Just Above a Buzz

I have, in the last few years, always liked having my hair short. I tried many short haircuts, and always found that I would like to keep my short hair.

Well, I have found that since I have asked for a cut "just above a buzzcut", my hair has kept short.

It started last May, when I asked for a short haircut, above a buzz.  That was what I received, and everyone complimented me on my new haircut (it had been three monts since my last haircut).

Since then, I have had my hair trimmed "just above a buzz", and it looks great on me.

Thanks to the reader who sent in his experiences.  Wearing a style just longer than a buzzcut can suit many guys, especially if they want something very easy to maintain that looks good, but don't want a cut quite as short as a buzz.  It can also be a good option, for someone who has a head shape that doesn't really suit a short buzz.

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