Once Upon a Time, 15 Years Ago

This story dates back about 15 years now when hair styles for men were long. I was no exception. I keep my hair long my entire life up until this point. I was only 18 year of age at the time. I had a doctors apointment that was clear across town. So, I took the bus. When I was through with the doctor, I noticed in the reflection of a car window parked that my hair was in need of a trim. I kept my hair long (about 4 to 5 inches long parted down the middle covering my ears and past my collar.) I always went to the same unisex hair salon in my neighborhood where they would cut maybe a half inch off, keeping it long.

This time, I decided to go to a  barbershop that was not in my neighborhood and have never been to. It was just a split second decision. The time was 5:50pm. The barberpole was still lit , so I assumed that they were still open. I entered the barbershop and noticed that there was what I thought a customer waiting for the barber to finish with the client he was dealing with at the moment. So, I just took a seat and waited.

The barber seemed annoyed as soon as I entered his shop.He locked the door and turned the sign around to the publice that said "close for business". When he was done with the man that was in the chair, he looked in my direction and said "next". I look to the guy that was sitting next to me think he was talking to him. It turns out that the guy sitting next to me was not waiting for a haircut,but was a friend of the barber. So I stood up and walked to the chair and sat down. He put the cap on me fast as if he was in a rush. He then told me that the next time I come in, I should get there earlier since they close at 6:00 PM. I told him that I could come back tomorrow,  he said no, that's ok. I then told him " just a trim, keep it long", he said ok. He started cutting my hair keeping it long, I thought this was great. He then asked me if I had ever been in his shop before. As a dope, I lied and said yes. I don't know why I felt it necessary to lie but I did. I told him that it was about 10 months ago. He said "You haven't had a haircut in 10 months" , I said yes even though this was not true. I would get my hair cut every month keeping it long.

Well, this is where the fun begains, he stop cutting my hair. He picked up a spray bottle with water in it and wet my entire head of hair.I thought nothing of it. Then, he picked up a section of my hair , put it between his fingers and cut about 4 inches off. In a rapid motion, he started doing this all over my head. I open my mouth and said" not too short now". He put his hand on my shoulder and said don't worry my friend, and continued to cut my hair short. If this wasn't enough, he dryed my hair and took out the clippers and tapered my hair around the sides. I don't know what happened. The haircut started off just fine. But when I lied and said that I was at his shop before and that I didn't have a haircut in 10 months, I guess he thought I kept my hair short. Well, when it was over, my hair was short. I still gave him a tip and just felt that I would have to deal with it. Remember, this was at a time (mid 80's ) when everyone wore there hair long. I have kept my hair short ever since. I even returned back to his shop and we talked about this experience.

So, I dedicate this story to Anthony's barbershop and would like to thank Anthony for bringing me to my senses.I can't believe I ever kept my hair as long as I did.

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