Sophia Opportunity School, Bangalore, India

Infant Stimulation Center and Computer Center Inaugration

on 12th July, 2000

Honourable Chief Minister (Shri) S. M. Krishna, Government Officials, my sisters in the community, staff, students, members of P.T.A., Sophia old girls association and Our generous sponsors. An anecdote that I read some where, aptly conveys our message today. At a parent-teacher meet, one father stood up and asked, "God seeks perfection in everything, why then is my son disabled?" An awkward silence followed. No one had an answer. "Until recently, I also had no answer, and then I realize that it is in our reaction that God seeks perfection. Our world is perfect if it accepts and nurtures differences. Children with special needs are different and it is perfection in our response to them that God seeks. This I believe is true. They say special children are Gods children, perhaps sent to us to help make us perfect. We all need to look beyond disabilities to'the possibilities and the possibilities are endless if they're accompanied by a positive attitude." It is this that Sophia Opportunity School seeks to do. Initiated in 1972 the quest to serve children with special needs continues. Today it is with a sense of pride and gratitude that we inaugurate the 'Infant Stimulation Centre'for children between 0 - 3 years and the Computer Centre for Special children in the school. Both centres are aimed at enabling Special children to maximize their potential. The Infant Stimulation Centre focuses on providing maximum environmental stimulation during the crucial early years, with a stress on uninhibited exploration and the freedom of choice. Computers - we have found create a sense of independence through self-learning and takes children to higher levels of learning and exploration, continuously. We are grateful to Microsoft for the generous sponsorship of the Computer Centre and to Hindustan Lever Limited for their contribution towards the Infant Stimulation Centre. I also thank all other benefactors for their contributions, support and faith. Honourable Chief Minister Shri. S.M. Krishna has kindly consented to inaugurate these two ventures. Shri. S. M. Krishna has shown his desire to seek perfection in our city, Bangalore. We are witness to this everyday. His zest for Information Technology and his desire to transform Bangalore into Singapore speaks of his need to evolve and aid growth and development. We felt he would certainly be the right person to bless these two centres with his vision and strength. We are honoured to have you with us, Sir. It is with immense pleasure that I invite you to light the lamp on this occasion asa symbol of growth and development, invoking God's blessings.

Welcome speech by Sr. Nina, snd, Principal, Sophia Opportunity School, on the occassion of the opening of the Infant Stimulation Center and Computer Center, Sophia Opportunity School, Palace Road, Bangalore, India.

Please click on the thumbnail photos below to see a larger photograph (12192 bytes) The Hon.Chief Minister, Shri. Krishna, the Chief Guest, arrives at Sophia High School, to inaugrate the Infant Stimulation Center and Computer Center of the Sophia Opportunity School, Palace Road, Bangalore, India. (21445 bytes) The traditional welcome of kumkum to the Chief Minister. (23213 bytes) After being welcome with a garland. (26910 bytes) The CM is being escorted by the Sophia High School Band leader. (27471 bytes) The CM walks down the drive to the tune of the School Band. (27945 bytes) The CM walks down the drive to the tune of the School Band. (30000 bytes) The CM on the stage, flanked by Sr. Kirpa (Principal of the Sophia High School) and Sr. Nina (Principal of the Opportunity School), and also the Sponsors from Hindustan Lever and Microsoft. (19199 bytes) The Opportunity School Prinicpal reads the welcome speech to the CM (16611 bytes) The CM lights the deepam. (21653 bytes) The Opportunity School Principal lights the deepam. (15231 bytes) The first infant to be enroled in the Infant Stimulation Center with mother and Sr. Aneeta, Principal (Primary School) assists. (19300 bytes) Some of the Children from the Opportunity School are focused on the activities. (17945 bytes) The CM receives the traditional shawl from Sr. Nina (36675 bytes) Mr. Ambarish, MLA joins the Chief Guest and others on the dias. (19507 bytes) The CM, Shri. S.M. Krishna, addresses the gathering. (27640 bytes) The Julie Building children conducting the assembly on Mother Julie Day. (71268 bytes) The Julie Building choir (Jr I and Std I children) (21830 bytes) Opportunity School children enact a short play. (27103 bytes) More scenes from the play (32364 bytes) Still more scenes from the play. (61116 bytes) The Mater Building children perform a dance as part of the entertainment. (56283 bytes) The Duschesne Building children perform another item for the CM. (26880 bytes) One of the Opportunity children who had drawn the CM, presenting the drawing to the CM. (29915 bytes) The CM being escorted to the Opportunity School from the Assembly quardangle. (31236 bytes) Along the shady path to the Opportunity School. (28423 bytes) Entering the Opportunity School building. (25941 bytes) Inaugrating the Computer Center, computers supplied by Microsoft. (29865 bytes) Inaugrating the Infant Stimulation Center, sponsored by Hindustan Lever (25639 bytes) Some of the Opporetunity Staff relaxing with the CM (20144 bytes) A cup of tea for the CM (23919 bytes) Some more teachers with the CM (24306 bytes) The Children get to mingle with the Chief Guest.



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