The Day of Reckoning

My hair has always been the same.  I've kept it somewhat short on the back and sides and longer on the top, and I brush it straight back.  It's been easy upkeep, I just shower and run a brush through it and that's all I've ever done.

After I entered college three years ago, I started thinking maybe it was time for something different.  However, I couldn't think of anything I was bold enough to try.  I thought if I tried anything new, my friends would mock me.  About the only thing different I started doing was about two years ago I had the stylist at the barber shop across the street from campus use clippers on the back and sides instead of scissors like were used on top. 

About a year ago a friend of mine got a buzzcut and has never gone back to longer hair.  Meanwhile, I detested having to get my hair cut and only got it cut when I absolutely had to.  While my friend kept his hair very short, I'd let mine grow until I was absolutely sick of it and only cut it then.  I got to thinking a few months ago that it was time to make a change, and a buzzcut would be the way to go.  But would I have the guts to get it?

Unfortunately, I did not.  I thought about it and thought about it and probably just thought a little too much.  Everytime I got a haircut I found myself just asking for the same cut, while on the inside I was screaming at myself to get a buzz.  Finally, the perfect opportunity came. The spring semester ended this past week and I will be staying at school for the summer.  I realized this would be the absolute perfect time to get a buzz.  Few of my friends would be around to see me, and even for the ones who were around, they would be a good sounding board for me.  I mentioned the idea casually to several people to see what they thought and they all agreed with me: go for it.

Yesterday was the day of reckoning.  I walked down to the barber shop and waited.  During the entire trip there and the ensuing wait period I must've gone back and forth about a thousand times but when my name was finally called I knew this was the time.  I told her just "clip it short, a #3 on top and #2 on sides and back."  The barber agreed that this was the way to go; after all, it had become quite hot in Florida and it had been two months since my last haircut.  The clippers came to life and the barber asked if I was ready.  I said yes and she plowed a strip right down the middle of my head.  I was shellshocked for about a split second but as I looked in the mirror I realized it would be great.  The barber sensed this was a new experience for me and asked if this was my first buzz. When I said yes she said that all guys needed to get a buzz at least once in their life as a sort of rite-of-passage type thing.  She continued to clip and the hair flew, and I loved every minute of it.  When all was done I finally had a buzzcut.  I paid the barber and probably gave her the biggest tip she got all day, not only for the great cut but also for stroking my ego.

I think the buzz is absolutely wonderful.  I love the feel of it, both in the shower and while walking around campus when it's windy.  Only one of my friends is around right now and he thinks it looks great.  I can't wait for the reaction when the others return.  I'm definitely keeping it like this for now, although before I go home at the end of June I will probably grow it out again.  Keeping it short around friends is one thing, but around the parents is still something different.  Come fall I am definitely buzzing once again, probably going shorter, and perhaps by that time I'll be ready to keep it clipped for quite some time.  But for now, I'm enjoying the buzz and the freedom it gives me for all it's worth.

 Thanks to Gus for writing this detailed account of his experience
about how he conquered a fear.

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