Ron's Innocent, on Death Row! Collection

A Collection of all the Photographs on "India Hello, Bangalore Walla Namaskara!" - Part Eight "In Memory of Bangalore"

St. Patrick's Boys' Home (St. Patrick's School) House next to Bishop Cotton Girl's School Shoolay Police Station, 1910 (Demolished) Innocent, waiting to be executed
New King, soon to become What King?! A lamb to be slaughtered Another one soon? How soon Innocent, On Death Row

The Original Bull & Bush, where Winston Churchill played Billiards, Where's it?! It wouldn't be a long wait This one's really fighting back .. St. Anthony's Boys will remember A gentle giant, on Death Row
Cash Pharmacy was Murdered in broad daylight Nobody wants to look at the body anymore Why, Why, Why,It's madness Once upon a time, not long ago ..

Celebrating the 7th Anniversary of India Hello Bangalore Walla, Namaskara!

" .... If you, dear friend, have any photographs you would like to add to this page, just give me your link location, and I'll try to do so, you may also e-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected] ...."


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Thought for the Day:" Where a man sows, there he reaps" Holy Bible: Gal 6:7

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