An Excellent Flattop Experience

Okay, ever since I first discovered  Buzztown, and  then Flattops on the Web, last summer,  I have wanted to get a flattop. The only problem was Every time I would be in a position to get one I would chicken out and go with "just a trim" which really annoyed me about myself I had short hair but it was really boring just a plain buzz and I was getting tired of it. About a month ago I had planned once and for all to overcome all my fears within myself and get a flattop. 

The four weeks went by rather fast. And when I woke up on the planned day the first thought that came to mind was "well, I guess it's today or never" I stayed in or on my bed for most of the day until about 12:30 when my mother had left for a night at Badin Lake (I just graduated high school)  I decided it was time. I got off my bed took a shower and got dressed. put on a pair of denim shorts a tee shirt and a pair of sneakers. Grabbed my Tarheels hat and sunglasses, it was a particularly hot day, and headed off toward the other end of town where the barbershops were.

I picked one of the busier shops, hoping to get to watch the barber work I chose Joe's Barber Shop, which happened to be the one shop I could not see into from the street and once I had parked the car and got out and made sure I had locked the door, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a picture I had gotten from Buzztown (Ultra-Flat Flattop) and I found that I was so nervous about this that my hand was shaking. I calmed myself down and went inside. I walked in and instantly the scent of a typical barber shop filled my nose. I looked and saw that there were two chairs and that the barbers were father and son. I instantaneously knew that I wanted the older one because he most likely had more experience. I sat and watched them both work. They both used only one primary tool, vacuum clippers. I found this rather strange and wondered if they had other clippers because I could remember when I was forced to get a flattop when I was twleve,  the clippers used were vacuum, and they gave me a headache.  But I noticed that these were rather quiet, I was pleased with that. So finally after about ten minutes it was my turn in the chair and it was the older barber. 

I walked over to him and showed him the picture and asked " Do you think my hair is long enough, and if my face is the right shape, that this style would work?" he looked at the picture briefly and said excitedly "oh, a flattop" He then looked at me and said "Sure, it'll look just fine" With him having said that I practically jumped into the chair. He continued to look at the picture and asked "Where did you get this picture?" and I said "This website where they show people who want to get their haircut short different styles  they can choose from, it's called Buzztown Barbershop". He looked at me and gave one of those looks as if to say  "I'll check that out then" he then grabbed one of those small tissue things and placed it  around my neck and then he fastened the cape on with a flourish. 

I watched every move he made.  The chair was turned to the side so I could watch what he did.  He reached for one of the shorter clipper attachments and then he reached for the clippers. He snapped the attachment on, I think it was 1/8th of an inch and as he turned on the clippers I took a deep breath as he began to shear away the sides of my grown out crewcut that I was getting so tired of. Since the clippers sucked up all of the cut hair I could not see just how much was lost, though I could tell it was short because where  the strips he had already cut it was much cooler. He worked his way around the back quickly clipping along. He would work all the way up almost to the top of the head at the crown.  He got to the other side and finished that part and then he took the attachment off and began to cut the bottom hairline shorter than the rest.(I've since found out this is tapering) I was a little worried about this at first, but only at first, because I figured he knew what he was doing.

He then shut off the clippers. I knew what was coming next. The barber, Joe, turned around and grabbed some hair gel and began to pull the remaining hair straight back. Once he had done this about four or five times he then picked up the hair dryer and blew it dry to make sure it stayed there he then picked up his flattop comb, and the clippers and began to level off the top and after he had gone all the way from the front to the back, I thought he was pretty much done, which worried me because it looked really goofy. But oh no, he leveled it off about three times bringing it down a little more each time. He clipped, combed, and blended for about five to ten minutes, to about 3/4 of an inch. After he had gotten it the way he thought I would like it, and I did, he took some more gel and the rough brush and used them both at the same time and once he had done this he turned the chair toward the mirror, and BOOM there it was my flattop and I instantly loved it and he knew this. He handed me the little mirror and I looked the whole cut over. It was great. He then used hot shaving cream and straight razor to clean up the stragglers. Now that was an experience. He removed the cape, I checked the mirror once more, paid Joe-and tipped him, and left the shop.

As I walked out, I had my hat in my hand and I went to put it on.  And I stopped myself I didn't want to hide my haircut. I loved it! I just tossed it in the car and left. I absolutely love the new me. I can tell already I will keep this haircut for a long time and I have to thank  Joe, and Joe's Barber Shop in Asheboro NC, and I must thank Buzztown Barbershop and Flattops On The Web for giving me the push, to get up the nerve to go through with it. Now I have to find a good barber down south. I moved to Alabama about a week after I got my flattop.

 Thanks for this detailed account of how you got the haircut you wanted.

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