Bingley Run/Walk1: Micklethwaite /Morton
Four Miles
At the Three Rise Locks cross the canal on the bridge and take the path heading left in front of the old mill, now the Locks housing development.Go up Plevna Terrace to the junction with Hall Bank Drive. Turn left at the end of the drive where you meet Beck Lane and then go immediately right up the unnamed tarmac drive by the side of Dimple Beck. After a few metres there's a metal swing gate and a snicket heading uphill. Follow this all the way to Lady Lane, crossing a number of roads en route. The first of these, Gawthorpe Drive leads to the 17th century Gawthorpe Hall. When the path emerges near Greenhill Grange turn left and head down Green Hill Lane. Descend steeply and just before the road bends sharply left to become Sty Lane, take the footpath on the right that leads behind the house. An attractive green way, Wood Lane now leads to Micklethwaite passing Fairlady Farm
Turn left curving round through Micklethwaite until you see Beck Road heading right. Follow this round the houses until it forks. Bear right on the path leading down to Hebble Bridge over Morton Beck. Go up the side of the beck into Cliffe Mill Fold. Bear left into Hawthorne Way and take the stile into the fields.Follow the footpath to Morton Lane. Cross the Swing Bridge over the canal and head back to Bingley on the towpath..
Wood Lane
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