Getting Buzzed Abroad

Hi from Canada,

I always loved short hair when I was a boy but got away from it--FAR away!--when I was in my twenties.  But every summer since 1980 and constantly now for four years I've had a good short crew cut.  (We call them brush cuts in Canada!)  Once a year I shave it completely.  My wife loves it.

Last year we spent the year living in India where I was teaching school.   Even with converted power, our home clippers put out so much torque that they literally shook the comb attachments to pieces.  The village barber shop was cheap but the quality, well... I ended up shaven for three months.     Then I discovered that the barber at the Oberoi Hotel in downtown Bangalore (where we lived) gave the best crew cut I've ever had.  He used scissors and a comb only!  It would take him only 3 minutes to get rid of a  month's growth.  And the price for this?  About US$4.00 including tip!

Just thought I'd like to share this info with any Asia-bound Buzztowners.

Thanks to the Canadian reader who wrote this.

If you have had any experiences getting a haircut in a foreign country - especially a country that has a very different culture than you are used to, why not send details to Buzztown?

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