Looking for a Barber

I'm on the lookout for a new barber since my regular retired about 12 months ago.

I first visited my old barber with my dad when I was about ten years old.  I'd had short hair cuts as a young kid but my mum let me grow it out (this was the late-70's).  One day I was out with my dad when we met an old friend of his.  His friend asked how old was the daughter? (He was referring to me!).  That was it -  the hair had to go.

Next day we visited my dad's barber, John.  When my turn came I heard my dad order the standard 'short back and sides' and I knew it was going to be short,  I just hadn't realized how short.  John never used any attachments on the clippers just the bare blade.  He ran those clippers straight up the top of my head, then either side a good 2 inches above my ears.  The top he used the clippers over a comb.

This became the standard haircut I kept until leaving home.  I still went to the same barber whenever I visited, but as I got older he allowed be more flexibility in how he'd cut my hair.  I always kept the back and sides short but left it a little longer on the top.

All this changed when John retired.  A woman took over his shop.  I tried her once but she couldn't get the back and sides like John did.  I've been visiting a number of barbers since but none of them have come up to Johns standard.  My problem is I'm not sure what to ask for.  Since my first trip to John he always new what to do.  I had the standard short back and sides, the top just needed a trim.

This has resulted in a few bad haircuts.  I told one guy that I wanted the back and sides short, he asked if I meant a number one?  I new John did'nt use attachments so I replied that he should use the bare clippers.  He did, all the way round the back and sides.  The top had a straight line around it.  So I said it needed blending in more.  This just meant taking the top higher and shorter.  In the end I told him it was fine.  Most other have been the same.  If you get a number one its straight up, no blending it in.

After visiting this site I may now have the answer.  I've seen pictures in the gallery of the taper. Theres a very short taper like I used to have mine and another from England that looks really good.   I'll try another barber and order a short taper and see how I get on.

Good luck to this British reader in his mission to find a good barber.

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