Hi All Josephites from St. Joseph's Boys' High School / St. Joseph's European High School , Bangalore, most of you may be unaware that we have an Old Boys Association Branch in the UK. This branch has been active for many years, and has produced the most enjoyable collections of Josephites in their Journal called "The UK Josephite Journal".

It is a pity that fresh blood is not pouring into the Association, as very few old boys are going to the UK. As a fellow old boy, I am appealing to you to support the UK Branch in their endeavour to keep the Journal and Association active. Comon' the Blues, never to Lose!!

Please find below the form for Annual Membership Application for the UK OBA Branch. The file is in a .pdf format that you can download, print out and post to the UK after filling in the necessary details and your support. Also is a listing of the OBA (UK Branch) Special AGM, and the Special AGM report (both are also .pdf files). You will notice the urgency in taking action to support the UK Branch by your membership. You will not regret it. (PLEASE USE "SAVE LINK" OPTION, ELSE THE PAGE WILL NOT SHOW UP, AS THEY ARE NOT HTML PAGES. Thanks)

Also below are some picture-files from the journal to let you know the standard of production.

Please let the flag of 'Faith & Toil' fly high.
cheers and thanks
ronnie johnson (batch ISC XI '66)

A Message from Cary Thomas, Hony. Secy OBA UK

Our website: www.geocities.com/ukjosephite

Our website has been available for several years, but for whatever reason, has not been updated regularly.  With the introduction of a once a year Journal, I propose to use this vehicle to update our members on news about our Association.

When filling out the Membership Form, please indicate if you would like to see us make use of electronic transmission to augment the printed items you may receive.

Ye s  [ ]    No [ ]

My e-mail address, which is not to be transmitted without my permission is:




The Hon Sec: Cary Thomas,    e-mail: [email protected]

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