Buzztown Survey - November 1997

What do you look for in a barber shop?

How to participate in the survey

Simply answer the following questions. The survey will probably take you about five or ten minutes.

When you are done, click on the "Submit the Survey" button at the bottom of the survey.

Your survey answers are confidential and anonymous

The original survey form has been modified. Your email address will not be sent with the survey. Your responses are completely anonyous.

This survey is basically about men's haircuts. However, women are also welcome to participate. Are you:


1. How do you usually have your hair cut?

Very short (e.g., buzzcut/crewcut)
Short (e.g., ivy league/short taper)
Medium (e.g., businessman's cut)
Very long
Non-traditional/modern cut (e.g., bowl cut, skater cut, mohawk)

2. Where do you usually have your hair cut?

I usually have my hair cut at:

A barber shop
A chain or discount hair-cutting store
A hair salon
Somewhere unlicensed that is free (family or friend)
Somewhere unlicensed that charges a fee
I cut my own hair

With which of the following statements do you most agree?

I would only go to a men's shop
I prefer to go to a men's shop
It doesn't matter to me
I prefer a unisex shop
I would only go to a unisex shop

Do you try different barbers/hairdressers and different shops?

I like to try lots of different shops
I usually go to one barber shop, but I sometimes try different shops
I always (or nearly always) go to the same shop, but I don't mind which barber/stylist there cuts my hair
I have a regular barber/stylist who cuts my hair

Which of the following statements about your choice of professional do you agree with most?

I will only let a man cut my hair
I prefer for a man to cut my hair
I don't care if the person who cuts my hair is a man or a woman
I prefer for a woman to cut my hair
I will only let a woman cut my hair

3. How often do you get your hair cut?

I usually have my hair cut:

On a regular schedule (e.g., every two weeks, every four weeks, etc.)
When it doesn't look or behave right
When I have time
I like to get a lot of mileage out of one haircut

Approximately how long do you usually go between haircuts?

One week or less
One to two weeks
Three to four weeks
Five to six weeks
Longer than six weeks

4. When do you get your hair cut?

Do you prefer to make an appointment for a haircut, or just walk in?

Just walk in

When do you prefer to get your hair cut? (Select any that apply)

Friday evening
Friday night (after 6:00pm)
Saturday Morning
Saturday Afternoon
Weekday mornings
Weekday lunch time
Weekday early afternoon
Weekday late afternoon/early evening
Weekday night (after 6:00pm)
No preference

5. How long should a haircut take?

What is the minimum time that a haircut should take? minutes

What is the maximum time that a haircut should take? minutes

6. How much do you usually pay for your haircut?

I usually pay:

Amount: (excluding tip)

Currency if not US Dollars: (e.g., Canadian dollars, British pounds, etc.)

For where I live this price is:

Very expensive
Somewhat expensive
Somewhat inexpensive
Very inexpensive

If you tip the person who cuts your hair, how much do you usually tip?

Percentage: %

Have you ever changed the shop that you go to because of a price increase?


Have you ever gone to a new shop to use a discount coupon?


7. What do you look for in the place where you get your hair cut?

Please rate each of the following factors on their importance to you when you select where you get your hair cut. (select Essential, Highly Desirable, Somewhat Desirable, Not Important, or, where applicable, Not Desirable)

Essential Highly Desirable Somewhat Desirable Not Important Not Desirable
Convenient shop location
Extended shop hours (Sundays, Mondays, or nights)
Can make an appointment
Short waiting time
Barber/stylist gives a quick haircut
Barber/stylist takes plenty of time
Very high quality cutting
Reasonable price
Scalp massage
Coloring services
Perming or other similar services
Face shave
Willing to do extra-close clipper cutting
Willing to shave part of all of the head
Good at flattops
Barber/stylist offers advice, makes suggestions
Barber/stylist gives you a mirror so that you can check the back of the finished cut
Barber/stylist asks whether you like the finished cut and is happy to make adjustments
Age of barber/stylist
Age of other customers/clients
Shop decor
Shop cleanliness
Shop has TV/cable showing sports
Good barber shop conversation

8. What do you like and dislike about a barber shop or salon?

Is there anything else that you expect or want in a barber shop?

Are there any things that you really dislike about a barber shop?

Why did you change barber/stylist or shop/salon last time you made a change?

9. A couple of demographic questions

What is your age?

Under 20
Enjoying the second half of life (60+)
Would rather not say

Which state (U.S.), Province (Canada) or country do you live in?

Thank you for participating in the Buzztown Barber Shop survey. To send your survey answers to Buzztown, click on the "Submit the Survey" button below. Your answers will be sent to Buzztown. Your survey answers are completely anonymous. No information about you (such as your email address) is sent to Buzztown.

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