jean Reno (one of my favourite actors) or Gary Oldman. However, I think Jean Reno plays an outdtanding part in Leon....brilliant.

Hellcat - 04/15/00 16:37:03
My URL:http://fly.to/hellcat
My Email:[email protected]

Great page. I loved the movie, and love the page. Keep it up.

*Handan en Karin* - 04/14/00 08:26:40
My Email:[email protected]

We Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "Leon"!!!!!!! ThanXX 2 Luc Besson (4 Makin' it)!!!! Ive got the movie at home and cant stop watchin' it.... Love and -X-ezz from Karin and Handan....Mail ya later!

Dirix Kristof - 04/12/00 16:05:18
My Email:[email protected]

Magnificent site. I liked the movie from the first moment I saw it. Good job Besson but an even better job of Reno and certainly Natalie. congratulations

Tomo - 04/11/00 21:54:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/swocctomo

This is the coolest page of LEON. Today, Luc Besson, Jean Reno and Natalie Portman became very famous in the states. I believe their first fame in the states is created by this film.

- 04/08/00 22:27:00


mo - 04/06/00 18:00:36
My URL:http://www.ginko.de/user/mogli
My Email:[email protected]

well... I've seen this film in english first time... and i was so faszinated, that I was searching for some photos for to put them on my screensaver... so a very good film.. my favorite one...

france laurent - 04/06/00 11:29:18
My Email:[email protected]

i love leon

Vance Palodichuk - 04/03/00 18:30:13
My URL:http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/
My Email:[email protected]

Those who are trying to get their hands on Leon Integral Version should check out CD Japan (http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/). I imported the Japanese DVD, and I'm glad I did! You'll need some way of playing region 2 DVDs, though. My DVD-ROM happens to be reg on-free.

Adam - 03/29/00 23:08:48
My Email:[email protected]

nice site.. good film. keep up the good work!

- 03/28/00 12:29:13
My Email:[email protected]

hey. i just found this site and its really good (like the movie). so many ppl have signed the guest book!! far out!! no one will probably ever read this ey! hehehe..ok..see ya..nice work!!

jeremy - 03/27/00 23:14:50
My Email:[email protected]

well, i've been looking at a lot of sites about luc besson, natilie portman, and jeon reno, and this one seems to be the most versitile. well i like your site, and if you have any more up let me know. jeremy,

jeremy - 03/27/00 23:14:07
My Email:[email protected]

well, i've been looking at a lot of sites about luc besson, natilie portman, and jeon reno, and this one seems to be the most versitile. well i like your site, and if you have any more up let me know. jeremy,

ALEX WALKER - 03/25/00 19:58:00


Jasen Speed - 03/24/00 22:28:18
My URL:http://www.don'thaveone.net
My Email:[email protected]

This site is absolutely amazing!!! The best site of it's kind!!!! The only one of it's kind!!! May god bless this site's creator! May it never go down and may his server always run.

David White - 03/21/00 22:10:50
My Email:[email protected]

I thought "The Professional" was easily the best movie of that year (way better than "Forest Gump"), and I was interested how badly it was reviewed by the American (can you say "kow towing to Hollywood") press. I've since been so impressed with Jean Reno' work in "For Rosanna" and "Ronin" that I am writing a special screenplay for him, about the Roman invasion of Gaul under Julius Ceasar. I hope he gets to see it some day...

James - 03/21/00 13:31:53
My URL:http://godly.8k.com
My Email:[email protected]

An incredibly well put together site. Nice use of games and info. Making me very envious as someone who has spent about 2 years trying to get hold of the Integral version with no success!

- 03/20/00 17:47:29


raymond torhaug - 03/20/00 17:46:59
My Email:[email protected]

my favourite movie

Nicholas - 03/20/00 02:34:43
My URL:http://www.roughedgestudios.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]

Hi everyone! I just recently found this website and I love it! Like many, Leon is in my top ten movies and it pushed me into filmmaking. I'm directing my first movie this summer. I just think that Luc Besson made a great job on this movie, in my opinion i 's his best movie yet. Too bad so many people missed it when it was in theaters (including me), it really deserves our attention. Well, that's it for me!

Gra�gram�n - 03/18/00 17:05:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/graograman_xv
My Email:[email protected]

Great Page, simply the best Leon Page I�ve ever seen!!!

Eran Anshel - 03/18/00 10:16:05
My Email:[email protected]

Leon was the best movie I have ever seen. I`v seen him about 30-40 time`s

daniel campbell - 03/12/00 03:41:47
My Email:[email protected]

please,I can't find the song "the shape of my heart" can you help me ?.

Jarod - 03/10/00 04:17:23
My Email:[email protected]

Damn...I am impressed by this site. I loved this movie and the genre, and look forward to owning the uncut dvd version. Always thought that Mathilda didn't kill enough people:) Guess I am just a violent american:)

Marie - 03/07/00 22:09:43
My Email:[email protected]

Hi from New Zealand, Ive been looking for wavs and pics to make Leon gestures for use in vp chat and you have the best site I've ever found. Its great, I just love that movie. Thanks for sharing. May we all find the sort of love that cures us of the pain in our stomach.

axxx10 - 03/06/00 14:09:10
My Email:[email protected]

Fantastic web page!! I loved every inch of it....:)

Zegmoogla Besmesma - 03/05/00 08:00:28

I like to eat poop and I like to watch Leon. This is the goodest movie ever. Go and watch it with a loved one. Or watch it when you feel like letting people eat from your hen-house! Goodbye.

B.Davey - 03/04/00 20:41:22
My Email:[email protected]

I watch this film all the time and I just love it.I own the soundrack and I will buy a DVD player if version intergrale comes out here.It is a great film and after watching it I couldnt stop thinking about it for weeks.Please e-mail me if you like Leon as much as I do

temo - 03/04/00 06:09:49
My Email:[email protected]

i really like the acting of jean and natalie, a true love story; and big blue is my favorite movie. saludos desde mexicali,baja california mexico

dom joly - 03/02/00 09:45:14
My Email:[email protected]

I think it is a real shame that the americans cut out certain scenes from leon. i've read the script on this wikkid site and i think these deleted scenes are really important. These scenes build up the relationships between matilda and leon. It think the mericans can't handle characterisation, they just like the action. Still i thought the film was one of the best films ever. if anyone knows where I can get the version intergral in the UK please e-mail me back!

domjoly - 03/02/00 09:37:46
My Email:[email protected]

wassup leon's the best film i've ever seen. if anyone has got the version integral of it please e-mail me i'm dying for it! (thats the version with the deleted scenes in it.

Kazi - 02/28/00 21:39:06
My Email:[email protected]

great site you got here. does anyone by any chance know were i can get the version integrale in US? may be online or something.

Judith Johnson - 02/27/00 14:09:45
My Email:[email protected]


Judith Johnson - 02/27/00 14:08:10
My Email:[email protected]


Robert Sandoval - 02/25/00 23:21:51
My URL:http://geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
My Email:[email protected]

It's February 25, 2000 and I have just rented THe Professional(US name for LEON). I have seen it before but after viewing this site I have come to appreciate the film even more. By any chance will the Professional DVD have the deleted scences? Or if not i there any way I can purchase the Version Integrale?

- 02/22/00 18:58:53

Leon is one of if not the best film I have ever seen. I bought the film on video on the 21/2/00. Natalie Portman is cute!!!

Michael - 02/22/00 13:59:50

Here in Australia, the film is called The Professional. I hate it when the original names are changed, because it becomes difficult to find info on the net. But anyway, I found your site and its great. The film blew me away. It was much greater than I exp cted. I'll be looking out for more films by Besson. Thanks for letting me have my say.

The Chico - 02/21/00 15:19:13
My Email:[email protected]

i think this fim was outstanding!

Angel - 02/19/00 17:27:23
My Email:dtxeric @.clubinternet.fr

I love Leon film, and Jean Reno is my favorite actor. Luc Besson is a great realisator. It 's a very good site SORRY I'm french

Angel - 02/19/00 17:27:05
My Email:dtxeric @.clubinternet.fr

I love Leon film, and Jean Reno is my favorite actor. Luc Besson is a great realisator. It 's a very good site SORRY I'm french

tina tirone - 02/19/00 17:00:54
My Email:[email protected]


tina tirone - 02/19/00 17:00:25
My Email:[email protected]


Claudia Cordoba - 02/18/00 16:40:51
My Email:[email protected]

It�'s my favorite movie.

Amy_A - 02/17/00 04:47:42
My Email:[email protected]

I finally got to watch the movie only last night. Can you believe that I missed it's commercial showing and watch it in a Luc Besson filmfest of sorts at the Alliance Francaise in Manila. I like it very much, the way the story was told, the visuals, the a ting. It was a very touching and very sad movie but it was wonderful.

howell santiago - 02/16/00 18:02:17
My Email:[email protected]

An Outstanding film by Luc Besson!!! The first film that made me cry.

Dave Cross - 02/16/00 13:30:33
My Email:[email protected]

nice web site - very well done

stevan - 02/15/00 02:19:14

killer site ,for probably the best picture of the decade!!! (joan of arc is also a must see)

Ron - 02/14/00 13:13:33
My Email:[email protected]


hitomi - 02/14/00 07:48:50

Leon is my most favorite fiim!

- 02/13/00 17:34:18
My URL:http://yahoo.co.uk
My Email:[email protected]

Excellent site for a excellent movie.

The Avatar - 02/10/00 11:55:00

Do you know her? No. I think we'll be okay here, Leon Easily the best film in the world, as I think some people have said before. Nice one.

Lionel - 02/10/00 08:50:55
My Email:[email protected]

L�on is the best film i ve never seen

lauren hill - 02/07/00 17:16:42

Leon my love, i know where to find the guys who killed my brother, the boss is Norman Stansfield and hes in the DEA building room 4602, I'm gonna do them myself, if something goes wrong I left 220 grand on the table, 5 grand a head right? I know i'll fee better after I do this I love you Mathilda!! The best film ever, so good that I know all the words, very very sad!!

cameron houston - 02/07/00 17:12:58


steve - 02/03/00 21:47:43
My Email:[email protected]

v.good site much appriciated! got any other Luc Besson Web sites??? i also think the big blue is Fab well top site see

William Raveb - 02/01/00 21:42:45
My Email:[email protected]

When i saw this movie, changed my life, i'm not trying to say this is the best movie i have ever seen, it just change my life. But i thought that the movie name was: the professional. any way, i'm looking for the shape of my heart song. if sombody know wh re i can find it, let me know.

Howie - 02/01/00 07:52:50
My URL:http://www.schoolsucks.com/users/psycho/badaboom/

cool page dood! Leon is the best movie of that year. I was disappointed it didn't get no nomination from Academy Award or anything like it. I cannot believe they advertise it as an action movie. It really is a drama than action. If they advertised it as a drama movie, and not changing the name to "The Professional" in the US... people would have said, cool movie. Ain't there rumors about Columbia Pictures releasing integrale version on DVD in the US sometime in the year 2000?

ste chung - 01/31/00 15:28:11

luc besson combines music and visuals better than any modern directo

David - 01/31/00 09:57:22
My Email:[email protected]


Daniel Lee - 01/31/00 07:57:00
My Email:[email protected]

The cinematography, the musical score, the plot, the characters...brilliant! Thank you Luc Besson for what has become one of my favorite films of all time. I would've opened the door for Mathilda in a second! Nathalie Portman is georgeous. Great work.

Mads Meincke - 01/27/00 19:51:30
My Email:[email protected]


c.taylor - 01/23/00 23:41:07
My Email:[email protected]

most amazing site i have ever been on. Loved it to bits .Thank you

Tom Leermakers - 01/22/00 10:42:41
My Email:[email protected]


Kasper Villumsen - 01/20/00 21:37:51
My Email:[email protected]

The century�s best movie. Only one thing to say:"Bingo!"

Marco - 01/18/00 16:35:56
My Email:[email protected]

thank you for your web page about one of the greatest movies ever. Can I make a suggestion : could you add the script, please? Anyway, good work

Tanja - 01/18/00 14:01:08
My URL:http://Tenze.tripod.com
My Email:[email protected]

Greetings from snowy Finland! I've seen Leon several times during the years, and it still amazes me. Very beautiful and touching! Jean Reno is so charismatic and young queen Amidala does an excellent job! And great loonie work from Gary Oldman again! Eve yone should see this!

Daniel Skjelstad - 01/18/00 11:54:47
My Email:[email protected]

Hello This is a very good page about my favorite director Luc Besson...... If anyone know him please tell him to mail me... -Daniel

Mike Knight - 01/16/00 14:56:24
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is the best film I have ever seen, and Jean Reno the best actor.

Wynand - 01/15/00 15:22:16
My Email:[email protected]

Phenomenal Movie!! - I will never be the same again - I have watched it countless of Times already.Everything about it is just so PERFECT! The Caracter-building , the relationship between Leon and Mathilda and the MUSIC!! I cant wait to see the "Directors Cut" Version.It will be released on DVD on April 25th.Hope it will be available on 'amazon.com' since I am from South Africa. (I unfortune ly dont trust www.musicstation.org ,where you can order the VHS Video format)- 'Groete vir Eers' and thanks for this great site - keep it UP!!!!

goto - 01/13/00 19:13:17
My Email:[email protected]

great movie!!!!

JOHN HEINIGER - 01/13/00 11:58:18


Heini - 01/13/00 10:58:10
My Email:[email protected]

I must say that this is still theBEST movie which I have seen!! And Luc Besson he is one of the kind! Music is just perfekt and.... ah I jus love it !!!! And I have to confes that I really did cry in the end Its all so sad!!! Well done Luc Besson, well done!!!

Amy - 01/10/00 13:27:15

ok, so after years of trying to find out what did actually happen in the directors cut, I HAVE!!! I really do think that it is a great shame that this cut of the film has never been released in England, WHY NOT??? After many viewings of Leon I still find that it intrests me more and more, it is the film that I find to be very, very cool. It is my favourite film, I have much admiration for the director, thankyou.

- 01/10/00 07:32:15


Mark Webb - 01/09/00 21:40:27
My Email:[email protected]

The best film i've ever seen !!!!

Schonfeld - 01/07/00 14:48:13
My Email:[email protected]

I think Leon is one of the best films of the 90`s and I`ve seen it 4 times now,and I still enjoy it very much.

Schonfeld - 01/07/00 14:47:58
My Email:[email protected]

I think Leon is one of the best films of the 90`s and I`ve seen it 4 times now,and I still enjoy it very much.

Bailey - 01/06/00 20:00:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Derby/5248
My Email:[email protected]

Excellent Leon webpage. Check out my page about the amazing actor Jean Reno.

natte - 01/05/00 21:03:31
My Email:[email protected]

LEON : the best film I had seen in ALL my life... And the Luc's best film ! I like this guy, and I'm pround, because he is french, like me ! He is the best realisateur in the world...

Benoit - 01/05/00 20:01:51
My Email:[email protected]

J'ai tout simplement ador� ce film! Merveilleux Natalie est vraiment formidable dans ce r�le. Fin quelque peu pr�visible mais reste un tr�s bon fi

MAEO E. GIMENEZ - 01/04/00 04:10:54
My Email:[email protected]


Mateo E. Gimenez - 01/04/00 03:47:30
My Email:[email protected]

well ,I think that this page is exelent! it is very, very good.I am a true fan of the movie , Leon changes my life ... I saw the movie thousands of times... please e-mail me ... and sorry about my english I am from Argentina (here , the movio is called E PERFECTO ASESINO in english would be THE PERFECT KILLER

Ezekiel - 01/03/00 09:52:04
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of my favorite movies. Watch other great shit like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Goodfellas, Trainspotting.

Joel - 12/31/99 23:38:26
My URL:http://leon.xrs.net
My Email:[email protected]

I'm sorry the guest book hasn't been working for a couple of weeks. I've fixed it now. Happy New Year everyone!

unsworth - 12/07/99 14:04:30
My Email:[email protected]

leon is the man

Caleb - 12/03/99 18:27:10
My Email:[email protected]

Put some wallpapers to download and it'll be great

wai-wai - 12/03/99 15:27:37
My Email:[email protected]

leon is still my favourite film ever after the years since it's first release. however, i have yet to see le version integrale, and i would be most grateful if anyone could tell me where i can purchase it in the U.K.

Olle Franberg - 12/03/99 08:13:56
My Email:[email protected]

Still the best movie i�ve ever seen

Marc Toolan - 12/02/99 21:23:09
My Email:[email protected]

It has been quite a few years since I first saw Leon but it has mananged to retain its appeal. Thanks for maintaining a site like this, and keep up the good work.

SAM - 12/02/99 14:13:16
My Email:[email protected]

I just wanna write some words about LEON.This film, far from the french films we often can see,shows the genius of the new genertion of french realisers like Kassovitz,Kounen,Besson... Coming back to LEON,I can say that this film is really one of the best we can find,from its realisation to its cast.The cast,yes,Jean Reno,Nathalie Portman and Gary Oldman really gave the whole dimension of their fabulous talent in this real piece of art. So,goodbye and keep wives and children alive.

PEH - 12/02/99 11:57:54
My Email:[email protected]

2-12-99 Luc Besson is the best

marinos christodoulou - 12/01/99 11:45:45
My Email:[email protected]

exellent! et le film super! Bravo a tous!

Olle Franberg - 12/01/99 08:00:45
My Email:[email protected]

The best movie I have ever seen!

Olle Franberg - 12/01/99 08:00:24
My Email:[email protected]

The best movie I have ever seen!

Kunitani pascal - 11/28/99 22:45:59
My Email:[email protected]

The movie just ended half an hour ago. It was the first time I saw this movie. I'm French, and have just realized what I had missed! I've also figured out the movie theme had been reused by the famous (in Japan) pop star Utada Hikaru, in her seventh song Never Let go".

Michael Lintott - 11/28/99 10:52:28
My Email:[email protected]

Without doubt the best film ever made, all the actors are superb and I cannot wait for Besson's next film.

- 11/25/99 14:03:31


Jakub Miklis - 11/25/99 12:21:55
My Email:[email protected]

no women and kids thats the rules...

Kostas Dimitrakopoulos - 11/24/99 22:02:30
My Email:[email protected]

"Leon" is one of the best films I' ve ever seen. A film so touching, so sensetive in a cruel world, I can see again and again!! Jean, Natalie and Gary are fantastic.

Mohd Nabil Nakim - 11/24/99 05:45:00
My URL:http://underconstruction
My Email:[email protected]

"I've decided what to do with my life, I wanna be a cleaner!" Hi, Im from Malaysia and havent seen the director's cut version of Leon yet. Leon is absolutly the best film ever shot in the history of mankind! Nice site man!

umberto - 11/23/99 22:44:38
My Email:[email protected]

nice film,different fantasy than the american. Umberto.

- 11/23/99 22:38:06


Luke Wakefield - 11/23/99 22:37:24
My URL:http://[email protected]>
My Email:[email protected]>

A BIBLE' The best film ever made e-mail me

Luke Wakefield - 11/23/99 22:34:29
My URL:http://[email protected]>
My Email:[email protected]>

A BIBLE' The best film ever made

"Bobby" - 11/23/99 19:54:43
My Email:[email protected]


TITIANIUM - 11/19/99 14:51:09


Daria Podlaska - 11/18/99 16:08:05
My Email:[email protected]

i like this film very much so it was nice 'to meet' your site have you also links to other Besson's films? i must check it so bye

Ania - 11/18/99 10:27:49
My Email:[email protected]

I love Leon!! I've just voted it my favourite movie of the millenium at www.bbc.co.uk/film99. Any like minded Leon fans e-mail me!

nice - 11/17/99 18:42:32
My URL:nice nice
My Email:nice@nice.,com


Elsa - 11/15/99 14:53:50

Leon est fort. Mais il faut voir "LEON Vous ne savez pas tout" et surtout en VO ( les voix, notamment celle de Mathilda, est 100 fois meilleure que la version fran�aise !)pour VRAIMENT comprendre le film. On se demande m�me comment on a pu voir le film Leon avant ces sc�nes in�dites! ( je crois que personne ne doit comprendre ce que je raconte, vu que je suis dans un site anglais, mais si y'a quelqu'un qui parle fran�ais, il lira peut-�tre ces phrases ! sinon...tant pis !) Bref, je continue. Les 20 minutes de + sont tout simplement g�niale. Toutes. Allez voir la version int�grale, sinon...Vous n'avez pas vu L�on. Voil�, c'est tout, je vous laisse ! Elsa

samo - 11/12/99 16:09:47
My Email:[email protected]

KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bradford - 11/12/99 01:02:09
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of my favorite movies. I think that the Version Integrale has important scenes that should be included.

Big Steve - 11/11/99 12:13:15
My URL:http://notreal.sucker
My Email:[email protected]

nice site, amazing film,got to go

Kris - 11/10/99 11:31:32
My Email:[email protected]

genius. sheer genius. i have now watched Leon about 32 times at last count, and i think it is one of the best films ever. the characters are all portreyed by their actors absolutely brilliantly and everyone shuld be applauded for their performances from N talie Portman & Jean Reno down to the very last extra. in every scene of every minute in the film, it is absolutely brilliant. this film is probably my favourite film, and i think that the only other film that could possibly rival it is Seven. this is als good, but i must say, Leon is still the best. i hope that another film by Luc Besson is soon to come out, if not already in the making!! thankx for being so good!! Kris Patterson

Ramh Jhav Abbin - 11/09/99 05:38:59
My Email:[email protected]

Simply great! Luc Besson is weird but is gorgeous, genius

Nono XXX - 11/04/99 23:36:10
My Email:[email protected]

D�sol� je suis fran�ais ! Malgr� tout, le plus beau site que j'ai trouv� sur le web concernant "L�on", c'est bien toi qui l'a fait! You're the best ! go on !

Mogens Westergaard - 11/04/99 21:51:51
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! Nice puzzles and a good web site. Regards Mogens W.

Alan - 11/04/99 10:33:00

A fantastic film, a work of art! Gary Oldman often plays a baddy, but in this one he really is the baddest! I think I'll become a hitman.

x - 11/04/99 06:54:28
My URL:http://x
My Email:x@x


LucBessonZ - 11/03/99 01:46:15
My URL:http://auctions.yahoo.com/auction/10855831
My Email:[email protected]

Iam A Huge Fan Of Leon the Movie as well as Luc Besson ofcourse and Jean Reno,Natalie Portman, and Eric Serra. The Movie Is a Masterpiece and should be RE-RELEASED in the USA Theaters UNCUT. I think if audiences can watch American Beauty or Amercian Pie, hey can watch Leon Uncut. Eric Serra is a Modern Day Mozart. Luc Besson just never fails to create an awesome film, and i cant Wait for Joan Of Arc. If there was a film that Luc Can do After Joan Of Arc, it would have to be LEON 2 or something related to hat. Its his best film he ever shot. Or maybe Luc is waiting for the year 2004 when a anniverary special would come out? Hm. Well, time will tell. Cya Guys! OH, if your a Natalie Fan, please check out my Auction Links, i think you may find it interesting. ttp://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/ts/exchange-glance/Y03X4156167X9028841/002-6880949-1763444

Chris Birch - 10/31/99 02:51:02
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is the best film of all time.When i first watched it i expected a middle of the road hitman film. When i had finished watching and stings Shape of my heart was beautifully playing over the credits i just sat back in astonishment. Luc Besson is pure g nius. A perfect film from such a low budget. Fifth Element is also good.

karen - 10/30/99 19:45:54
My Email:[email protected]

I watched this movie by accident, just cause I was bored, but it turned out to be awesome. It had a very interesting and unique storyline. It has indeed been and still has been one of the best movies I've ever seen.(and I've seen quite a bit of movies)It s just too bad that this movie didn't get promotioned enough in North America. No one has heard of this film, but seriously its can match or even top Saving Private Ryan or anyone of those movies. It seriously should have, in my opinion won an oscar or at least get nominated. I saw the movie as The Professional and not as its original title Leon. Nevertheless it is awesome, I recommend everyone to rent this one!!!

Ozgur Parlakkilic - 10/28/99 02:11:11
My Email:[email protected]

This movie was made by a master or a professional if you will, and the people how stardedin the movie made a new diff. of movie. Natalie Portman I have to say is the reason I watched the movie over and over and i fell in love with her really in love. I thought the movie was great they spent the hole movi chilling in thier N.Y. apartment building drinking milk but it gave you a feeling of action and New York it was amazing. Iloved it and they should make one more movie like it.

matt - 10/28/99 01:15:42
My Email:[email protected]

excellent film..just, an excellent film.

I Mackay - 10/27/99 10:04:29

An excellent site - I like the sounds and screen-saver!

chris young - 10/25/99 00:18:04
My Email:[email protected]

The professional is my favorite movie ever, I watch it at least once a week I'm wondering how I can order a copy of leon (english version, french subtitles).

Guillaume Cameron - 10/22/99 12:36:38
My Email:[email protected]

You are the maw

Tom�s Kleinerman - 10/22/99 02:04:26
My Email:[email protected]

Well , first of all, i�d like to say that this movie inspired me to be a director one day .... I�m very fond of this kind of movie and the subject , but i also enjoyed the performance of Natalie Portman (she�s so kind and nice) , of course Gary Oldman is one of my best actors i admire and finally Jean Reno is AMAZING in each movie he performed . Well that�s all , i like Ben Kingsley as well maybe �cos i�m jewish and i felt very well but at the same time sad in his performance in The Shindler List he�s so COOL! Bye ... I�m from Argentina and i�ll be a Director one day.... i hope ... :)

gearphile - 10/22/99 00:21:57
My URL:http://starhotties.8m.com
My Email:[email protected]

LEON is one of my favorite movies and your site does it great justice. It's fun and has a lot of variety. Natalie Portman was the inspiration for my starhotties web page.

Hussain Ahmed - 10/20/99 15:57:19
My Email:[email protected]

Thanks for the calendar lets all hope Joan of arc turns into a classic like leon.

Sebastian la cour - 10/19/99 14:25:21
My Email:[email protected]

It's a great movie, Luc Besson is just the best.

Billy - 10/17/99 22:16:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/gogtinswc/home.html
My Email:[email protected]

Great site. Where can I find out about the musical soundtrack, especially the Sting song played at the end?

Daniella Petruccio - 10/17/99 12:59:00
My Email:[email protected]

Fantastic film and webpage. It has helped me alot with my studies but just 1 question why was the name changed to 'The Professional' for the American public, any ideas please e-mail me. ciao tutti

jen - 10/15/99 13:12:37
My URL:http://www.beth47.freeserve.co.uk/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]


wkwas - 10/15/99 09:39:56
My Email:[email protected]

One of the best movies i ever saw!!!! check it on DVD with a good sound surrounding.

XDFVeganX - 10/11/99 00:41:54
My Email:[email protected]

This is an awesome site!!!Natalie Portman is the best so im always looking for good sites!!!If anyone out there knows how i can get a hold of Leon: Integrale Version...please let me know because i have been looking forever!!!Besides who Wouldn't? It is o e of the best films if not the best of all times!!!

Judi McCarrey - 10/07/99 21:23:07
My Email:[email protected]

Thought the site was fab!! I absolutely love Gary Oldman and Jean Reno so this was a real treat ! Thanx!!!!

Justin Finney - 10/03/99 11:35:37
My Email:[email protected]

Wonderful site, keep up the good work. Leon is my favourite film and the Intergrale version is brilliant. Anyone looking for it can get one from Ebay.

Niklas Pettersson - 10/03/99 08:24:49
My URL:http://www.student.vxu.se/home/npedt97/
My Email:[email protected]

Great site! Keep up the good work

Rob Harkness - 10/02/99 15:57:44
My Email:[email protected]

This film has to be the finest film to be released. However is there only one soundtrack for the film as I have only ever been able to get hold of the one by Eric Serra. If there is another, the one with Bjork - Venus as a child etc... where could I get h ld of it, also the Version Integrale of the film on Pal or DVD.

tadanori kondo - 10/01/99 10:26:43
My Email:[email protected]


Andrew Kotides - 09/30/99 14:04:39

I'm more than thrilled from this movie.I'm from Greece but thank God,I found the Director's Cut version in Norway!I'm looking forward for more from Luc and the outstanding cast.Thanks for the experience!

- 09/30/99 08:00:47

leon you hero

benjamin - 09/29/99 22:15:25
My Email:[email protected]

what a great site, hope it expands. i was able to see the directors cut last winter but have since moved to a crappy little town and cant find it anywhere, if anyone has any info on where i could score a copy, please e-mail me.

Brian Davey - 09/29/99 21:09:42

Ive just seen Nikita and you forgot to mention Jean Reno has a cameo in it as Victor the clean-up guy

emily - 09/28/99 22:14:09
My Email:[email protected]

thank god there is something that actually commends the greatest film ever! [email protected]

Nick the Greek - 09/28/99 17:56:41

You should have more pics that visitors could download

Philip Taphouse - 09/28/99 14:44:24
My Email:[email protected]

I love this film, i would even say that it has changed my life

OL'Tony - 09/27/99 16:06:11
My Email:[email protected]

Great site, a real tribute to a magnificant film. Pleased that so many peaple appreciate the artisitic integrity of Luc. This film is a classic though it doesn't seem to have been recognised as such. It's just a matter of time until it goes 'cult' even th ugh it was released some time ago. I review films dayin and dayout and this is without doubt the most artistic, well thought out film I have ever had the pleasure to watch... a must for all budding directors.

Nei Warne - 09/27/99 15:00:51

What a film, back of the head, back of the van! And I love milk too.

Stansfield - 09/25/99 22:50:29
My Email:[email protected]

That's got style. Great site. L�on's the best movie I know, Jean Reno is one of the coolest actors around, and Natalie Portman's just the cutest human being there is.

jo sonnex - 09/25/99 14:06:27
My Email:[email protected]

i recently met Jean Reno and he is wothout a doubt the most charismatic man i have ever met and a spuremely nice guy!

Sergio Rodriguez - 09/24/99 13:17:10
My Email:[email protected]

Al creador del website: Excepcional !!! The Best site about Leon in all over the Web.... Sin duda, un excelente tributo a la que quizas sea la mejor pelicula que he visto en mi vida. Quedan plasmados en el site las emociones, las vivencias, y hasta los aromas de tama�a obra de a te... Regards Sergio (Montevideo, Uruguay, south America)

kory - 09/24/99 12:32:09
My URL:http://perso.wanadoo.fr/kory/bleu.htm
My Email:[email protected]

It's a very beautiful site. C'est un tr�s beau site, je suis fan de Luc Besson, je connais par coeur tous ses films. Dans mon site j'ai fais une page sur Gary Oldman, car en France , on n'en parle pas trop, il est pourtant excellent. Je rajouterai dans mon site un lien vers celui-ci, si il y a une banni�re sp�ciale, envoi moi la par mail. Kory.

JPaculan - 09/22/99 23:38:38
My Email:[email protected]


PETE - 09/22/99 22:02:00

your site is LEGEND!!!!!!!!!! best site ever - well done and thankyou

Sara - 09/19/99 16:29:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/leloodallasmultipass
My Email:[email protected]

This is a fantastic site..i'm a huge fan of Leon and Luc Besson in general

Roy Sinay - 09/18/99 09:45:01
My Email:[email protected]


Crono - 09/18/99 06:10:58
My Email:[email protected]

I am looking for Leon: Version Integrale on DVD.... can anyone help me? if you can please E-Mail me at [email protected]

chris shore - 09/17/99 11:19:39

brilliant film any one know where i can find a dvd directors cit version

Rob Strik - 09/16/99 13:20:13
My Email:[email protected]


Onaji Lowell - 09/16/99 08:30:07
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of my favorites, and if you can get your hands on the Version Integrale, do it. Well worth it, in my opinion. I liked the site; I found the production notes to be interesting. Thanks.

- 09/15/99 17:12:55
My Email:[email protected]

LEon is the greatest movie ever. Luc Besson is my god. Must...have...original...copy. Are there any Japanese fans out there willing to sell me the original Japanese version? (NTSC format, Widescreen, with Japanese subtitles.) If you've got one, or live in Japan or are taking a trip to Japan where you could get one, please e-mail me.

judith johnson - 09/12/99 18:17:41
My Email:[email protected]

Just saw Leon!! It is really a very well done movie. I can't understand why the theatre release was edit so heavily. Now the movie makes sense. I thought it was extremely well done and very humorous in places. Kudos to Besson and cast.

kat - 09/12/99 15:58:42
My URL:http://fly.to/katspage
My Email:[email protected]

Your page is amazing !!! All the info is invaluable and the layout & pics & design looks great. keep up the good work !

metin - 09/12/99 11:19:53
My Email:[email protected]


fran - 09/11/99 20:32:22
My Email:[email protected]

leon is the best film ever please make a sequel

MOUGEL Thierry - 09/11/99 17:49:33
My URL:http://perso.wanadoo.fr/tmougel
My Email:[email protected]

Very good site of movie LEON. so you are certainly fan of JEAN RENO, I have create a JEAN RENO's homePage. Thanks for your comments

hunsolo - 09/11/99 09:34:58


Brian Davey - 09/09/99 19:07:21
My Email:[email protected]

Although I hate to amit it but I was close to tears at the end of this film it was so powerful,well acted and well written every other film seems so average in comparison.Please e-mail me if you feel the same or if you have details on how to get the direc ors cut on pal video please.

Matt Campbell - 09/08/99 13:53:32
My Email:[email protected]

For those out there who want a copy of 'Version Integrale' (Version Longue), I strongly recommend going to the FNAC website from the link, or www.fnac.fr . I recieved my copy in just over a week after the order was processed. It works out to around $62AUS Yes the website is all in french, but careful reading, or following of the obvious will allow you to place your order successfully. It's in SECAM format, which is black and white when viewed on a PAL VCR, widescreen(letterbox format), and subtitled in fr nch. Just take it to any number of video production companies out there and they'll copy it to a top quality tape in your desired format, and remove the subtitles for around $25AUS dollars. This is a brilliant movie that is well worth the effort!

Mike Wilder - 09/02/99 22:56:09
My Email:[email protected]

HELP!!! Can anyone out there please tell me where to get a copy of 'Leon: version integrale' on any format. I live in the UK and I have a multi-region DVD player and a NTSC video player. I would like to get a DVD version though. If anyone out there reading this h s the information that will help me, Please E-Mail me. Thanks in advance.

Mai - 09/02/99 14:21:47
My Email:[email protected]

Hey! Well here i am and i am signing your guest book! :) wow! i feel so priviledged! *sigh* Oh well that was really REALLY cheesy!! wouldn't u say? Er well i would LOL oh well!!!! Well i must say you are very kewl Leon and er i love your movie LOL Lates, Mai

David - 09/02/99 13:09:44
My Email:[email protected]

I was lucky(or unlucky) to see version integral before I saw the cut version and I must say that version integral is such an incredible inprovement from the "original". I can�t understand why Besson left out those scenes!!! Also I�ve got a tip for all you people who are looking for version integrale: go to Japan. It�s quite easy to find there. The only thing that stopped me from buying it was that it was in NTSC, which my video can�t handle(I live in Sweden)

Russ - 08/31/99 18:43:54
My URL:http://www.natalieportman.avex.de/
My Email:[email protected]

Cool. That is one of the coolest movies I ever saw. Your page is good.

Ray - 08/30/99 22:29:02
My Email:Ray @hamps.demon.co.uk

Excellent site for an excellent film!!!!! thanks for telling me about version integrale...! never knew it was out there :).....I'll try and get a copy, I can't believe they left so many cuts out of it all to do with Matildas training!!! Thanx great site :)

Guido de Bruijn - 08/30/99 21:13:38
My URL:http://www.mediaport.org/~flaat/
My Email:[email protected]

If you want the job done right, hire a professional...

OutKast - 08/28/99 23:50:37
My Email:[email protected]

i just watched version integrale and ok, ill be honest, i just had to have this movie, so i tried dubbing it but it has copy protection. can anyone tell me where i can get a good copy or (the real thing) of this movie on vhs-ntsc? please respond. thanks i advance. and i heard about a dvd release here in the states but im too poor for a dvd player =(.

Robert Lindner - 08/28/99 23:45:14
My Email:[email protected]

As an actor, this is my favorite and one of the best movies I have ever seen, based on the pure dialogue and exploration of character--- I Love it! This is a great site and a wonderful Homage to LUC Besson and his wonderful vision

Tundra the Arctic Wolf - 08/28/99 23:24:04
My URL:http://moonlit.shadows.gen-next.com
My Email:[email protected]

This is a great site. I DL'd the screensaver (I had some problems there, though) and won the calendar. Those games are hard. The last puzzle gave me a good 20 minutes of shouting "It looks easier than this!" My compliments on a great site for a great ovie. -the wolf

Hazem Hamdan - 08/27/99 15:53:50
My URL:*http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/8304
My Email:[email protected]

Your Film Is One Of A Kind,I'll never Forget It. I've Seen It Bout 17 Times,I love You Leon and Also Little Matelda (The Crazy Girl),I wish one of the Cinemas here in Jordan will Give me the chance to see your film again. Love

Ben Chan - 08/27/99 10:26:39

This is the best site, for the best movie ever made. The infomation about my favourite film was really great to read, and the pictures were also very good. The other sections are also great, so overall this is the best site that I have seen.

Sha Sha - 08/24/99 18:30:10
My Email:[email protected]

I just watched Leon (uncut) for the first time at about midnight last night. I meant to only watch it until I fell asleep, but I couldn't; I watched straight through until 2 am. This site really looks great, and it's a nice tribute to the film. One nit-picky thing, is that the script for the "Version Integrale" is not quite right... I remember a few lines here and there in the film that were not included in the script on this site. Other than that, this is a fantastic site. Keep up the g

Yas - 08/24/99 15:24:13
My Email:[email protected]

I didn't know so many people liked one of the greatest films ever made. Reno is brilliant and Portman for her debut was fantastic. Besson directed the piece in a way never seen before, like in one of the final scenes where Leon blows up the buliding "fo Matilda" and the camera follows the fire ball, fantastic. Has to be one of the greatest films EVER.

Colin Bowen - 08/20/99 14:52:40
My Email:[email protected]

Wonderful site, I never knew how much I was missing. Too bad Luc Besson had to worry about American audiences. :\ They need more help than Leon did from Mathilda!

ildebrando cortonezi - 08/19/99 00:03:42
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is in my list of best movies to see !!!

Ian - 08/17/99 15:15:22
My Email:[email protected]

An excellent tribute site for one of the best films ever made, well done !

ross burt - 08/17/99 11:49:32
My Email:[email protected]

Not enough pictures, but a not bad site for one of the greatest films ever.

- 08/16/99 23:04:48


SOFI - 08/16/99 22:03:13
My Email:[email protected]

the greatest movie that I ever watch!

Gavin Ferguson - 08/16/99 04:52:05
My Email:[email protected]

We need to get together some kind of petition or something to bring the director's cut to the US.

KAlyfe & Thorin - 08/13/99 21:23:00
My URL:http://www.dwarven-factory.notrix.de
My Email:[email protected]

Nice Page !! and the well done quiz. For big leon fans like us it was no problem, of course... ;-) And what about this questions : - What are the names of the milk-packets (company-names..) ? - How often does Mathilda say "OK" ? - How many litres of milk do they drink ? - Who shoots Mathilda's brother ? MAIL US !

Rowan Ross - 08/12/99 02:27:47
My Email:[email protected]

An excellent site, thanks for the Version Integrale info.

ewezo - 08/11/99 17:33:36
My Email:[email protected]

Great site-does the movie justice

James Johnson - 08/11/99 01:55:59
My Email:[email protected]

Leon Is An Awesome Movie!

William Ko - 08/04/99 22:33:52
My Email:[email protected]

Following the hallmark of a good fan website, you have nicely integrated a lot of content between the reviews, synopsis of the director's cut and the multimedia archives. Great job on covering a great movie. /willko

Allen - 08/04/99 01:56:14
My Email:[email protected]

A few years ago, I saw Leon for the first time. I was simply blown away...kinda like how Stansfield was near the end of the movie, heh. It's my fave movie and I frequently watch it. Besson is a visionary, just brilliant. Portman is fantastic, you would ne er have thought it was her debut. Reno is as always, just right. Oldman, I have to say, is probably the best movie villian ever. Great performances all round, everybody shines. I also have to say this is a great site, I've been a fan for years and just recently found this site. Definetly the best Leon site around. Kudos. I've just found out about Version Integrale. I gotta get it. DVD/VHS/VCD, Pal/NTSC...I dont care. I just need it, heh. Finding this site has resparked my love of the movie and I've been doing some Leon artwork recently. So ya see, Luc Besson and the cast & crew of Leon are an inspiration. Thank you all.

Beet - 08/03/99 19:13:47
My Email:[email protected]

Cool... but what about Natalie Portman???? but alltogether cool! Beet

Crist�bal P�rez - 08/03/99 10:54:49
My Email:[email protected]

Very good page.

Nicci - 08/02/99 14:27:23
My Email:[email protected]


Adam McNestrue - 07/26/99 21:19:16

The best Leon information on the net.

Jeroen Brouwer - 07/26/99 16:33:59
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jeroenb
My Email:[email protected]

Leon has been my favorite movie for several years now... and now, I find this site. Great job and I even found out a few things I didn't know... :-)) Jeroen

Music Station - 07/21/99 20:26:45
My Email:www.musicstation.org


Hamish Birt - 07/21/99 06:13:58
My Email:[email protected]

Brilliant! A real tribute to the film, you've done well.

Clinton - 07/20/99 00:12:41
My Email:[email protected]

If anyone is interested in purchasing Leon: Version Integrale, e-mail me and I'll give you the details. Great website, love the puzzles and quiz.

julien fountain - 07/19/99 20:04:56
My Email:[email protected]

Luc Besson : He has to be one of the worlds premiere directors /producers

Yvonne - 07/19/99 19:16:08
My Email:[email protected]

wow! I just read the version integrale. Is this version for sale? This is definitely better than the version out now.

Matt - 07/19/99 13:45:57
My Email:[email protected]

Brilliant website for brilliant movie!. I to am on the hunt for copies of 'Version Integrale'in Australia. Be it on NTSC, SECAM or preferably PAL format. It's almost impossible(to date) to even obtain copies of the regular release in PAL format.

Ewan G. - 07/18/99 14:58:48
My Email:[email protected]

Great site dedicated to my favorite film of all time. GOOD WORK FELLA..

kat - 07/17/99 15:20:37
My URL:http://fly.to/katspage
My Email:[email protected]

Great site.....love the work...as Leon is being shown on Australian TV screens tonight I just can't help loving the movie all over again....the story, the actors....just the BEST movie ever. As someone asked before, can anyone hunt down copies of version ntegrale in Australia ???

OutKast - 07/16/99 11:31:10

Wow. I'm glad alot of other people love this movie too! alot of people dont seem to know how much of a jewel this movie is!(known here as the professional) i just wanna say that (and most of u here already know this but) jean reno's performance is soooo g od as a cold yet compassionate killer. gary oldman plays the baddest mutha!@#$a ive ever seen on film, natalie portman's performance is so amazing and believable. i love luc besson's style of directing and how european or french tha movie was despite the y setting. nikita rules too! and to top it off, the soundtrack is just so good! basically, this is a great movie and your site is a great tribute to it! keep up tha good work!

Phil - 07/16/99 03:59:08
My Email:[email protected]

Great Site. Really appreciate all your hard work.... Wondering if there were copies of the Intergral Version in Australia...so far I have not been able to hunt one down,...its my holy grail. I'll be back -Phil

LP - 07/15/99 16:11:02

Nice to finally find someone who likes this movie as much as I do. I like your site! LP

Nathalie Milliet - 07/12/99 15:38:31
My Email:[email protected]


Andrei - 07/11/99 12:16:19

very superb site does justice to great film. Keep up the good work!

- 07/05/99 07:38:59


- 07/05/99 07:33:12


janghyuk - 07/04/99 23:16:19
My URL:http://my.netscape.net
My Email:[email protected]

nice meets you! I am university student. and hobby is websurfing ,gaming,riding of motorcycle,promodeling,watching of movie/music. I loved leon. and so liked actor of moviestar is leon and matilda,gerry oldmarn. I think so leon of story is forever. I am repulic of korea citizen. I"ll be back............

marques johnson - 07/04/99 06:20:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az2/Portman/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

this site is awesome. i recently saw leon: version integrale; it was a great movie. thanks for ,aking this site. i think natalie portman is a great actress, and very atractive; i would be honored if you didn't mind me making a link to your site via my nat lie portman webpage. keep up the good work; bye

Ste - 07/03/99 14:28:18

I remember seeing this film when it was released and I think it is definately the best movie I have ever seen. Superb story which cannot be faulted in anyway, fantastic acting the performance Natalie Portman gave when she was 12 was amazing. I don't know ow Leon never won awards, judges must need their heads breaking. They gave Titanic 11 Oscars, I'm sorry but Leon is 100 times the film that was. Mr Besson how about a prequel to show us what Leon did before he met Mathilda, I'm sure it would make a great ilm. Once again thanks Luc for a perfect film.

Carmen - 07/01/99 12:30:40
My Email:[email protected]

Ein genialer Film....und besonders Gary Oldman ist in diesem Film so fies...aber auch so s��....

west - 07/01/99 01:46:46
My Email:[email protected]

I love Natalie Portman! I also love the professional, it was an awesome movie!

James Blair - 06/30/99 20:45:27


Trevor Begley - 06/28/99 20:25:45
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is my favourite film of all time , it is truely excellant film .

Ollie Greensmith - 06/21/99 17:36:41
My Email:[email protected]

Still my No.1 after bloody ages. Jean Reno is the master of cool and Nathalie Portman is absolutely divine!! Best word in film is Gary Oldman's "Biiinnnngggooo". Best quotes: "Is life always this tough, or is it just when you're a kid?" and Oldman's 'c lm before the storm' speech: "After the Overture, Betthoven does tend to get a little fucking boring...that's why I stopped". One of the most powerful and moving films from which we can learn an awful lot. Stunning!!

izzy - 06/20/99 19:20:05
My Email:[email protected]

This is truly the greatest film ever made and it rightky has a website that reflects the class of the movie.

Goldie - 06/20/99 16:19:54
My Email:[email protected]

Cool Pictures,cool Jean Reno,Cool Natalie Portman...this film is brilliant!!!!

- 06/18/99 12:02:53
My URL:http://GENIMI


Cell - 06/17/99 12:31:20
My Email:[email protected]

where can i buy the integrale version's VCD from the internet? if anyone knows,please email me.thanks.

Puck Craig - 06/16/99 03:45:22
My Email:[email protected]

This is a really well put together page dedicated to an excellent film. With all the shitty teeny-bopper romance films that are being churrned out Leon is the best I have ever (and most likely will ever see). Now that Episode 1 has been released and so ma y people are now interested in Natalie Portman, Leon may finally get the attention it so deserves.

Charlie - 06/13/99 16:15:06
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/queenportman/natindex.html
My Email:[email protected]

I first watched this movie when i was 12 and it was my favorite film, i am now 17 and it's still the number1 movie in my books. Most films portray hitmen as tough guys with an attitude problem, not just regular people, thats what made this movie great ... . that and Natalie Portman and Jean Reno's fine acting ... if you like Natalie Portman visit the above site.

Rory O'Kelly - 06/11/99 16:23:29
My URL:http://www.cisl.ie/saturn/rok
My Email:[email protected]

Gnarly site - I love it!

michelle ranere - 06/11/99 01:27:56
My Email:mranere

i think the movie was great , and i think jean reno and gary oldman are great actors

Jack - 06/10/99 19:53:10
My Email:[email protected]

Just wanted to say this is a great page. Luc Besson is a very very talented director. Great Job to the page designer(s) support great films, and get something out of them.

Eugenio Martin - 06/10/99 18:50:01
My Email:[email protected]

The best film of all the times.

Dave B - 06/10/99 04:34:16
My Email:[email protected]

LUC BESSON, you are a true assett to the film world. You are brilliant. Leon (the Professional) is one of the greatest and most touching films ever made. Jean Reno, Natalie Portman and acting's God, Gary Oldman, are absolutely fantastic. Long live LE N!!!

James Grandy - 06/09/99 03:37:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/natfan/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

She is just fantastic!

Michael - 06/08/99 23:36:00
My Email:[email protected]

The best movie ever made, with a fantastic cast, an exalting musical sphere and brilliantly directed by Luc Besson, my Master. Happy birthday for my favourite young lady Natalie!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:49:36
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:49:31
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:48:53
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:48:03
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:47:42
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:47:32
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:46:41
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:46:31
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:46:19
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:46:11
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:45:10
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:44:07
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:42:17
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:42:11
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Leonheart72 - 06/03/99 16:41:58
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!), o check out the above mentioned "Luc Besson Fan Club"!

Phillip Bei - 06/01/99 04:34:49

Wonderful site!

Phillip Bei - 06/01/99 04:34:40

Wonderful site!

Phillip Bei - 06/01/99 04:34:26

Wonderful site!

David Gagn� - 06/01/99 00:12:21
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/damocles/
My Email:[email protected]

The Professional is my favorite movies ans Natalie Portman my favorite actress

GSBlues - 05/30/99 20:19:56
My URL:http://www.gamewelt.de
My Email:[email protected]

Einer der besten Filme, die ich je gesehen habe. Luc Besson ist der Meister des au�ergew�hnlichen Films. Die Liebe zum Detail und der Sinn f�r das Wesentliche zeichnen seine Filme aus. Er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter und schafft es den Zuschauer emotio al mitzurei�en. Jean Reno und Natalie Portman passen wie angegossen in ihre Rollen und das wichtigste, das ein Film bewirken soll schafft "Leon-der Profi" - man nimmt den Schauspielern ihre Rollen ab. Grandios!!! Die Website ist es ebenso! Nur weiter so. ... :-)

GSBlues - 05/30/99 20:19:43
My URL:http://www.gamewelt.de
My Email:[email protected]

Einer der besten Filme, die ich je gesehen habe. Luc Besson ist der Meister des au�ergew�hnlichen Films. Die Liebe zum Detail und der Sinn f�r das Wesentliche zeichnen seine Filme aus. Er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter und schafft es den Zuschauer emotio al mitzurei�en. Jean Reno und Natalie Portman passen wie angegossen in ihre Rollen und das wichtigste, das ein Film bewirken soll schafft "Leon-der Profi" - man nimmt den Schauspielern ihre Rollen ab. Grandios!!! Die Website ist es ebenso! Nur weiter so. ... :-)

GSBlues - 05/30/99 20:18:51
My URL:http://www.gamewelt.de
My Email:[email protected]

Einer der besten Filme, die ich je gesehen habe. Luc Besson ist der Meister des au�ergew�hnlichen Films. Die Liebe zum Detail und der Sinn f�r das Wesentliche zeichnen seine Filme aus. Er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter und schafft es den Zuschauer emotio al mitzurei�en. Jean Reno und Natalie Portman passen wie angegossen in ihre Rollen und das wichtigste, das ein Film bewirken soll schafft "Leon-der Profi" - man nimmt den Schauspielern ihre Rollen ab. Grandios!!! Die Website ist es ebenso! Nur weiter so. ... :-)

GSBlues - 05/30/99 20:18:27
My URL:http://www.gamewelt.de
My Email:[email protected]

Einer der besten Filme, die ich je gesehen habe. Luc Besson ist der Meister des au�ergew�hnlichen Films. Die Liebe zum Detail und der Sinn f�r das Wesentliche zeichnen seine Filme aus. Er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter und schafft es den Zuschauer emotio al mitzurei�en. Jean Reno und Natalie Portman passen wie angegossen in ihre Rollen und das wichtigste, das ein Film bewirken soll schafft "Leon-der Profi" - man nimmt den Schauspielern ihre Rollen ab. Grandios!!! Die Website ist es ebenso! Nur weiter so. ... :-)

GSBlues - 05/30/99 20:17:30
My URL:http://www.gamewelt.de
My Email:[email protected]

Einer der besten Filme, die ich je gesehen habe. Luc Besson ist der Meister des au�ergew�hnlichen Films. Die Liebe zum Detail und der Sinn f�r das Wesentliche zeichnen seine Filme aus. Er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter und schafft es den Zuschauer emotio al mitzurei�en. Jean Reno und Natalie Portman passen wie angegossen in ihre Rollen und das wichtigste, das ein Film bewirken soll schafft "Leon-der Profi" - man nimmt den Schauspielern ihre Rollen ab. Grandios!!! Die Website ist es ebenso! Nur weiter so. ... :-)

GSBlues - 05/30/99 20:16:52
My URL:http://www.gamewelt.de
My Email:[email protected]

Einer der besten Filme, die ich je gesehen habe. Luc Besson ist der Meister des au�ergew�hnlichen Films. Die Liebe zum Detail und der Sinn f�r das Wesentliche zeichnen seine Filme aus. Er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter und schafft es den Zuschauer emotio al mitzurei�en. Jean Reno und Natalie Portman passen wie angegossen in ihre Rollen und das wichtigste, das ein Film bewirken soll schafft "Leon-der Profi" - man nimmt den Schauspielern ihre Rollen ab. Grandios!!! Die Website ist es ebenso! Nur weiter so. ... :-)

GSBlues - 05/30/99 20:15:49
My URL:http://www.gamewelt.de
My Email:[email protected]

Einer der besten Filme, die ich je gesehen habe. Luc Besson ist der Meister des au�ergew�hnlichen Films. Die Liebe zum Detail und der Sinn f�r das Wesentliche zeichnen seine Filme aus. Er ist ein aufmerksamer Beobachter und schafft es den Zuschauer emotio al mitzurei�en. Jean Reno und Natalie Portman passen wie angegossen in ihre Rollen und das wichtigste, das ein Film bewirken soll schafft "Leon-der Profi" - man nimmt den Schauspielern ihre Rollen ab. Grandios!!! Die Website ist es ebenso! Nur weiter so. ... :-)

Tom - 05/30/99 17:06:07
My Email:[email protected]

Oh, Matilda ! Ein Todesengel fordert des Teufels Opfer und katapultiert ihn in Bruchteilen von Sekunden in himmlische Sph�ren. Harakiri for Mathilda - creating a new life !!

Tom - 05/30/99 17:06:02
My Email:[email protected]

Oh, Matilda ! Ein Todesengel fordert des Teufels Opfer und katapultiert ihn in Bruchteilen von Sekunden in himmlische Sph�ren. Harakiri for Mathilda - creating a new life !!

Tom - 05/30/99 17:05:51
My Email:[email protected]

Oh, Matilda ! Ein Todesengel fordert des Teufels Opfer und katapultiert ihn in Bruchteilen von Sekunden in himmlische Sph�ren. Harakiri for Mathilda - creating a new life !!

mharris - 05/30/99 00:42:41
My URL:http://as below
My Email:[email protected]

Without a doubt one of my top ten films ever. My two favourite aspects are Gary Oldman (his best bad-guy so far), and the film score by Eric Serra. I've had the soundtrack for a few years now and never get bored of it. I can just sit back and imagine t e scenes in my head while listening to the CD.

mharris - 05/30/99 00:42:23
My URL:http://as below
My Email:[email protected]

Without a doubt one of my top ten films ever. My two favourite aspects are Gary Oldman (his best bad-guy so far), and the film score by Eric Serra. I've had the soundtrack for a few years now and never get bored of it. I can just sit back and imagine t e scenes in my head while listening to the CD.

Sunni - 05/29/99 00:00:04
My URL:http://as below!
My Email:[email protected]

Oops sorry! That should say Jean Reno! And also it shouldn't have been sent three times! Any Leon fans Email if ya want!

Sunni - 05/28/99 23:56:35
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/tosunni
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is without doubt the best film ever! Cool Website too. Jean Ruso is a god.

Sunni - 05/28/99 23:56:30
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/tosunni
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is without doubt the best film ever! Cool Website too. Jean Ruso is a god.

Sunni - 05/28/99 23:56:20
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/tosunni
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is without doubt the best film ever! Cool Website too. Jean Ruso is a god.

Jesssica Arnold - 05/26/99 16:56:25
My Email:Whoreboots@Yahoo!.com.UK

I watched Leon last night and cries my heart out. What a fantastic and moving film. Reno and Portman are wonderfully cast.

Kelly Haddow - 05/24/99 11:38:43

Luc Besson is an absolutely brilliant director. His films are so refreshing and intriuging to watch. I admire him and would love to work for him. It would be such an exciting experience.

Ros - 05/18/99 23:52:18
My Email:[email protected]

I adore Leon obviously. It is fabulous and I want to have Gary Oldman's babies. People living in the UK should pop over to France to get the uncut version on video. I don't know whether it is dubbed or subtitled though. I'm sure it would still be wort it, even if you have to pay for the ferry etc. just to get the complete film, which I intend to do soon. email if you like.

Intrepid - 05/17/99 16:27:56
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of my 5 favorite films. Does anybody know how I can get hold of the directors cut? It isn't out in the uk!! Oh yeah, this site is pretty cool, too!

Stephen - 05/16/99 17:06:00
My Email:[email protected]


- 05/14/99 17:01:31


Deano - 05/14/99 14:51:26
My Email:[email protected]

This is perhaps the best movie up to date. But don't make a sequeal because all will be lost.

Moritzio - 05/14/99 11:41:04
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is the greatest film of the 90's. I have both versions of the film and I love them both. The film is a gem of cinematic style, perfect photography, fabulous acting and superb directing. Make sure you watch Nikita and Fifth element - I believe they are a trilogy of sorts..... If you want to talk Leon - mail me! "My plant is my best friend. No worries, always happy" "I'm the one you should be watering if you want me to grow "Special delivery for 4602." "I wonder what sort it is. Chinese food? Thai? No, let me guess, Italian food. "This is from.....Ma....Mathilda."

Yeni - 05/13/99 14:06:15
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is very man !He's excellent!

Sully - 05/11/99 01:42:36
My Email:[email protected]

A True Film, one of the best. Sean Reno and Gary Oldman really shine as does the whole cast and hats off to the music! "He was Austrian ya know!!" "HE SAID TO GO BACK INSIDE!"

Steven Howie - 05/10/99 18:47:32

Great site with plenty of pics and info on the directors' cut . It's a pity we can't get it in the UK

louis paul roberson - 05/10/99 01:30:08
My Email:[email protected]

This film has forever been the cure for any ailment life has thrown my way since I frist viewed it. Thank you ever so much-to whom it may concern

alia - 05/08/99 10:01:47
My Email:[email protected]

leon is my favorite film

David - 04/30/99 01:47:10
My URL:http://www.fhm.co.uk
My Email:[email protected]

I wish to be but a cleaner too. If only life was that simple.

Chris Kerr - 04/29/99 06:15:01
My Email:[email protected]

A total grade "A" movie! Why aren't there more movies of this quality?!

Dave C - 04/24/99 06:29:22
My Email:[email protected]

excellent job on the site probaly the best "The Professional" i have seen yet. good job

- 04/20/99 07:35:26


- 04/19/99 13:47:34


tom hurndall - 04/19/99 13:47:15
My Email:[email protected]

I though the film was excellent and there shuold me a leon 2 and this time it will be the girl

tom hurndall - 04/19/99 13:44:23


Ant & Vj - 04/19/99 13:20:37
My Email:[email protected]


Paul Walker - 04/17/99 08:59:54
My Email:[email protected]

Best film ever made.

sandra - 04/13/99 19:56:04
My Email:[email protected]

This is a great movie!!!! that's all I had to say.....

AKILLER - 04/12/99 07:46:35
My URL:http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~akiller/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

There is a postcard of "LEON" with words "If you want the job done right,hire a professional" beside MY Pmac G3 for my brave.

Maurice Donovan - 04/02/99 19:58:45
My Email:[email protected]

It's the ONLY movie which makes my eyes full of tears.I don't feel any shame saying that. This great masterpiece can make our human sensitivity to revive inside ourselves. Good work, Luc.

Wonderboy - 03/29/99 18:00:59


Steffen Saver - 03/25/99 20:08:33
My Email:[email protected]

Only one : Best movie ever made !! merci Luc et Jean

Sini Liimatainen - 03/25/99 15:50:02
My Email:[email protected]

a great movie - a great website!

Jeroen van Dijk - 03/22/99 17:41:08
My Email:[email protected]


Mat Vader - 03/21/99 22:35:20
My Email:[email protected]

ok inutile de le cacher j'sui fran�ais,je n'ai decouvert ce chef d'oeuvre (n'ayons pas peur des mots )il y a seulement 1 semaine !! Boulvers� !! boulvers� par sa profondeur psycologique ,son interpretation , et surtout l'ambiance de fond,issu de la camera virtuose de Luc Besson, qui m'a profondement emu!au dela de l'histoire, j'en garde au fond de moi un quelque-chose qui donne envie de se replonger ds le film ,d'etre present a cot� des acteurs .Malgr� leur destin tragique ,je recent du bien etre en leur presence ,je ve Vivre la suite, hors camera, dans ce monde imaginaire que le cinema extrait de la r�alit� ...sa devient de la nosta gie !! J'ai �t� charm� par la fraicheur et la "beaut�" de Nathalia Portman et amus� par la candeur du personnage de l�on a laquelle doit se plier ce sympathique de Jean R�no avec beaucoup d'effort !! :) voila ... SOUS-TITRAGE!! Sorry for anti-french people (if they exist? :) ) But i can't explain all that i have felt (hum.. my bad english) for this great film in "La Langue de Shakespear" I was surprized by the number of Fan of LUC BESSON in anglo saxon country ..I regret that he's underestimate in france (si si ,il l'est!!),What an error !! Why should he goes to USA !! it's unacceptable !!(??) To anser to a previou question,I discover LEON (the french title..it sound better) with a DVD player onn a pc ..It wonderfull i have saw the french & the english version in the same night !!unforgetable !! (:)()..i recommend this ..so oe question ,Is ther a dvd version of the "director cut"(tanks to the "putain de puritanisme americain";) )???? elp !! To the webmaster: What a "PRoffessional" Web-Site !! (I like the calendrier !!) Fran�ois-R�gis (a bad in english student ;))

Becky Youd - 03/19/99 12:15:58
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of the greatest films I have ever seen. I am a media studies student in England and for my film studies class I am anylising Leon, this web site has been a big help to me and my class. I am glad I can get to this site to access information abo t the film. Keep up the good work. This web site is FAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Juney Matt J. Vidal - 03/19/99 05:21:21
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]

I personally agree to the fact that the movie is smart as well as entertaining, in short "I liked it"

PeteR - 03/18/99 12:07:06
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is the dopest film i have ever seen. and i hope luc besson makes more of them dope films. also is this Jean Reno very good acter.

Jonathan - 03/18/99 08:48:01
My Email:[email protected]

Great site!I also love this film and I 've seen it 9 times. Have you seen the Director's cut?It's much better.

Budding Buddha - 03/18/99 00:48:36
My Email:[email protected]

Excellent site. Any word on putting the entire script online?

Richard Edoo - 03/16/99 20:19:02
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of the best films ever. It has a power to move you. The photography & style in which it is filmed is very slick, stylish & original, so is the soundtrack. I never new about the "version intagrale" and was very pleasently suprised to see infoma ion & pictures about it. I would love to see the version intagrale and hope it gets released as a special edition. Thank you very much for sharing your briliant web site with us. Bye Richard......

Purple Publishing - 03/16/99 15:42:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/bungalow/2974
My Email:[email protected]

We at Purple Publishing love Leon. It's an excellent film and will go down in issue 18 (March 1999) as the best film we have ever seen. We need to see more of Natalie Portman in England! Good web site by the way...

johnnyboy - 03/14/99 01:00:19


Bettina Meggele - 03/11/99 12:24:56
My Email:[email protected]

"Leon" is one of the greatest films I`ve ever seen. Thank you Luc Besson!

Jogger in the yellow and orange - 03/10/99 11:23:52

Well i have mixed feelings, his student did shoot me but then again he is totally great and `a hit man, the best in town...'

Jogger in the yellow and orange - 03/10/99 11:23:31

Well i have mixed feelings, his student did shoot me but then again he is totally great and `a hit man, the best in town...'

anon - 03/07/99 20:21:42
My URL:http://www.anon.com
My Email:[email protected]

This site is the best! Can't wait to see it grow in the future. Keep up the good work.

KAMIL - 03/07/99 14:15:26

It's one of the best movies I have ever seen.Great music by Eric Sierra.

Andy McPhee - 03/06/99 10:27:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/1787/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]

Hey,,, i love Luc Besson films, my fave being LEON of course. Thanks for creating this page, i never knew Natalie was going to be in the new Star Wars film. I cant wait for that to be released! Well i thought i'd sign your guestbook and tell you to keep u the good work.
If you like come visit me at my site and sign my guestbook,, it would make my day ;)
Hope to see you later,,,

andy the proffesional - 03/05/99 16:08:16

The closer you get to being a proffesional, the closer you can get to the client.

jean marc barr - 03/05/99 15:15:02

leon is a brilliant film. However Le Grand Bleu(Version Logue)is better as the main character is simply exellent. P.S.No women, No kids.

fredo f. - 03/03/99 18:52:44
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for this fantastic movie, Mr. Besson. Fantastic actors, cut, kamera, direction ... we want MORE of this!!! please... fredo~

- 03/03/99 07:56:02


Milan "Dylan" Petrus - 02/28/99 21:06:44
My URL:http://www.bobdylan.com
My Email:[email protected]

This Saturday (Feb 27th '99) was my lucky say. I finally had a chance to see this movie. My feelings? It was great, great, great! If it wasn't American co-production, it could have been better. However, Luc Besson created another cool and well-done movie. God bless him.

Bridgette Clark - 02/28/99 02:57:37
My Email:http://[email protected]

It's a great movie!!!

Robert - 02/26/99 21:36:18
My URL:http://fly.to/rob_leo
My Email:[email protected]

Definately one of the best pages I have ever seen, no scratch, the BEST page I have ever seen for the film Leon. One thing though....can anyone tell me how to get hold of the version integrale of Leon?? I am in the UK if that helps....Id love it. Thank , and mind if I link to your site from mine? (when it gets done that is...)

Leonheart - 02/25/99 17:45:15
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/lucbessonfanclub
My Email:[email protected]

Great! This site is surely one of the best fan pages about my favourite Besson movie: after "Nikita", I didn't think he could do anything better, but he DID! I'm a total Luc fanatic: feel free to contact me to talk about his works (I'm very prepared!).

esme - 02/21/99 08:15:47
My Email:[email protected]

I just love the movie. It is my ultimate favorite.

Arwen - 02/15/99 21:10:41
My Email:[email protected]

Great site, nice pictures!!!!

Alexander Evensen - 02/14/99 18:19:03
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is number one on my list of good films. Thank you Luc Besson. ALX

Jeff - 02/13/99 14:52:00
My Email:[email protected]

One of the bests movies i've ever seen!!! Definitely a WINNER!!! and natalie is hot!!! Good Job!!!

Claire francoise - 02/12/99 12:20:57
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of my favourite movies ever and this site is just what any fan could look for, keep it up guys, congratulations.

Hugh - 02/10/99 23:48:34
My URL:http://www.member.tripod.com/Jolivet
My Email:[email protected]

There are various other messages on this site that say that they are the biggest fans of Luc Besson. Wrong, you are now reading a message from his biggest fan. Leon is perhaps the greatest film ever made, not a film about a hitman and a girl, but a film a out love in its purest form. i have got the book on the making of Leon which besson himself wrote, it's in french, and, living in france, i managed to get hold of it. There is no equall to this film. There is no reason to go on making films after you have seen this film, Besson does ot waste a single frame of film, this is perfection, and besson is the one who achieved it. Excellent site, the quiz was easy, though, got them all in one go, although, i have to admit i guessed the Gary Oldman Question. Just one detail, Besson wasn't in a car accident, he was in a diving accident, and he wanted to become a dolpinalogue, a dolph n expert, aside from that, a real great achievement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Roberts - 02/10/99 21:06:25
My URL:http://vzone.virgin.net/tom.r/
My Email:[email protected]

This is one of the best L�on sites I've ever seen! I found it very usefull with my art- keep up the good work. TOM

- 02/10/99 11:09:04
My Email:[email protected]

very good web page, cover the movie pretty good, and your quiz in the final level got pretty tough. I just wanted to say that they should have just released the integral version, instead of the proffesional. The professional left to many things out, tha were covered in LEON. anyway, keep up the good work.

Gladia - 02/08/99 20:01:17
My Email:[email protected]

Jean R�no ti amer� per sempre! Sei il miglior attore sulla faccia della terra!!!!!!

Celia Varvill - 02/08/99 13:59:48
My Email:[email protected]

Very Good! Lots of suspense. Gary Oldman was pretty cool.

Dale Menz - 02/07/99 02:32:13
My Email:[email protected]

Great Site. This is my favourite film of all time, I'm so glad someone has devoted so much effort to such a film. Keep it up!

Tad McLean - 02/06/99 13:12:21
My Email:[email protected]

Good home page. I was wondering if you had Luc Besson's e-mail because I'm a keen actor/directer.

Albert - 02/05/99 12:34:04
My URL:my ICQ# is 16812661
My Email:[email protected]

pretty kool site........

Danny Markarian - 02/04/99 21:11:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/eatmehomepage
My Email:[email protected]

The biggest LEON film fan there is,If you want to know anything about the film e-mail me at the address above. Is there a director's cut of the film? e-mail me if you know

Evelien Rutten - 02/02/99 11:56:05
My Email:[email protected]

Jean Reno is the most brilliant actor I've ever seen...

Zo� - 02/01/99 21:50:53
My Email:[email protected]

I first saw this movie last year when I was 13, and it is the BEsT movie I've EVER seen!!! My mom refused to watch it because she thought it would be too violent, but the deepness of this film is soo great!!! It should be voted the best movie ever ever ver ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever!!!!!! Zo�

luke salmon - 02/01/99 21:37:20
My Email:[email protected]


Keith - 01/29/99 17:22:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bridge/3193
My Email:[email protected]

I want to see Jeno Reno do a "Got Milk?" advertisement dressed as "Leon". Wouldn't that be a kewl concept!?

j c - 01/29/99 07:02:41


scott smitna - 01/29/99 04:12:01


Tigilau Saili - 01/28/99 21:20:03
My Email:[email protected]

I do not expect this to ever be read but I'll say what I ned to say anyway. To Jean Reno: You are the actor of our generation - we recognise you. I hold you in my heart. May all that is good befall you. Thank you for doing so well what you do. To Luc Besson: No words or awards need be said or given. Your films has moved the hearts and minds of many. Have faith in that. Thank you for making such real films. Your rewards will come in this world or the next. If we were all open minded you would not be able to st re the vast collection of awards you deserve to receive.

Marc Seestaedt - 01/27/99 22:02:32
My Email:[email protected]

I watched Leon a week ago for the 3rd time and was thrilled and touched again. This time this empty feeling at the end of the movie didn�t subside and I tried to find something on the web that may carry on where the movie had ended. Among many others I found this nice page and enjoyed very much the sound files (I saw it in German but the ori inal talk is much more intense and real) and the pictures. These days I also found the Soundtrack, which is hard to get here, and I try to keep the feeling. We all lead our lives and concentrate our energy often on so unimportant things that it�s good that there are movies that once in a while open our eyes for what actually is important in life: love, friendship and care for the people we meet on our path...

Alessandra - 01/26/99 20:37:04
My Email:[email protected]

Hi I'm an italian girl like Leon! I just wanted to say that I loved this movie since I watched it for the first time. I think that the integrale version is absolutely fabulous and Leon teached me that sweetness and love can be found everywhere. Mail me if you agree!!!

Lee Rumney - 01/26/99 02:22:56
My URL:http://www.fsbdial.co.uk
My Email:lee.rumney@FSBDial

I dont know if you will recieve this e-mail as This is the first time I have been on the internet but hope it reaches you.Could you please pass on my comments to Luc Besson as I am a massive fan of this film.Lots to say about this film but not enough room,so I will keep it tight.Brilliant casting,location,lighting,sound,camera work and angles,directio ,script ,everything really. I cannot find fault with this film and would love to give you some constructive critisism but I cant so please if this is your directional style,dont change as not many directors are unique and as individual as you..BRAVO! Most films I have seen have some of the ingrediants to make a good! film but none of them have got it all. This film has and will be a classic, it is a must for everyone to see.When I first watched this film by chance I lost hours of my life.From start to end I was lost in their world,which is difficult to do to me and had me checking my watch to see if this film had only been on for ten minutes.To what I am led to believe this was not a big budget film,you cannot tell.In between running my buisness and ru ning my motorcycles race team(currently British Champions)I do no other thing then watch movies,(ask for nieghbours opinions on sat. dish in garden)and am classed as a film anorack but without the basin haircut,goofy teeth and the preverbial yellow plasti coat!ha...ha.... I normally never seek out anyone to praise their work but having watched this film I had to thank you personally but could not find your address,but thanks to the Internet I now can do so.This film is probably the best film anyone could see and listening to comments recieved from friends I have steered into the path of Leon,theirs too. Thank you very much and hopefully when my book ever gets finished from the script writers ill direct it in your style.(wishful thinking,he says,lee the man with no talent) No once again good luck and thank you. Lee.

- 01/22/99 17:53:56


Dan Bates - 01/19/99 14:31:59
My URL:http://www.daniel.bates.net
My Email:[email protected]

Oh the excitement !! I think I've found a supplier of Leon VI DVD in London... Hopefully confirmation to follow - e-mail me if you need this information more than life itself ! Dan

Dave - 01/19/99 13:17:34
My Email:[email protected]

I think that the film was amazing and i feel that you should release the other version as i think it was amazing and very touching. I have never seen a better itman film. Thank You

Gemma Hulme - 01/18/99 12:26:47
My Email:[email protected]


Ian - 01/16/99 19:56:43
My Email:[email protected]

An excellent tribute to a film that seems to connect on so many levels. Well Done !

Antony - 01/15/99 23:46:37
My Email:[email protected]

I know I'm jumping into the game late, but I only recently got ahold of the DVD version integrale, and woah, baby. I thought the movie was good before, but now I can never watch the "old" version again. The full version is just too good a movie not to h ve been released properly. For anyone out there wondering if they should go to the trouble and/or expense of getting this version, I say DO IT NOW! You will not regret it.

tica - 01/15/99 10:41:27


filmis4ever - 01/14/99 13:06:30

Sometimes, just sometimes when a movie like this comes along....grab hold of it...and never let go.

ANDY - 01/14/99 10:53:46


GENE - 01/12/99 07:45:50


- 01/01/99 00:35:56


leon fan - 01/01/99 00:29:17

Leon is really something!! It is really well done in all versions. Music,casts,story etc... Everything matchs perfectly and making one great harmony.... and also gives a strong impression to the ones who watches it. I strongly support 'Leon' forever!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!

maciek - 12/27/98 08:33:02
My Email:[email protected]

Good job!!

maciek - 12/27/98 08:30:06
My Email:[email protected]


Nightwing - 12/22/98 17:59:17
My URL:http://www.daniel.bates.net
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of the best films - ever ! I'm trying to get hold of the Version Intgrale on DVD - which has to be the current definitive version available to the home user. Sadly, laying my hands on it in the UK from Japan is not easy at a reasonable price... I refuse to re-import from the State on point of principle !! Does anyone know a reliable and reasonably priced source ? (I'm happy to use the internet or the phone, but I'd rather use cash or a credit card, rather than going to the effort and expense of an international money order) As the disk costs around 4000y n, thats about 20GBP, it shouldn't cost the earth. Also, I seem to remember reading somewhere that someone was petitioning Luc Besson for a full release of VI - does anyone know what came of that action ? Finally, can anyone let me know the company who produces the VI ? Perhaps we can petition the studios for a wider release or some useful method of distribution ? Please can someone with a copy help me with a name or contact details for the studio ?! That's the end now - long live Leon ! Dan

Robert Ogan - 12/21/98 01:47:04
My Email:[email protected]

Good movie. I wonder if the French version is on video tape in the USA??? Parce que je parle francais. Oder die deutsche Version waere auch nicht schlecht. By the way, is the French version any different from the American version? Merry Happy Joy Joy Christmas

dave - 12/18/98 12:41:53
My Email:[email protected]

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!

Wheeler - 12/18/98 10:44:24
My URL:http://www.explizit.org/widescreen/
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is really a great movie ! especially because RMB (geman techno group) used some sampes of Leon on there latest album "widescreen" ! you want to hear it ? visit the best RMB homepage on the net; http://www.explizit.org/widescreen and click thru the pa e and hear the streaming realaudio's !!! and buy the album;there many samples of great movies Wheeler

Dominic - 12/16/98 15:15:31
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is the most beautifully tragic film I have ever seen. It was on T.V. here and I taped it. I'm so glad I did, I really could not live without it. In the school I am attending, there is a talent show tomorrow, in which a girl who has a slight resemblance to Mathilda/Natalie will be dancing to "Like A Virgin" How life doth mimic art.... Dominic P.S. I would like to hear from anyone who loves this film.

Marjorie - 12/16/98 11:32:45
My URL:http://fly.to/lollipop
My Email:[email protected]

A good site and i love LEON very much!

Si-Chong Man - 12/15/98 22:04:25
My Email:[email protected]

leon is the best film made and if they'd released the un cut version, it would make an even bigger impact on those who already love it so much. natalie Portman is gonna be BIG and Jean Reno has opened my eyes to many things. Luc Besson has amazed me and I guess I'm well and truly converted. BRAVO! Feel free to E-Mail me if you have more ot say about it.

Oliver - 12/15/98 12:04:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~olli42
My Email:[email protected]

This is without any doubt the best Leon page ever... i very much enjoy all the facts and pictures - great work!! best regards, Oliver

Taqi - 12/15/98 00:05:47
My Email:[email protected]

I love almost all of Luc Besson's films, love both Eric Serra's music (it fits perfectly with Besson's films, gives very much power) and Jean Reno's acting (which also fits very well in Besson's films). Besson which I find an excellent film writer (Taxi,. ) and filmer (grand Bleu, L�on, ..). I also love Sting's music, especially in movies (end of L�on)

Olivier - 12/14/98 16:10:35
My Email:[email protected] or [email protected]

I love Luc Besson and I'm to proud to be french when I realise the magical this guy has done....! Bravo Luc t'es le meilleur, but let us dream again with some movies in the Leon or Nikita's style and so on.... Champion du Monde Luc!!!! Olivier

- 12/12/98 14:50:28


Paul Richards - 12/10/98 16:29:53
My Email:[email protected]

Thanks for this most interesting site. Having read the 'Version Integrale' i don't see why it had to be cut. Love can happen with anyone anytime. Cheers Paulo

davio - 12/08/98 20:39:05
My Email:gg149657


davio - 12/08/98 20:39:04
My Email:gg149657


Charlotte - 12/08/98 12:16:13
My Email:[email protected]

Just seen Leon the most amazing film ever Jean reno's emotional nievity as Leon is stunning and I can't wait to get a copy of La version integrale if anyone knows where I can get it from I'm going to Paris in febuary. e mail me soon I need Leon!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charlotte - 12/08/98 12:13:27
My Email:[email protected]


Phil - 12/07/98 12:54:28

Brilliant - no other way to describe it.

stefanie g - 12/06/98 03:27:00
My Email:[email protected]

great web page, but needs to be updated

- 12/02/98 23:54:00
My Email:[email protected]

The movie and the characters asd well,is perfect..aoutstanding and makes you feel It's rythm.Two things that made me love this movie is the heat which has and the last song performed by Sting "Shape of my hart" Amezed

Ed - 12/02/98 15:42:39
My Email:[email protected]

Great web site for a great film. Does anybody know if there are any movie clips/trailers or music from the film on the web? I have looked all over the place but I can't seem to get my hands on anything. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Hope to hear from someone soon!

Matthew Scheutz - 12/02/98 14:25:54
My URL:http://pages.hotbot.com/diaries/jamestkirk
My Email:[email protected]

OK so i've never seen the film, i just want to tell everyone that i need a woman in my life, so hurry up and e-mail me you dirty, dirty women.

Steven Myatt-Jones - 12/02/98 14:14:10
My URL:http://pages.hotbot.com/movies/flight
My Email:[email protected]

This film is great and has truly great acting and direction.

Kishin Ravage - 11/28/98 08:39:50
My Email:[email protected]

just saw leon a couple of days ago, but i've watched it every day since, and i always will watch it every day, until i die, or get the uncut german or french copies.

Kishin Ravage - 11/28/98 08:38:23
My Email:kishin


Kat - 11/26/98 20:16:56
My Email:[email protected]

A truly excellent film. Possibly the best I've ever seen. The site's great too.

Richard napier - 11/26/98 18:49:27
My Email:[email protected]

At last! As an avid fan of both versions, it was with great pleasure I discovered your pages. Excellent!

Gilbert - 11/25/98 20:10:53
My Email:[email protected]

I love this movie leon, mathilda, stansfiels, music, conversations.... everything

Bob Hollywood - 11/25/98 11:18:35

Not bad, I especially like...well, everything about this website, paying homage to the greatest film in the world.

eggman - 11/24/98 19:55:48
My Email:[email protected]

Open the door...... then Leon save Mathilda. Open the door...... the tatoo man was killed by Leon Open the door...... Mathilda was catched but she also catch Leon Open the door...... that is the first action of the last fight Move forward the door...... leon die Open the door again......Mathilda have got a place for rest

shikata - 11/24/98 18:00:20
My Email:[email protected]

Its very nice with i finally find this wonderful site. Honestly,I do feel Gary*s performance was actually better than Reon.The role(The crazy cop)was very to act but Gary*s acting was exactly perfect.on the contrary,Reno*s performance in this film was rea ly no surprise for me,even boring me,though acting the cool hitman was much easier. (sorry to Reon*s fans.I think his best film is THE BIG BLUE)Still i do love this film, not just because of the heartfelt script,the impressive soundtrack nor Luc Besson*s directing,but because of the crazy cop~~~Gary Oldman,the best (bad guy)in the world! In acting this role ,i suppose no one could compare with him.

Steph - 11/23/98 21:25:13
My Email:steffiy@hotmail

This film was truly excellent.

shikata - 11/23/98 09:02:04
My Email:shikata@netvigator

i like gary very much

josie rimmer - 11/22/98 18:02:21
My Email:[email protected]

a very cool website for a VERY cool film!

Nameer - 11/20/98 16:06:40
My Email:[email protected]

Anyone know of any other films starring Jean Reno (forget Godzilla) seen The Big Blue (fantastic), anyone? [email protected]

Richard Monteiro - 11/20/98 14:53:10
My Email:[email protected]

An excellent film, I first saw it in French and it came over so well I couldn't wait until I could watch it in English. Tres Bien

- 11/19/98 23:38:19


David Channer - 11/19/98 21:43:25
My Email:[email protected]

A truely great film with a superb preformance by Gary Oldman, steeling the show as the bad guy.

Martine Taffeiren - 11/19/98 20:44:33
My Email:[email protected]

Big admiration for the special and personal directing and acting skills. Very much interested in the Luc Besson directing style. We're trying to direct short-stories on a semi-professional base. Any chance of attending a day at the set of a new movie?

Daniel - 11/19/98 18:14:36
My Email:[email protected]

One of the greatest films ever made visually and musically, sencond to none acting, has the same emotional effect as Betty Blue. Great Film.

Travis9745 - 11/19/98 13:22:18
My Email:[email protected]

Very good, takes a while to find though.

Chris Wegoda - 11/19/98 12:13:47
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is to me a fantastic film. Despite a lack of originality in some ways it is well a fantastic film!! I ask anyone who has seen it to question whether they believe the rocket at the end of film damaged Leon`s hearing causing him to scream in paint afte the blast and be crept up from the behind by Gary Oldman`s character who kills him which Leon would never, never of done in the past. Although his increased humanity due to Mathilda may of also caused him to have a decrease in his awareness of his surrou ding. Also the directors cut of this film (which I have not seen), with Mathilda asking Leon to have sex with her (from which he declines) must put quite a different slant on the film (or would it). Chris

Caroline - 11/18/98 20:16:42
My Email:[email protected]

I have just watched Leon for the first time and I thought it was one of the best films I've ever seen!

DAISY - 11/18/98 12:18:24
My Email:[email protected]


daisy - 11/18/98 12:12:18
My Email:daisye23


Christina - 11/18/98 11:43:47
My Email:[email protected]

Apparently Natalie Portman's correspondance address is: Natalie Portman, c/o ICM, 8942 Wiltshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211, USA I hope this is right!

Michael Reeves - 11/18/98 00:28:57
My URL:http://www.mabean.demon.co.uk

First night mon the internet and I find a site about the best film of all time, brilliant!!

Kristina Widlund - 11/18/98 00:15:11
My Email:[email protected]

I will use your homeside tomorrow in class. I am the teacher.

mark - 11/17/98 22:02:34
My Email:[email protected]

cool page do you have the complete leon script?

Marina Collins - 11/17/98 13:47:12
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:[email protected]

The film Leon was excellent - that all

J Court - 11/17/98 12:48:16
My Email:[email protected]

Great site, as asked before, is it possible to get hold of version intergrale in England?

Cody Krueger - 11/16/98 23:09:17
My URL:http://geocities.com/Tokyo/Fuji/7539
My Email:[email protected]

Your page is great! I'm a big fan of Mr. Besson's works, and through the course of following his films, I've come to root for Jean Reno. From Subway up to Ronin (not Besson's, but still), Reno's just got that bad-ass quality, don't you think? He's da man!

j tang - 11/16/98 22:46:19

one of best films i have seen

Joe Byrne - 11/16/98 20:13:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/trailer/8361/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is the best film ever and i reckon this web site reflects that by being the best Leon web site on the planet. If anyone knows how to contact Luc Besson or Natalie Portman please e-mail me.

j.j donoghue - 11/16/98 14:56:02
My Email:[email protected]


Marc Blake - 11/16/98 13:40:44
My Email:[email protected]

Very good site. The Version Integrale version was most appricated. Is it possible to get a copy of this in English?

Christina - 11/16/98 12:41:53
My Email:[email protected]

I saw Leon for the first time last night as it was on TV. I was taken aback by the quality of the directing, and the acting abiltiy of the whole cast, especially Mathilda and Leon, it was the first time I'd seen either of these actors so it was a good 1s impression! I'm really pleased that I've had a chance to read the Version Integrale, is there any way to view the complete film version still? I love this page, it's great! Thank you!

Christina - 11/16/98 12:41:41
My Email:[email protected]

I saw Leon for the first time last night as it was on TV. I was taken aback by the quality of the directing, and the acting abiltiy of the whole cast, especially Mathilda and Leon, it was the first time I'd seen either of these actors so it was a good 1s impression! I'm really pleased that I've had a chance to read the Version Integrale, is there any way to view the complete film version still? I love this page, it's great! Keep up the good work!

emma welsh - 11/16/98 10:11:51
My URL:http://www.postmaster.com.

I found the film very sad when leon died and left the girl on her own.the best part about it was when the man opened leons coat ian saw the bombs then it went off.i would like to see the film again one day. thanks emma welsh

PeetFeet - 11/15/98 15:56:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/amphitheatre/4426
My Email:[email protected]

The film is one of my all time favorates, i've lost count how many times I've watched it. Your sites pretty good too, great stills etc. Keep up the good work!

johninsomnia - 11/08/98 23:36:19

simply the best

astrid Philippa - 11/07/98 14:31:05

It's one of the best movies I've ever seen. This film is in my top ten of the best movies, greetings from holland Astrid

angie houghton - 11/01/98 14:10:42
My Email:[email protected]

Eric Serra's music has built upon the stunning photography, gifted director and stunning performances - what can I say, Leon is a film that takes you on a beautiful journey of love and death. Who didn't break their hearts as Leon lies dying - 'This is fo Matilda'. I've bought the posters, postcards, soundtrack, video bla bla you get the idea I liked the film!!

mickey - 10/31/98 02:16:10


claudia - 10/26/98 08:42:47
My Email:[email protected]

hmmmmmmmm.....cool....... i like the show and lookin forward in watchin it again....cool girl too... errrrrrr...............i wish that i am involved in it.......

Graham - 10/26/98 01:57:58
My URL:http://jwallace.hypermart.net/
My Email:[email protected]

Just wanna say, your page rules. I love the movie Leon, it is my favourite movie and your collection of pictures is unbelievable. Thanx for a great page. Later.

James - 10/25/98 15:36:35
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is one of the greatest movies of all time. The scenes in version integrale completely put a new slant on the film and take it to another level. The 'ring trick' rocks! Stay slinky dudes........

Brian - 10/23/98 17:46:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/7435/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]

Great leon page i ever seen. visit my natalie page some day~~ good job~~

Mickeybabe - 10/23/98 14:04:40
My Email:tavi.col

The greatest film made in the '90's

Scott Parrish - 10/20/98 00:05:44
My Email:[email protected]

I think that this is one of the best of the "The Professional" ("Leon") pages ever!!

Scott Parrish - 10/20/98 00:05:39
My Email:[email protected]

I think that this is one of the best of the "The Professional" ("Leon") pages ever!!

Scott Parrish - 10/20/98 00:04:05
My Email:[email protected]


Carol Chen - 10/19/98 09:42:54
My Email:[email protected]


YOUR MATE DJ DAVIO - 10/14/98 14:33:08


anna & christina kantanen - 10/14/98 13:58:01
My URL:http://www
My Email:----

Good!We liked the game, but there should be somewhere a "photo-album".We have seen the movie a couple of times, and we enjoyed it.The actors are great! thank you, and good bye!

Dave - 10/13/98 17:56:40

Remember me dude . I thought I'd check out your site which is real cool . Anyway I may see you soon dude !

Hunter Heitzman - 10/13/98 03:13:35
My Email:[email protected]

I'm very impressed. I am setting up a web site of my own that deals with action movies and of course it would not be complete without "Professional" info and images. I have two questions: 1) Where did you get your images? 2) Would you mind if I put a link to your page on my link page? Again you have done a great job with one of the best action movies of the last decade. Keep up the good work.

Zulu Warrior - 10/11/98 12:51:56

I was walking down the road one day when I saw a pink elephant who asked for the time but then before I could tell him a great lion jumped out and mawed him to bits . Then loads of spiders crawled all over the lion and he was bitten to death . All this to k place after I watched the film which has to be said is a real piece of work . A good site too .

Mustang Sal - 10/10/98 22:29:09
My URL:http://bbs.bianca.com/mforums/m/mustangsally
My Email:[email protected]

Really cool pages! Thank you for the screensaver and your thoughful work in putting this site together. LEON is my favorite flick of all time........and I LOVE RENO!!!

Evelyn - 10/10/98 06:03:15
My Email:[email protected]

It was marvellous!!!!!!and it is difficult to find an appropriate word to describe how i love LEON. This film LEON and THE BIG BLUE are my 2 favourites and hope u can also include a homepage of 'the big blue' and looking forward to watching your masterpieces!

Fabrice lorenceau - 10/08/98 18:57:35
My Email:[email protected]

Loved Lon, loved the book "Aventure et decouverte d'un film... Hope you/Besson makes more great movies.

Dennis - 10/07/98 01:17:09
My Email:[email protected]

I am very impressed with your Leon page. You should try to put up a page covering the Le Grande Bleu

Andreas Finnil� - 10/05/98 08:54:52
My URL:http://ballyhoo.ml.org/~cereal/
My Email:[email protected]

This site is just so cool, I really liked the "Version Integrale". But, what I'm really looking for is the complete manuscript of the movie. I would be thankful if you could mail it to me. (Even for an incomplete version, so I at least don't have to write all of it myself.) I will throw up all of my film manuscripts on my homepage eventually. If you give me the script (complete) for Leon, you'll get some credits on my homepage. (That is if YOU want that.) Thank you.

Ace Rothstein - 10/04/98 08:38:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/3385/

This is a very nice site and Leon is one of the greatest movies ever.

shahir - 10/02/98 15:48:45


JULIAN - 10/02/98 02:03:40
My Email:[email protected]

AWSOME FILM! AWSOME CAST!. I wish I could have see the original version.

Stuart - 10/01/98 22:33:20
My Email:[email protected]

No-one can touch the Kosmo-cleaner. Nothing can touch the movie and nothing comes close to this web site for the kind of info WE want. If anyone knows where i can get a copy of version integrale in english please let me know... Stuart.

Carl Frederik Raunstrup - 10/01/98 12:14:15
My Email:[email protected]

Play all day, Party all night. Love to your page?

gromit - 09/30/98 22:42:12
My Email:donthave1

I think we'll be ok here!

anon - 09/30/98 20:10:37

This site is the best!

natasha - 09/28/98 01:21:39
My Email:[email protected]


natasha - 09/26/98 04:32:47
My Email:[email protected]

And els.Why people like this move?Because it touch us life.Iam different person now.Now I understand :we are living in hope on love and friendship.Ilike such films,trough Iam 18years old.Hi everybody.

Natasha - 09/26/98 04:17:51
My Email:[email protected]

Yesterday i saw ,,Leon,,Your play was magict.I wish you good luck,happiness and love.Be happy.

Leon :) - 09/25/98 21:18:24
My URL:http://dust.da.ru

Hi there. Cool site best film. ICQ: UIN 6510752 (free for chat...) Me 18 years. I leave in Moscow Russia. Bye :)

nychan - 09/25/98 16:50:38
My Email:[email protected]

My favourite! I deeply love it! And the song, Bailad For mathilda, everytime I hear the song, I want to cry.......

Dan Kuntz - 09/21/98 20:30:02
My Email:[email protected]

I love this movie.

Fritz - 09/21/98 15:49:35
My Email:[email protected]

This is my favourite film!!!!!i like so much that i watched it 4 times...... anyway it is the greatest film in the earth!!!! hahaha~~~~~~~~

Joel - 09/20/98 11:31:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/5102/

The games over!

Mr. Alan Anton Swartwout - 09/12/98 15:15:38

Please send me any information about how to get a hold of his books in print willing to pay money for info send to Alan Anton Swartwout 178 sixth St. Fon du Lac, WI 54935

Steve - 09/11/98 04:36:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Classroom/6682
My Email:[email protected]

Awesome page, this movie is quite possibly my all time favorite, even though I (regretfully) left it off my list of favorites on my home page. I really think that this is one sweet site.

simon c. fretwell - 09/10/98 14:04:06

excellent visual style. Questionable continuity. Could the continuity problems be a result of the editing - see Version Integrale?????

Tony Mather - 09/10/98 13:49:03
My Email:[email protected]

Excellent site. Well made and beautifully presented.

Lee Sims - 09/09/98 17:55:10
My Email:[email protected]

Top film, Top page, keep up the good work. And remember No Women, No Kids!!

paul and stephen - 09/05/98 15:51:47


Jann Fung - 09/01/98 09:43:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/5850/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

This is such a great site. You've got a lot of high-quality LEON stuff. I'm so impressed to discover the LEON screensaver here! LEON lives forever. Thanks for your site.

Grant Turner - 09/01/98 00:12:41
My URL:http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/Gat
My Email:[email protected]

I think it is amazing how a film written on a plane journey can influence so many peoples lives; and produce such a reaction that, sites like this brilliantly mastered one are created. I'm from the UK and would be most grateful if anyone could e-mail me w th a way of getting hold of an English version of the "Version Integrale". I am just uploading my own site and have added this Leon URL as I think it deserves alot of praise. Thanks grant

rolo herrera - 08/31/98 21:49:11

great film. I enjoyed it.

Luca Morocutti - 08/31/98 15:27:42
My Email:[email protected]


Ines - 08/31/98 02:59:54
My Email:[email protected]

I'm glad having a chance to come here,this wonderful Leon's homepages!I told others my favourite was "Titanic",but I have now change my mind,my favourite is "Leon".It's really a great movie,I love it very much!Thankx!

miribi - 08/30/98 09:02:19

I love this movie and it's the best movie I have ever seen in my life. Mathilda and Leon have touched my soul inside out.

i - 08/27/98 23:25:41


Kiyo.T - 08/27/98 20:21:17
My URL:http://......what the hell does the "U.R.L" stand for?

Leon iz the best philm i've seen in the last 17 years of my life. Now, i got posters/postcards all over my wall and i waz really INSPIRED by it. After watchin' it, I DECIDED WHAT TO DO WITH MY LIFE... I WANNA BE A CLEANER!

Ben - 08/26/98 06:24:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/rue/8237/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]

This film is utterly insane! (in a good way) I think everyone who will ever live should see it and if you dont then your insane! After watching Jean Reno's acting I know what I'm going to do when I grow up...

walter - 08/25/98 22:05:42
My Email:[email protected]

I thought the musical score was just great. More like a series of harmonic sound effects rater than traditional music, although musical instruments, including the voice are used. Besson uses this composer, Eric Senna, in all of his films.

Tori L. - 08/23/98 00:36:55
My Email:[email protected]

One of my all time faves.This film was perfectly casted and acted. After the first time I watched it I was DRAWN to watch it again and again. I even named MY plant Leon.I wish I could change the ending but that's part of what makes it so great!

alternative queen - 08/22/98 14:02:41

leon is the best film i�ve ever seen.gary oldman was so COOL!!!!And that song from bj�rk was great so i just want to say that film,actors,music!!and everything else was so COOL people!!!you know.... SO!! v.

alternative queen - 08/22/98 14:01:29

leon is the best film i�ve ever seen.gary oldman was so COOL!!!!And that song from bj�rk was great so i just want to say that film,actors,music!!and everything else was so COOL people!!!you know.... SO!! v.

alternative queen - 08/22/98 13:59:16

leon is the best film i�ve ever seen.gary oldman was so COOL!!!!And that song from bj�rk was great so i just want to say that film,actors,music!!and everything else was so COOL people!!!you know SO!! v.

alternative queen - 08/22/98 13:57:53

leon is the best film i�ve ever seen.gary oldman was so COOL!!!!And that song from bj�rk was great so i just want to say that film,actors,music!!and everything else was so COOL people!!!you know SO!! v.

Julien Moy - 08/18/98 07:35:41

Leon est pour moi le meilleur film que j'ai vu. Luc Besson est un g�nie qui a su attirer le regard des am�ricains, et rares sont les r�alisateurs fran�ais qui y sont arriv�s. Jean R�no, l'acteur f�tiche de Luc Besson est formidable dans, ce que je pense, e meilleur r�le de sa carri�re.

Jean Lucley - 08/17/98 17:41:46
My Email:[email protected]

HELP, HELP !!! Does anybody know where I can purchase 'Leon - the professional' in the "directors cut-version"??? Please e-mail me addresses, phonenumbers, faxnumbers anything... In Denmark it's not released for SALE - only for RENT... So, I have seen it. . IT'S GREAT :-)

Sakura Killer - 08/17/98 09:48:12

I just bought the integral version on laserdisc, and it is awesome! I love this movie and it was so cool to see all this extra footage. I purchased the disc from Lasertown. www.lasertown.com It's a Japanese import, so they might not have it in stock. You can backorder it though. Don't worry, the disc is in english. I highly recomend this to anyone who enjoyed the movie, and wished there was more of it.

zeblai - 08/13/98 19:45:27
My Email:[email protected]

Very cool site

Claire Bradbury U.K. - 08/12/98 16:27:50

Brilliant film, the best I've ever seen. Gary Oldman is simply the best! Please can we have more of the same.

Pete Waite - 08/11/98 03:28:31
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/rathiman
My Email:[email protected]

What an excellent site. Such a great pleasure to see such a high quality site dedicated to my personal favorite film. I live in Buffalo, New York, USA. The film I saw was, of course, titled "The Professional". I guess Americans would never go see an action movie if they thought they had to actually do some thinking. Therefore a change in the title to make it easier to understand. However my brother Moved to Japan, and found out that "Leon" is a huge film over there. Aparrently they have better taste than the beer swilling Swartenegger watching slobs over here in the states. Any way, He informed me that the title of the film shou d be "leon" and that they cut quite a bit from the US release. So, I went hunting for the lost scenes. That is how I happened across your web page. Thanks for such an excellent site. -p

noam - 08/08/98 00:37:17

i love the movie but i liked the music more then enything

Lana - 08/06/98 22:22:03
My Email:[email protected]

this is one of my favorite movies of all time. excellent acting, amazing cinematography...plus, the story is heart-grippingly tragic. beautiful. great site, by the way!!

KEITH - 08/03/98 08:57:06


Nelson H. Guzman Jr. - 07/30/98 21:09:44
My Email:[email protected]

First of all, i want to say that uh, Jean Reno has now been my favorite actor since i saw the professional...I think he is a great actor and i hope his career continues to be successful and hopefully that he comes out with another action movie....Gary Old an, i only have on thing to say about him.....THE MOST INTENSE BAD GUY I'VE EVER SEEN, I LOVE HIM!!! Natalie Portman, well, she is so tremendously talented, she gave this really individualistic image in the movie, and she's just so unique(in a very good w y) and she likes BJORK, which i think is cool....hopefully she comes out with more movies...Then there's Luc Besson, he directed my favorite movie so i have to love him for that.....he did a great job,,the professional, or leon, was a movie that gave me g ose bumps, it made want to visit france, and really get to watch more of Luc Besson's work.....I also say this to the Choreographers,GREAT JOB!!!! thanks......Luc Besson's most greatful fan..

jeroen - 07/28/98 19:38:12
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~nbk94
My Email:[email protected]

Great site, thanks for creating it. LEON is one of my all-time favorite films, right up there with HEAVENLY CREATURES and NBK.

cathy lee - 07/26/98 07:36:27
My Email:[email protected]

The best movie I've ever seen in my 17 years. There's nothing more to say if I'm not mistaken.

- 07/25/98 15:18:07
My Email:[email protected]


- 07/25/98 15:17:02
My Email:[email protected]


Mark Carpenter - 07/23/98 19:32:37
My URL:http://home.clara.net/anthony
My Email:[email protected]

Leon is my favourite movie. I have a page up of it on my website. Keep up the good work!

Mark Hankinson - 07/16/98 11:57:13
My URL:http://ugm.fsn.net/
My Email:[email protected]

Great site to a great film. Keep up the good work: best of luck. Peace and free living, --Mark

Vivien Y.H. Chao - 07/15/98 02:54:22
My Email:[email protected]


nicolies - 07/13/98 21:41:44

play it again Luc

Paul Rogers - 07/13/98 12:08:31
My Email:[email protected]

GREAT! I have been waiting to see the extra footage for quite a while, any chance I could get some AVI's or WAV's ? Thanks Paul

Tony - 07/12/98 17:11:52
My URL:http://donthave1.com
My Email:[email protected]

Cool site. Keep the updates coming!

Bart - 06/29/98 18:21:37
My URL:http://www.springfield.com
My Email:[email protected]


anon - 06/23/98 17:11:10

cool site!

Emanuele Melli - 05/18/98 19:27:04
My Email:[email protected]

Gran film!!!

Mark Webb - 05/12/98 10:44:56
My Email:[email protected]

One of the best films ever made...

Mark Webb - 05/12/98 10:43:17
My Email:[email protected]

One of the best films ever made...

M.Hobson - 05/11/98 08:20:43
My Email:rba@sailorsbethel

Better than Fifth Element not as good as Nikita.

Johan - 05/05/98 10:31:22
My Email:jofessehotmail.com

BEst fuckin' movie

Wallace - 05/03/98 17:20:53

Can't wait to see this site grow!

Jerec - 05/03/98 15:05:41
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:Idont@haveone

Great site!


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