Youko tells Halu that it was because of Aki that he got released. Halu says that he knows because there wasn't any other way that Natsukawa would have withdrew the charges. Youko is surprised that Halu knows and yet does nothing about it.  Youko tells him that a woman would change herself for the man she loves, including the way she looks and thinks, trying to tell Halu that all Aki did was for him.

Aki is at the restaurant with Yamato and Yamato tells Aki that Halu is going to Canada for the NHL league.  Aki tries to brush away the fact that Halu is leaving.

Tomo and Chika looks up Natsukawa on behalf of Halu and Aki. Tomo puts up a very convincing argument first by asking Natsukawa why he left Aki for such a long time.  Either he really has the confidence or that Aki is not really that important to him.  Natsukawa replies that he believes in Aki. Tomo tells Natsukawa that he has underestimated his opponent and that he had never expected that Aki would fall for someone so different. Tomo then paints the picture of their future.  Even if they get married and have kids, Natsukawa will always have this thought at the back of his mind about Halu but he will never dare to ask Aki for fear of breaking up the family.  And for what purpose should he go through such a future, when he could easily have any other girl with his looks and brains.  However, probably not another girl would be stupid enough to fall for Halu and if possible, he would like for Natsukawa to give up Aki.  And if Natsukawa does so, Tomo would respect him.  Natsukawa leaves without giving a reply.

It is the Blue Scorpion's last match for the season and Halu's last match with the Blue Scorpions. He gives his last speech to the team and urges the team to have confidence for the next season because they have a good coach. And that Hyoudou-coach will be around for the coming years and even with his current condition and can't give direct instructions, they would still want him on the bench for them. Halu then promises that he will break through the Green Monster's defence. The match starts.

On the other hand, Aki meets Natsukawa for their wedding gown fitting session.

The Green Monsters score the first point and will go into defence mode now because they always win with just one point.  Yamato asks Hyoudou-coach to let him play and Yamato enters the game. Halu is unable to break through Yamamoto's guard as he reads all of Halu's moves.

At the fitting session, Natsukawa looks pensive and says, "What am I thinking?"

Hyoudou-coach sends Makoto into the game to assist Halu.

Natsukawa brings Aki to the church where they will be holding their wedding and Natsukawa suggests that they break off.

At the game, all the Blue Scorpions players are holding on to the Green Monster's players and Yamato goes forward to attack. Nobody had expected Yamato to be able to play and Yamato scores one point before falling down.

Natsukawa tells Aki that he has another girlfriend overseas and that he had no right to fault Aki and acted like he was betrayed. Natsukawa tells her that he doesn't understand her at all and had never loved her and it was because of his stubbornness that he wanted to go through with all these. He has realised it now and thus cannot marry her. Natsukawa then voices out Aki's thoughts that she was marrying him because she loved Halu and was willing to sacrifice herself for him and ask Aki to go back to Halu.

Back at the game, Yuri finally returns to Yamato's side now that she has realised money is not everything. In the rink, Halu takes a nasty fall and appears to hit his head as he falls onto the ice.  At this moment, Aki arrives at the game and sees him fall and rushes forward and shouts his name.  Halu seems to see the "Goddess of the ice" and his goddess is Aki. He slowly picks himself up and as he raises his head, he sees the real Aki among the spectators calling out to him and he wonders if he has really seen her. Suddenly he seems to go into a trance and starts to attack the Green Monster's goal and performs to a level which he has never before, bypassing all the defenders. Halu is unstoppable and scores despite the defence wall that the Green Monsters set up and goes 2-1 up against the Green Monsters as the time ends.

Halu is admitted to hospital for his injury and Hyoudou-coach visits him and hands him the ticket to Canada. It is obvious that Hyoudou-coach can't see and he asks Halu if he has seen the ice goddess.  Youko comes into the room and Halu pretends that she is the nurse and ask Hyoudou-coach about the letter that Anzai-coach sent to him and if there's anything else that Anzai asked him to take care of other than Halu.  Hyoudou reveals that Anzai did in fact ask him to take care of Youko and her son but he probably can't do so now in his current condition.  Halu then leaves the room and reveals to Hyoudou-coach that Youko is there in the room and tells him that everyone sees a different ice goddess. Youko tells Hyoudou that Anzai miscalculated one thing and that is Hyoudou is unable to take care of her. But she tells Hyoudou to let her take care of him instead.

At the hospital lobby, Aki shows up and Halu pretends to ask her for small change to get a drink. Aki tells Halu to have a good trip. Halu shakes her hand and pulls her in nearer and looks at her and tells her to take care. 

Inside his apartment, Halu is getting ready to leave for Canada.  Yamato tells him that Aki has called off her wedding. Halu says he has heard it from Tomo and Yamato ask if he has asked Aki to wait for him.  Halu says no and to leave it to fate. But before leaving the house, Halu looks at the lamp that Aki gave him and says I'll be back. And he brought the light-bulb with him.. the one that Aki wrote on.  Same as Halu, Yuri is asking Aki if she told Halu that she will wait for him. Aki says no and that she will go on with life like normal, not waiting but just to live life normally.

At the Blue Scorpions training room, Makoto gets a new jersey with Halu's number, Number 9. Tomo says that it was Halu's idea.

Aki resumes her life as normal as Halu gains success with the NHL's Vancouver Canucks and becomes famous. Aki has also taken up learning how to ice-skate on her own.

The team asks Hyoudou-coach why did Halu take the number 11 and he says that he doesn't know. Back at the house, Youko is packing Hyoudou's old clothes and comes across a Blue Scorpions jersey with his name and number 11.  

Halu returns to Japan after 3 years and goes to Face Off bar immediately and finds the whole team there. Halu appears on TV on an interview.  At a shop, Halu's cellmate sees him on TV and tells his boss that he knew Halu.  And his son is named Halu because of that Satonaka Halu he knew. Aki watches Halu's interview on TV and Halu reveals that the one of the strength that led him to succeeding abroad is knowing someone who is there for him, supporting him all the way.  The interviewer then asks him if that someone is his girlfriend.  Halu says that he cannot confirm that statement and the interviewer says that she heard from his teammates that he has a photo of a very special lady in his life and even has her photo in his locker. Halu says that is true and says that in fact, he brought it along with him today because he usually has it with him. The interviewer then asks him if he could show that to everyone. Aki switches her TV off as Halu takes the picture out. Aki goes to the skating rink that Halu brought her to on their first date and she can skate well now, not like the time she was there with Halu. As she was thinking to herself that it's all couples at the rink, she sees fireworks and gets distracted. Suddenly the whole skating rink becomes empty and a ice hockey puck hits her boots. Suddenly Halu appears in front of her.

Halu: You've become good at skating.

Aki: *getting over her shock at seeing Halu* Because I wanna join the NHL...

Halu: You'd better give up.

Aki: Why?

Halu: Don't think that there's a position for you..

Aki: *laughs* I'm shocked, seeing you here.. such a coincidence..

Halu: Coincidence?

Then, Halu hits the ice with his hockey stick and the whole Blue Scorpions team appear together with Yuri and Chika.

Halu then says that some rich fool booked the whole skating rink tonight. Tomo says that he should leave the word "fool" out and reminds him that it includes the fireworks too. Makoto ask him if he can show everyone today. He shows Aki the photo and it turns out to be the free photo she took at the bridal shop. Aki is shocked and Halu says, "Such a cute face. Everyone loved it at the interview." He then asks her if she knows the song about the four seasons. The songs goes that one who loves the autumn (Aki) has depth. He also says that he's going back next week and asks Aki if she will go with him although he doesn't know how long he will go for.  He adds that he knows there is no woman on this earth suitable for him, even though he has searched all over the world.. except for Aki. Aki is at a loss for words while Halu continues that if Aki is agreeable, they can sign a contract. Aki asks him if he tells this to every girl?  Halu says that's not possible and swears on his pride that it is only for her. Aki then smiles and says, "Ok, then". Tomo then signals for fireworks but nothing happens.  Aki who is now oblivious to the crowd, looks at Halu and says, "Maybe" .. Halu shakes his head with a smile and says, "No.. Must be." He then kisses Aki and the fireworks start. 

Surf, Aug 30, 2004.

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