In his detention cell, Halu is a picture of despair and discourage. Even when Youko visits him, he seems to have lost all hope because he has lost his "pride".  However, Youko tells him that there are still people out there who believes in him and hands him a letter from Yamato.

Back in his cell, Halu read the letter from Yamato. "Halu-san, what are you thinking of right now?  Still cracking those silly jokes?  I'm serious this time, I will definitely stand in the rink again. Even though I wanted to give up earlier on, even though it would take me at least a year to stand up and by then, my muscles would have deteriorated and probably cannot compete again...But I will not give up easily. You haven't forgot, have you? Didn't we go through the same thing in senior high? We got kicked out of the team, everything looked bleak. On the frozen lake, we wanted to have some fun only but we got more and more serious that we were having late night sessions after training. And Anzai-san found us. Did you think that was by chance? I'm thinking, perhaps he had been watching us train for a long time. Perhaps, people with strong determination attract people of the same nature. Perhaps it was fate. Thus, we still have chance. As long as we persevere on, we will have another chance.  Halu-san cannot do without ice hockey, and so can't I. Thus, we mustn't give up. If we give up now, there will be no meaning and we will be laughed at.  Maybe.. I will stand in the rink again with you.  Because I believe in myself and in you, Halu-san."

Halu finally snaps out of his misery after reading Yamato's letter and starts to train in his cell.

Back in the changing room, Tomo assumes the role of captain and instead of being his usual silly self, he is dead serious and urges the team to win even though they are now like a "weak Bambi" without Halu and Yamato in other teams' eyes.  No matter what it takes, they must win.

Hyoudou-coach and Saeko looks up Aki at her office. Hyoudou-coach requests Aki to ask her boyfriend to withdraw the charge against Halu.  Saeko adds that without Yamato and Halu, their team is in trouble.  Hyoudou-coach then adds that this is not for the team, but it is his own personal request and bows his head. Aki said that without your request, I would have done it anyway. Saeko is surprised that Hyoudou-coach would go to this extent of bowing his head.

Late at night, Halu is still training in his cell. His cell-mate is shocked and ask him to stop before he hurts himself. Halu turns around and insults him instead and asked him if he has ever been praised by anyone? And Halu tells him to stop running away.

At a restaurant, Aki asks Natsukawa to withdraw his charge against Halu and reassures Natsukawa that they are just pure colleagues and that she is pleading for him not because she has feelings for him but because she was asked by the team. Natsukawa says that it is her wish as well. Aki says that is true but it is because to Halu, hockey is everything.  Natsukawa then says that he will be letting them be together if he withdraws his charge and he has no wish of letting them be together. Aki then holds his hand and ask him to trust her.

In the detention cell, Halu's cellmate asks him why he was arrested. He tells Halu that he is going to be a father but he doesn't want to be because he does not know how to.  Halu then chides him and says that is an excuse and the real reason is that he's not ready to accept the responsibility even though his girlfriend is ready to.  He then asks Halu if he has a girlfriend.  Halu replies the same phrase that Aki used before. "You can say that I have one, you can also say that I don't have one."

Aki visits Yamato at the hospital and sees him bantering happily with Yuri. Yuri then asks Aki is she's worried about Halu and Aki replies that Halu will be fine...

Hyoudou-coach asks Youko to go on his behalf to meet the lawyers and pick up Halu. Youko is glad but puzzled at the suddenness of his release. Youko asks Hyoudou if he asked Aki to do something against her will because Halu won't agree with that.  Hyoudou says that Halu will accept it, because nothing is more important than the match.  Youko tells him that he is wrong to think that Halu is like him or Anzai because Halu is not.  Aki is more important to him because she is the one who saved him.

As Halu leaves his detention cell, ??? asks for his name and says that he will come cheer at his game next time. Halu goes to the hospital to see Yamato and catches him before he falls while trying to stand up. Yamato hangs on to Halu hugging him and and Halu tells him to stop.  Yamato says why and Halu jokes that relationships are not permitted within the team. But he allows Yamato to hug him for another 10 seconds.

Halu and Yamato watches the game from the stand and Halu says they will win. Then Tomo nearly gets into a fight with the opponent and get sent to the cool-offf area.  Halu gives him the V-sign and says "Peace Peace Peace", something that Tomo used on him before. Yamamoto then appears and insults the Blue Scorpions once again,  saying that this is the worse game he has ever seen. Yamamoto also reminds Halu that he knows all Halu's moves and Halu's anger ignites. As the Blue Scorpions win the game, the team celebrates with the 2 members on the stand and Yamato stands up on his own.

Halu thanks Hyoudou-coach for getting him out. Halu asks him if his previous offer regarding NHL still stands. Hyoudou-coach asks him if he can forget about relationships and tells him if he can breakthrough the Green Monster's defence, he can go.

At Face Off bar, Halu thanks the team and apologizes the team for causing trouble.  So the team has a "cleansing" ceremony for Halu, because he won't return to the team unless all of them forgive him.  Yamato wanted to join in the "cleansing ceremony" and Yuri was the first to give him a tight slap.

Aki asks Chika to accompany her to a dinner with Youko.  Aki announces that she is getting married to Natsukawa and assures them that it is her wish. Youko asks her if she can forget Halu and Aki says that there is no need to do so and she would want to keep the memories and sometimes think back on the memories like a photo that has turned sepia.. But probably, one photo will turn bright again during spring - "haru".

Halu sends Yamato home and wipes his wheelchair for him. Yamato asks him about Aki and Halu tells him not to mention her again. Halu says that he should have listened to Yamato's warning that love is not a game. And that even though it is hard to believe, hockey is more important to him than anything now and he has no time for anything else. Also, he believes that there is no woman in this world for him.  As he opens the door to leave, Aki is standing out there.  Aki says that she wanted to see if Yamato was back as she saw the lights on.  She hurriedly walks back to her own apartment but drops the key.  Halu picks it up for her. Aki tells him that she is getting married. Halu congratulates her and ask her to tell Natsukawa thanks for withdrawing the charge and adds that he almost ruined her happiness.. Aki butts in to say she thinks the same, that there is no woman in this world for him. Halu says oh you mean that.. Aki starts to tear and says that Halu is cunning and that he is not capable of love at all and closes the door behind her.  Halu looks at the closing door but unable to say anything until the door is closed.  "Probably", Halu says.. Yamato overhears the whole conversation.

Surf, Aug 29, 2004.

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