The Funnydex
Let me entertain you.

Here are some jokes:

How does it feel to be a Mercedes Baby Benz
Is that cow suffering BSE ? A detection method in PowerPoint.
If you don't have PowerPoint, here is the BSE-sound in MP3
A guide to what the opposite sex is saying.
Jokes about computers, windows, microsoft, and so on.
Upgrading you system.
Jokes and quotes about live.
100 reasons it's great to be a guy.
New Office Rules
The true story about time
A pilot's manual
A new element was discovered
20 Reasons Why A Normal Car Is A Far Superior Vehicle Than A F1 Car
20 Reasons why chocolat is bettet than sex
50 things to do in an elevator
The man who loved beans
How to treat floppy disks
Dirty Mind?
Telephone fun
Pondering thoughts
New traffic Signs


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